
chū kǒu ɡuǎn zhì
  • export control
  1. 文件称,该公司聘用了“德州仪器(TexasInstruments)的资深出口管制合规专员”及一名“熟悉美国相关法律的美国华人律师”。

    It says that the company recruited one " senior export control compliance specialist from Texas Instruments " and a " Chinese-American attorney who is familiar with the related laws in the U.S. "

  2. 同时,美国长期对中国出口管制,也是对WTO协定有关安全例外条款的滥用,降低了争端解决机构的权威,破坏了自由贸易体制的健康运行。

    Meanwhile , the long-term US export control on China also embodied the misuse of the clause of Security Exceptions in GATT 1994 , which defied the authority of the Dispute Settlement Body ( DSB ), spoiled free trading system .

  3. 美国政府发布了一份实体名单,称为出口管制黑名单(DeniedPartiesList,DPL),不允许美国公司与其中的实体开展任何形式的业务。

    The U.S.government has published a list of entities , called Denied Parties List ( DPL ) with whom U.S.companies are not allowed to conduct business of any kind .

  4. EVS的基于服务的可重用性降低了与为多个应用程序构建冗余出口管制功能相关的开发和维护成本。

    EVS 's service-based reusability decreases the cost associated with the development and maintenance of building redundant export control functions for multiple applications .

  5. 中兴通讯(ZTE)股票昨日在香港和深圳停牌,此前有消息称,美国方面正在调查这家中国第二大电信设备制造商是否违反了美国针对伊朗的出口管制。

    Trading of shares in ZTE was suspended in Hong Kong and Shenzhen yesterday after news of a US investigation into whether China 's second-largest telecommunications equipment maker violated US controls on exports to Iran .

  6. UTC至少会被处以总计5500万美元的罚款和没收,如果联邦政府官员不能确信它充分收紧了出口管制流程,罚款金额可能高达7500万美元。

    The fines and forfeitures levied will total at least $ 55m and possibly as much as $ 75m if federal officials are unconvinced that UTC has tightened export controls sufficiently .

  7. 其中一家还表示愿意帮助买家规避出口管制。

    One also expressed willingness to help avoid export controls .

  8. 我国应对技术强国贸易出口管制的策略研究

    Study on China Strategy to Deal with Trade Export Control by Developed Countries

  9. 1988年,美国国会禁止了单方面的国家安全出口管制。

    In 1988 , the US Congress banned unilateral national security export controls .

  10. 美国对中国出口管制是双边贸易平衡的主要障碍

    US Export Control Against China & a Major Obstacle for Bilateral Trade Balance

  11. 基于美国出口管制视角的中美贸易失衡问题研究

    A Research into Sino-US Trade Imbalance Based on the Perspective of US Export Control

  12. 在清单的控制范围方面,我们的《核出口管制清单》与《核两用品及相关技术出口管制清单》覆盖了?

    Export controls in nuclear , biological , chemical , missile and other fields .

  13. 出口管制与高技术国际转让

    International Transfer of High Technology and Export Control

  14. 出口管制政策能保持美国的技术领先优势吗?

    Can export regulation policy win the competition edge of American high technology sector ?

  15. 规模经济效应影响出口管制政策的理论分析

    A Theoretical Analysis of the Effect of Economy of Scale on Security-Based Export Control Policies

  16. 三是加强国际磋商与合作,敦促放宽对华出口管制。

    Strengthen international consultation and cooperation , and urge relaxation of export control against China .

  17. 多年来,美国对中国采取岐视性出口管制政策。

    The United States has adopted discriminatory export control policies towards China for many years .

  18. 联合国出口管制统筹委员会

    United Nations Coordination Committee on Export Control

  19. 由于美国政府严格的出口管制,众多美国公司正常的对华贸易活动难以开展。

    But the US Government 's strict export control has forestalled normal business with China .

  20. 修订纺织品出口管制制度

    Redevelopment of Textile Export Control System

  21. 同时为弥补国际条约的不足,国际社会逐渐形成了出口管制多边协调的非正式机制。

    International society form multilateral informal regime for export control make up insufficiency of those treaties .

  22. 美国对华出口管制与美对华贸易逆差:实质与对策

    The USA Technology Export Control to China and the Adverse Balance of Trade : Essence and Proposals

  23. 技术出口管制,表面上看是一个经济问题,实质上是一个政治问题、安全问题。

    Technology export control which seems like an economic issue is actually a political and security issue .

  24. 其他在Alibaba.com网站上推销军民两用商品的中国厂商也表示,出口管制根本不成问题。

    Other Chinese factories manufacturing dual-use goods advertised on Alibaba.com said export controls were not an issue .

  25. 《关贸总协定》第二十一条关于安全的例外也常被引用,作为出口管制法律域外效力的依据。

    Security exception in article 21 is used as a base for extraterritoriality of export control acts .

  26. 中国出口管制面临最大的问题是《中华人民共和国对外贸易法》第16条与GATT/WTO规则存在冲突,因而需要修改。

    The biggest problem of China is that there are conflicts between foreign trade law of PRC and GATT .

  27. 所以,研究美国对华技术出口管制制度无论是在经济上或者是在政治上都具有重要的意义。

    So , the research on the policy of the US technology export control is significant either economic or political .

  28. 制度部负责实施纺织品出口管制制度并协调有关政策,以及处理产地来源签证等事宜。

    The Systems Division looks after the implementation and policy co-ordination of the textiles export control system and origin certification .

  29. 出口管制政策也得到了强化和精简,以求一方面保护我们的国家安全,另一方面提升美国的竞争力。

    Export control policies have also been strengthened and streamlined , both to protect our national security and advance US competitiveness .

  30. 中国的旱灾、巴基斯坦的水灾,再加上印度的出口管制全球棉花短缺的原因。

    A drought in China , floods in Pakistan and export controls in India are causing a global shortage of cotton .