
chū kǒu bǔ tiē
  • export subsidy/subsidies
  1. 美国想大幅度削减欧洲农业出口补贴,但此举遭到了抵制。

    The US wants big cuts in European agricultural export subsidies , but this is meeting resistance .

  2. WTO出口补贴法律问题研究

    Study on the Legal Issues of Export Subsidies in WTO

  3. 然而,WTO称越南关键的承诺包括:取消农产品出口补贴;

    However , the WTO says key commitments include : eliminating agricultural export subsidies ;

  4. 本文从WTO《补贴与反补贴措施协议》出发,对出口补贴涉及的相关法律问题加以研究,并为中国应对反补贴调查提出建议。

    This Article researched on the legal problems concerning anti-subsidiary , and proposed several suggestions on them .

  5. 而且,加入WTO后,将取消农产品的出口补贴,玉米出口也可能会受阻。

    With China 's accession to the WTO , export subsidy will be cancelled and the maize export will suffocate .

  6. 所以,本文对WTO规制下的出口补贴的研究,也主要围绕着该协定展开。

    Therefore , the study of this thesis on export subsidies regulated by WTO is also mainly conducted around the agreement .

  7. WTO现仍在执行的乌拉圭回合《农业协议》,对国内支持和出口补贴削减的限制方面存在相当的局限性。

    WTO is still implementing " Agriculture Agreement " which is completed in Uruguay Round to require the reduction of domestic support and export subsidies .

  8. 具有讽刺意味的是,WTO对出口补贴和进口关税都分别加以惩处,却对低估汇率这种致命的组合置之不理。

    The irony is that export subsidies and import tariffs are individually disciplined in the WTO but their lethal combination in an undervalued exchange rate is not .

  9. 其中包括:欧盟(EU)宣布对农产品施行新的出口补贴;中国和印度加大出口退税力度。

    These include new export subsidies announced by the European Union for farm products ; and tax rebates for exporters pushed by China and India .

  10. 对此,中国代表确认,所有在中国的实体均依照中国的wto义务经营,包括关于出口补贴的义务。

    In response , the representative of China confirmed that all entities in China would operate in accordance with China 's WTO obligations , including those on export subsidies .

  11. 研究出口补贴的认定问题无论对于确保一国政府的政策与WTO协议一致,还是避免滥用反补贴措施都有重要意义。

    Study on determination of export subsidies has a great significance , both on ensuring a government 's policies compatible with WTO Agreements and on avoiding an abuse of countervailing measures .

  12. 在加入WTO谈判中,我国承诺扩大农产品市场开放程度,降低关税,逐步取消非关税壁垒和粮食出口补贴等。

    In the negotiation of joining WTO , China promised to enlarge the market of farm products , reduce the tariff and cancel non-tariff barrier and allowance of foodstuff export step by step .

  13. 乌拉圭回合产生的《农业协议》确立了以市场准入、出口补贴、国内支持三大支柱为核心的贸易规则,将农产品贸易纳入了WTO的法律框架之内。

    The Agricultural Agreement of WTO established in Uruguay Round that set up a trade regulation focused on market access , export subsidy and domestic support . It makes agricultural products trade involved in WTO legal frame .

  14. 一方面,出口补贴有违自由贸易精神,被推定为具有贸易扭曲性,WTO成员在《补贴与反补贴措施协议》中对其使用作出了禁止;

    On one hand , export subsidies run contrary to the spirit of free trade and are assumed to be trade distorting . Thus , the WTO members have agreed to ban their use in Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures .

  15. 美国即将在世界贸易组织(wto)对中国提起申诉,矛头指向中国面向汽车和汽车部件的出口补贴,美国宣称,此类补贴导致美国制造商陷于竞争劣势,迫使它们把生产转移到海外。

    The US is to launch a case at the world trade organisation against China over its export subsidies on cars and car parts , alleging that they are putting American manufacturers at a competitive disadvantage and forcing them to shift production overseas .

  16. 在上月的国会证词中,该研究所主任弗雷德•伯格斯滕(FredBergsten)呼吁美国制定新策略,并建议其中包括向世贸组织(WTO)申诉,控告中国干预汇率,以此作为一项出口补贴。

    In congressional testimony last month its director , Fred Bergsten , called for a new US strategy and recommended that this include a complaint at the World Trade Organisation against China 's currency intervention as an export subsidy .

  17. 世贸组织发现,德国、英国和西班牙为这种全球最大的客机提供的资金,相当于被禁止的出口补贴,这促使空客的美国竞争对手波音(Boeing)呼吁前者立即偿还或重组40亿美元贷款。

    The WTO found funding from Germany , the UK and Spain for the world 's largest passenger aircraft amounted to prohibited export subsidies , prompting Boeing , Airbus 's US rival , to call for $ 4bn in loans to be repaid or restructured without delay .

  18. 这个项目由美国贸易代表大使SusanSchwab领导,他们表达了对中国补贴问题的担忧,尤其是出口补贴和我们认为中国需要的补贴,比如,中国公司需要消费国内的货物而不应该进口货物。

    This is one item that was led by US trade representative ambassador Susan Schwab addressing concerns that we have with respect to Chinese subsidies , particularly export subsidies and subsidies we would say that you need to ... that a Chinese company would need to import domestic goods as opposed to imported goods .

  19. 禁止性补贴包括出口补贴和替代性补贴两种。

    The prohibited subsidy includes the exporting subsidy and substitute subsidy .

  20. 对污染工业的出口补贴已经逐步停止。

    Export subsidies for polluting industries have been phased out .

  21. 其中,制作补贴属于产业政策,进口配额和出口补贴效应属于贸易政策。

    These policies include production subsidy , import quota and export subsidy .

  22. 出口补贴、免税和优惠性出口融资

    Export subsidies , tax exemptions and concessionary export financing

  23. 附件3关于确定替代退税制度为出口补贴的准则

    Annex III guidelines in the determination of substitution drawback systems as export subsidies

  24. 第10条防止规避出口补贴承诺

    Article 10 Prevention of Circumvention of Export Subsidy Commitments

  25. 多哈农业谈判:取消出口补贴的影响分析

    Agricultural Negotiations in Doha : an Analysis of the Impact of Canceling Export Subsidies

  26. 人民币长期蓄意被低估的功效,完全等同于进口关税加上出口补贴。

    Persistent , deliberate undervaluation works exactly like import tariffs combined with export subsidies .

  27. 附件1出口补贴例示清单

    Annex I illustrative list of export subsidies

  28. 贸易保护背景下的农产品出口补贴对我国农产品贸易的影响分析

    Under Trade Protection Impact Analysis Agricultural Export Subsidies to Agricultural Products of China 's Trade

  29. 欧盟宣布对黄油、奶酪和奶粉实行新的出口补贴。

    The EU announced new export subsidies on butter , cheese , and milk powder .

  30. 由于入世后,中国取消玉米出口补贴,实行关税配额制度,粮食进口量将增大。

    After joining WTO , China cancel the subsidy of corn export and practise tariff-quota system .