
  • 网络FOB;the export trade
  1. WTO框架下中国蔬菜出口贸易研究

    Study on Chinese Vegetables Export Trade Within the Framework of WTO

  2. WTO后过渡期黑龙江省农产品出口贸易问题研究

    Study on the Agricultural Export Trade of Heilongjiang Province at Post-WTO Transitional Period

  3. 然后运用CMS模型分析加入WTO出口贸易变化的原因。

    Then it analyses the causes of the changes using the CMS model .

  4. FDI和出口贸易对中国地区经济增长影响差异研究

    The Research on Disparities of Foreign Direct Investment Export Trade Affecting Regional Economy Growth in China

  5. 出口贸易能带来FDI的流入吗?&基于浙江省经济发展的实证分析

    Can Export Trade Bring the Inflow of FDI ? & An Empirical Analysis on the Development in Zhejiang

  6. 中国木质家具出口贸易波动成因分析&基于CMS模型的国际比较

    Chinese Wood Furniture Exports Fluctuations Analysis & International comparison based on the CMS model

  7. 我国作为世界最大的外商直接投资(FDI)引资国,FDI对我国出口贸易的影响凸显。

    FDI exerts an ever-increasing influence on the export trade of China , which attracts the largest amount of FDI in the world .

  8. 研究结果表明:国际产业转移中FDI有助于降低能耗,出口贸易有助于增加能耗。

    The finding indicated that among the International industrial transfer , FDI will be helpful to reduce energy consumption while Export trade will increase it .

  9. 改革开放以来,对华外商直接投资(FDI)逐年递增,这对我国出口贸易的发展和经济增长产生了重要的影响。

    Foreign direct investment ( FDI ) is increased year by year since reform of China , and it important affected Chinese exports performance and economic growth .

  10. 为了深入理解入世以来中国生丝出口贸易的现状并对出口贸易总额波动进行合理的解释,分析了中国加入WTO以后影响生丝出口的诸多因素。

    In order to deeply understand the reality of the raw silk export of China and explain the fluctuation of the export , the paper analyzes the influencing elements of raw silk export after entering WTO .

  11. 特别是我国加入WTO以后,被污染的农产品很难在国际市场的竞争中获胜,进而影响到出口贸易和区域经济的发展。

    Especially after WTO entry of China , it is very difficult for the polluted farming products to win in the competition of international market , and it further influences the development of export trade and regional economy .

  12. 基于1982-2003年对外直接投资与出口贸易的时间序列数据,采用向量自回归(VAR)模型方法,实证分析对外直接投资对出口贸易的影响。

    This paper examines the relationship between outward foreign direct investment ( OFDI ) and exports from China during the period of 1982-2003 by employing a vector autoregressive ( VAR ) system .

  13. 其次,运用恒定市场份额模型(CMS模型)研究影响欧盟柑橘进口变化的因素,并分析这些因素是如何影响中国对欧盟柑橘出口贸易的。

    Then , applying the Constant Market Share Model , the paper tries to find out factors influencing EU citrus importing , and how those factors affect Sino-EU citrus trade .

  14. 中国对外贸易优势的研究要么结合国际直接投资,要么分析中国出口贸易的RCA指标。

    Studies on the comparative advantage of Chinese foreign trade have either integrated foreign direct investment , or have analyzed RCA index of Chinese export trade .

  15. FDI对江苏出口贸易的增长、出口贸易结构逐步优化起到了决定性的作用,在总体上提高了江苏的出口竞争力。

    At last , it concludes the following : 1 . FDI plays a decisive role in improving JiangSu 's export oriented business and gradually optimizing the structure of export trade , which generally enhances the competitive ability of export .

  16. 加强对出口贸易的环境外部性成本研究是落实和完善我国绿色GDP核算体系、促进外贸企业转型升级、实现出口贸易的健康稳定发展的迫切需要。

    Strengthen the export costs of environmental externalities is to implement and improve our green GDP accounting system , to promote transformation and upgrading of foreign trade enterprises , export and trade , the urgent need for healthy and stable development .

  17. 但近些年中国引资促经济发展的问题也开始显现出来,如何合理地引进和利用FDI并促使其对出口贸易结构优化升级产生一定的积极影响是我们面临的现实问题。

    However , problems in attracting investment to promote economic development in China have begun to emerge in recent years , the real problems we face are how to introduce and use FDI to promote optimization and upgrading of export trade structure .

  18. SA8000对我国出口贸易带来巨大的挑战,基于价值工程的现代管理技术的应用,是应对这个蓝色贸易壁垒的有效途径。

    Tht SA8000 becomes Blue Trade Barrier , a great challenge to Chinese foreign trade . Based on Value Engineering , the application of modern managerial techniques is an effective solution to this .

  19. 本文运用新型的多元统计数据分析方法&偏最小二乘(PLS)回归方法,分析了影响出口贸易的相关因素及其影响程度,为我国对外贸易政策的制订提供了有益的定量依据。

    This paper analyzes the impact factors of exports in China , by applying a new method-Partial Least-Squares ( PLS ) Regression and the conclusion can offer beneficial quantitative basis to work out the foreign trade polices in China .

  20. 基于CMS模型的分析的结果是,20世纪90年代以来,世界食物消费需求在推动我国食物出口贸易增长方面起着重要作用,但在不同时段,其作用大小有变化。

    The results of the analysis based on CMS models is that since the 1990s , the food consumption demand growth of the world plays an important role in promoting our country 's food export trade , but in different time , the role changes in size .

  21. 绿色包装对浙江省出口贸易的影响及其对策

    Influence of Green Package on Zhejiang Province Export Trade & Countermeasures

  22. 针对实证分析结果,最后提出发展广西出口贸易水平的针对性建议。

    According to the empirical results , finally it proposes countermeasures .

  23. 利率调整对我国出口贸易的影响

    The Influence of Interest Rate Adjustment on Export of Our Country

  24. 出口贸易影响经济增长机制的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of the Mechanism of Export Influencing Economic Growth

  25. 新疆地区经济增长与出口贸易总额的协整分析

    Cointegration and Causality Between Exports and Economic Growth in Xinjiang Region

  26. 我国出口贸易影响经济增长的路径研究

    Effect Path Study of Export on the Economic Growth in China

  27. 关于出口贸易的交易条件

    Some problems relating to the terms of transaction for export

  28. 出口贸易对地区经济增长贡献的模型分析

    Model Analysis on Exports Trade Contribution to Regional Economic Growth

  29. 当前我国出口贸易的问题和对策

    China 's Current Export Trade : Problems and Their Counter-Measures

  30. 我国出口贸易对经济增长促进作用的传导机制研究

    The Analysis on the Mechanics of Export 's Contribution to Economics Growth