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  1. 试论太阳房在我国的发展前景

    The prospects for the development of solar houses in China

  2. 笔者认为应该把高校周转房纳入我国公共租赁住房的范畴。

    I believe that the college turnover house should fit into the areas of public rental housing .

  3. 商品房是我国现阶段出现的一个特有概念,它是随着商品经济的出现而产生的。

    Commercial housing is a unique concept in our present , it is with the emergence of a commodity economy .

  4. 目前,小产权房在我国尚未被合法化,但是小产权房的出现却具有深厚的经济渊源和社会渊源。

    At present , the " Small Property Right House " in our country have not yet to be legalized , but the " Small Property Right House " appeared has the deep economic origin and social origin .

  5. 房地产作为我国的支柱产业,从1998年到2007年其开发投资对GDP的直接贡献率平均为9.15%,并带动着较多相关产业的发展。

    As a pillar industry in china , real estate drives forward the development of more related industry .

  6. 而房地产作为我国国民经济的支柱产业,与经济的增长的关联性很大。银行信贷对房地产价格的影响可以通过托宾q效应和财富效应传导给实体经济。

    While real estate is the pillar industry of national economy , it can affect the economy significantly through Tobin ' q effect and wealth effect .

  7. 房地产是我国经济发展的重要产业。伴随着我国经济的发展,我国也出现了一大批房地产企业。

    The real estate is an important industry in China s economic development .

  8. 以房养老在我国推行的可行性分析

    The Feasibility Analysis of Houses-for-pension In Our Country

  9. 商品房预售在我国业已成为与商品房现售并存的房屋销售的两种方式之一。

    Pre-paid commercial house and livable house selling has become the two major methods in china .

  10. 公共租赁房是当前我国提出的一项针对中低收入者的住房保障计划。

    Public rental housing is a protection scheme putting forward for the low-income currently in China .

  11. 经济适用房政策是我国当前解决中低收入阶层住房问题的主要方式。

    Economic house policy is the main solution of the housing problem of mid-low-income class in china .

  12. 小产权房突破了我国现行土地法律制度,成为公认的违法产物。

    Partial property house breaches our current legal system of land , so it is looked as illegal real estate .

  13. 浅析以房养老在我国的发展及运行中的政府作用

    The Brief Analysis of the Government Function for " Cares for the Old-age by Housing " in Chinese Developing and Operating

  14. 房地产作为我国的经济增长点和国民经济的支柱产业,近年来得到迅猛的发展。

    As the economic growth and the pillar industry of national economy real estate has been developing rapidly in recent years .

  15. 从小产权房现象看我国住房保障出路房产产权产籍系统中数据缓存的应用

    Houses with Incomplete Property Right and the Housing Security Problem in China Application of data cache in real estate registration management system

  16. 金融的有效支持使得房地产成为我国国民经济新的增长点和主导产业之一。

    Under the effective support of finance , the real estate has become the new national economy increasing point and one of main industry in our country .

  17. 房地产在我国大约经过二十多年的发展,逐渐成长为重要的支柱产业,在我国国民经济发展中起着举足轻重的作用。

    After twenty years of development , real estate industry plays a critical role and has gradually becomes the most important pillars of our national economic development .

  18. 小产权房出现于我国上世纪末,近几年来愈演愈烈,成为人们所关注的热点问题。

    Small property house in our country appeared at the end of the last century , and it is becoming popular recently , turning into a hot issue of concern .

  19. 房地产作为我国国民经济发展的重要产业,其发展对于整个国家的经济发展乃至社会的稳定都有重要的影响。

    Real-estate industry , as one of the pillar industries for our national economy , has a major impact on economic development of the whole country as well as social stability .

  20. 海口大量的积压房地产为我国国有商业银行带来了巨额不良贷款,海口积压房地产处置是一个全国性的金融课题。

    Haikou , China 's large backlog of real estate for a huge sum of non-performing loans of state-owned commercial banks , real estate disposal is a national backlog of Haikou financial topics .

  21. 当前房地产作为我国经济社会发展最迅猛的产业之一,正走出最初的粗放型模式,朝着集团化、规范化、产业化的目标发展;

    At the present , the real estate is developing from the unrefined model to the goals of collectivization , modelization and industrialization , which has played a very important role in the rapid development of whole society .