
  • 网络Real estate prices;acquisition price;REALP;LNHP;HPit
  1. 城市的房地产价格令人望而却步。

    The price of property in the city is prohibitive .

  2. 房地产价格刚开始重新趋于稳定。

    Property prices are just beginning to harden again .

  3. 房地产价格骤降。

    Property prices have dropped through the floor

  4. 房地产价格回升了。

    Real estate has recovered .

  5. 第比利斯的房地产价格无法与西方资本主义国家或者是莫斯科的房价相比。

    Prices for real estate in Tbilisi cannot stand comparison with Western capitals or indeed Moscow .

  6. 当房地产价格下跌或流动性紧张时,一些经济体可能会陷入“借新还旧”的恶行循环。

    Some of them might fall into a vicious cycle of borrowing to return debts when property prices drop or liquidity2 dries up , it said .

  7. 经济增长的变化对房地产价格、CPI、上证指数的影响也最大。

    The housing price , CPI and Shanghai Index are most influenced by economic development .

  8. 如果我对香港房地产价格更乐观一些,我就会毫不犹豫地投资郭氏兄弟的新鸿基地产(SHKProperties)。

    If I were more positive about HK property prices I would not hesitate to invest with the Kwok 's of SHK Properties .

  9. 由于房地产价格扶摇直上,他们宁愿租房子,将富余的钱花在到云南旅游或外语小说和DVD上。

    As real estate prices skyrocket , they prefer to rent and spend any extra cash on escapes to Yunnan or foreign-language novels and DVDs .

  10. 需求拉动论、GDP增长论、成本推动论、地价上升论、品质提高论、产品结构论、动迁需求论、投机哄抬论等等因素是造成房地产价格不断上涨的原因。

    Many factors cause the real estate price increase continually , such as demand pulling , GDP increasing , cost pushing , land price growing , quality improving , product structure , dwelling place-changing demand , speculative price driving up etc.

  11. 在实证方法方面,本文使用ADF单位根检验、Johansen协整关系检验、向量误差修正模型以及格兰杰因果关系就货币政策对河南房地产价格的传导效应进行实证分析。

    In the empirical process , this paper uses ADF unit root test , Johansen co-integration relationship test , vector error correction model and Granger causality test .

  12. 最后并且运用SPSS软件进行因子分析,总结出影响轨道交通站点周边房地产价格的六大因子,为今后研究同一领域相关问题提供理论铺垫。

    Finally , SPSS software is used to factor analysis , to summed up six influence factors that the real estate around mass transit stations affect the price , providing theoretical foundation for the future research in same areas .

  13. (赶时髦的人聚集的地方往往是房地产价格特别便宜的地方,年轻人喜欢这样的地方,在WoodwardAvenue北部,在韦恩州立大学,这样的地方有3.1万个。)

    ( Hipster scenes tend to spring up anywhere cheap real estate abuts young people , and just up Woodward Avenue , at Wayne State , there are 31,000 of them . )

  14. 为了验证两者之间的互动关系,本文又进行了实证检验,包括房地产价格决定的单边协整检验、银行房地产信贷决定的单边协整检验以及基于VAR模型的互动关系检验。

    In order to verify the interaction between them , this paper has conducted an empirical test , including the determination of both banks ' real estate credit and real estate prices by unilateral co-integration test and the interactive relationship with a VAR model test .

  15. 但adb警告:“尽管美国次贷危机对新兴东亚经济体的波及有限,但股票与房地产价格的飙升,也带来几个金融脆弱性的迹象。”

    Still the ADB warned that " despite limited spillover into emerging East Asia from the US subprime turmoil , there are several signs of financial vulnerability related to sharp gains in equity and real estate prices . "

  16. 分析了利用AR(1)-MA(0)模型进行房地产价格预测的基本思想、操作流程,推导了AR(1)-MA(0)模型进行房地产价格一步及多步预测的公式。

    This paper analyzed the basic thought and operating flow of real estate price forecast by using AR ( 1 ) - MA ( 0 ) model , deduced the AR ( 1 ) - MA ( 0 ) model formula for one-step and multi-step forecasting the real estate price .

  17. 基于我国1987-2004年度时间序列数据,应用协整分析、误差修正模型技术以及Granger因果分析对我国房地产价格与GDP之间的关系进行了实证分析。

    In this paper , an empirical analysis of relationship between real estate prices and Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) is made based on China 's time-series statistics from 1987 to 2004 and with methods of co-integration test , Error Correction Model ( ECM ), Granger causality test .

  18. 北京、上海、深圳三地房地产价格问题研究

    The Real Estate Price Study of Beijing , Shanghai and Shenzhen

  19. 城市环境特征品质与中国房地产价格的区域差异

    Amenities and Regional Differentials of Real Estate Prices in Chinese Cities

  20. 中国房地产价格的多元线性回归模型

    Multiple Linear Regression Model of the Real Estate Market in China

  21. 基于粗糙集和小波神经网络模型的房地产价格走势预测研究

    Real Estate Price Forecast Using Rough Sets and Wavelet Neural Networks

  22. 我国货币政策调控房地产价格的效果分析

    Our country monetary policy regulation real estate price effect analysis

  23. 利率、汇率政策牵动房地产价格

    The rate of interest and exchange affect the price of real estate

  24. 通过以上研究,本文得出了以下结论:人民币汇率波动对房地产价格有着重要的影响。

    RMB exchange rate has an important impact on real estate prices .

  25. 房地产价格越高,灰色收入就越多。

    The higher the property price , the more the grey income .

  26. 我国银行信贷对房地产价格波动的影响

    The Empirical Analysis of Bank Lending and Property Price Volatility

  27. 房地产价格研究及价格指数模型设计

    The Research of Real Estate Price and the Design of Price-Index Model

  28. 中国房地产价格指数的模拟和预测

    The Simulation and Projection of Price Index of Real Estates of China

  29. 房地产价格波动对宏观经济影响的一般均衡分析

    The General Equilibrium Effect of Real-estate Price Fluctuation on Macroeconomic

  30. 这三个国家都受到高昂的房地产价格暴跌的影响。

    All three were affected by the collapse of high housing prices .