
chū kǒu xiàn zhì
  • export restrictions
  1. 欧盟的官员们说,中国的出口限制导致原材料价格上涨,让中国公司有了显而易见的商业优势,实际上,这构成了暗补。

    European officials say the export restrictions increased the global price for the raw materials , and gave Chinese companies a clear commercial advantage which , in effect , constitutes a hidden subsidy .

  2. 据路透社(Reuters)周末报道,美国商务部(USDepartmentofCommerce)将对该公司实施出口限制措施。

    Reuters reported at the weekend that the US Department of Commerce was set to place export restrictions on the company .

  3. 上周,世界贸易组织(WTO)的一个专家小组裁定,中国对其它一些原材料(如铝土矿和锌)的出口限制违规。

    Last week a World Trade Organisation panel ruled against Chinese export restrictions on other raw materials , such as bauxite and zinc .

  4. 我们在了解WTO关于出口限制的规定后,有必要认识其他国家的相关法律与实践。

    It is necessary China studies laws and practices of other countries , as well as improving knowledge of the WTO provisions on export restrictions .

  5. 美国、欧盟和墨西哥已经要求世界贸易组织(WTO)成立一个争端解决小组,调查中国对特种工业原材料的出口限制。

    The US , European Union and Mexico have asked for a World Trade Organisation dispute panel to investigate Chinese restrictions on exports of specialised raw materials used in industry .

  6. 我国在加入WTO之后,因出口限制减小而对某些国家的某些产业造成威胁,因而我国也是绿色壁垒最大的受害国之一。

    Export limitation was smaller after our country taking part in WTO and thread some industry in certain countries , as a result we became one of the most serious victims .

  7. 美国贸易官员即将向世界贸易组织(WTO)提出申诉,质疑中国对钢铁生产及其它行业原材料的出口限制。

    US trade officials are close to filing a case against China at the World Trade Organisation challenging export restrictions on raw materials used in steel - making and other industries .

  8. GATT,TRIMS等文件中,都有涉及出口限制措施的规定。

    There are provisions related to export restrictions in GATT , TRIMS and other documents .

  9. 按照WTO规则,数量限制措施是被普遍禁止的,但是,在例外情形下,成员方的出口限制措施也是被允许的。

    WTO rules contain " rules of general crimination of quantitative restrictions " . However , under some exceptional circumstances members of WTO can be allowed to take measures on export restriction .

  10. 此外,商业测试系统由于加密算法出口限制,无法全面支持的IPsec协议,也在本系统中得到全面的支持。

    And it also supports IPsec which is hard to be find in commercial products due to the encryption algorithm export ban .

  11. 在两年一次的中国贸易政策评估中,WTO的批评延伸至出口限制这一政治上敏感的领域。在这一问题上,中国与其最大的贸易伙伴持续存在贸易纠纷。

    In its biennial review of Beijing 's trade policy , the WTO 's criticism ventured on to the politically sensitive area of export curbs , the subject of ongoing trade disputes with China 's largest trading partners .

  12. 无论出于何种理由,出口限制往往会减少目标产品的出口量,将供应转向国内市场,对这些产品的国内价格构成下行压力,WTO报告表示。

    Export restraints for whatever reason tend to reduce export volumes of the targeted products and divert supplies to the domestic market , leading to a downward pressure on the domestic prices of these products , the WTO said .

  13. 2005年1月1日,WTO成员的纺织品和服装配额全部被取消,但这并不意味着成员国对我国纺织品和服装的出口限制会完全取消。

    On January 1 , 2005 , the WTO members ' textile and the clothing quota were cancelled completely , but this did not mean that from 2005 , the members can export and import textile and clothing without limit .

  14. 此外,在加入之日后,只有在被GATT规定证明为合理的情况下,才实行出口限制和许可程序。

    Moreover , export restrictions and licensing would only be applied , after the date of accession , in those cases where this was justified by GATT provisions .

  15. 中国相关原材料出口限制措施案(DS395)是涉及中国WTO争端解决的一个最受关注的新近案例。

    Concerning WTO dispute settlement of China , the new case of China & Measures Related to the Exportation of Various Raw Materials ( DS395 ), attracts the most attention .

  16. 美国和欧盟已就中国对铝钒土、金属硅和焦炭等多种原材料使用出口限制,向WTO提交申诉。它们称,这些限制违反了中国加入WTO时的承诺。

    The US and the European Union have a WTO case pending against China for the use of export restraints on a variety of raw materials , including bauxite , silicon metal and coke , which they say are contrary to the commitments China made when joining the WTO .

  17. 因为OpenBSD项目是在加拿大进行的,所以其中应用的加密技术不受美国的出口限制,这使得该分发版可以充分利用各种现代的加密算法。

    Because the OpenBSD project is based in Canada , no United States export restrictions on cryptography apply , allowing the distribution to make full use of modern algorithms for encryption .

  18. 了解欧盟调查情况的人士表示,欧盟委员会正在调查Gazprom是否在供应合同中加入了出口限制条款,以防止一个欧盟国家的客户把多余的天然气出售给其他欧盟国家。

    According to people familiar with the investigation , the commission is probing whether Gazprom used export restrictions in its contracts to prevent customers in one EU country from selling excess gas supplies to another .

  19. 埃克森美孚负责企业战略规划的副总裁比尔•科尔顿(BillColton)表示,从经济逻辑来看,美国将在今后几年放开原油出口限制,因为如果美国政府阻止这些出口销售,就会抑制北美产量的增长。

    Bill Colton , vice-president of strategic planning , said economic logic pointed to US crude exports being liberalised in the next few years , and if the government blocked those sales it would hold back growth of North American production .

  20. 出口限制,包括自愿出口限制和有序销售安排

    Export restrictions , including voluntary export restraints and orderly marketing arrangements

  21. 然而中国官员反驳说,华盛顿的出口限制措施才是这个问题的关键所在。

    Chinese officials have argued Washington 's restrictions are the problem .

  22. 外交官员表示,这种政府间合同可以绕过那些出口限制。

    The government-to-government contracts could bypass those restrictions , diplomats say .

  23. 中国于2009年首次实行出口限制。

    Beijing 's export restriction was first introduced in 2009 .

  24. 日本深受中国稀土出口限制的影响。

    Japan has been hard hit by the export curbs .

  25. 但乌克兰和哈萨克斯坦也施行了非正式的出口限制。

    But there are informal restrictions on exports from Ukraine and Kazakhstan .

  26. 从欧、日汽车贸易战看自动出口限制的作用

    The Function of Voluntary Export Restrains in Europe & Japan Auto Trade War

  27. 欧盟官员表示,他们支持环保监管,但认为这不应通过出口限制来实现。

    EU officials say they support environmental regulation but not through export restrictions .

  28. 从经济学角度讲,实施出口限制并不可取。

    From an economic perspective , there is little to recommend export restrictions .

  29. 出口限制(向货物贸易理事会作出通知)

    Export Restrictions ( to be notified to the Council for Trade in Goods )

  30. 粮食出口限制加剧了粮价动荡。

    Export restrictions make food price volatility worse .