
  1. 企业收购中对目标房地产企业投资价值的评价研究

    Study on Investment Evaluation of the Real Estate Companies Would Be Acquired in Acquisition

  2. 基于跳扩散模型的地震对灾区房地产企业投资决策影响分析

    The Impact of the Earthquake on Real Estate Enterprises Investing Decision-making Based on Jump-diffusion Model

  3. 将传统公司金融和行为公司金融的理论结合运用到对我国房地产企业投资问题的分析上。

    We combined traditional corporation economic theory and behavioral economic theory to the domestic over-investment analysis .

  4. 本文以现金流为切入口,研究房地产企业投资行为的影响因子。

    The influencing factors of investment of real estate company is studied based on cash flow .

  5. 但是,房地产企业投资的高速增长会对企业产生怎样的影响?投资规模的增加能否带来企业价值的提升?本文正是基于对这一系列问题的思考而形成的。

    However , what would be the impact of business with the rapid growth of investment in real estate enterprises ? Whether the increasing in the scale of investment can enhance enterprise value ?

  6. 基于期权博弈理论,建立了房地产企业投资优化数学模型,讨论了无风险利率和资产价值波动率参数变化对该投资决策的影响,提出了企业在不确定环境下的应对策略。

    Then basing on option games theory , it establish the investment decision model of real estates under symmetrical duopoly and discuss the effect of risk-free and assets volume variation impact on investment decision , and put forward corresponding strategy under uncertainty .

  7. 在现代投资组合理论的基础上,分别建立了基于均值&方差模型的房地产企业投资组合的单目标和多目标模型以及基于资本资产定价模型的房地产企业投资组合的单目标和多目标模型。

    Based on the modern portfolio investment theory , the single object model and multiple objects model based on Mean-Variance Model and the single object model and multiple objects model of real estate investment portfolio based on Capital Asset Pricing Model are established respectively .

  8. 房地产企业项目投资优化

    The Investment Optimum of the Project in the Real Estate Enterprise

  9. 房地产企业经营投资策划研究

    The Research of Real Estate Enterprises on Operating and Invest-Planning

  10. 房地产企业战略投资期权博弈分析框架研究

    Researches on Analytical Framwork of Strategic Investment Option Game Based on Real Estate Enterprises

  11. 这些工具为房地产企业理性投资、促进房地产业的健康发展起到了巨大的作用。

    These tools help the real estate enterprise to invest reasonable , promote the real estate industry developing too .

  12. 面对近年持续的宏观调控,房地产企业将投资眼光放在未受调控的商业地产开发上。

    In order to deal with the macro-control , real estate companies will invest the non-regulated commercial real estate market .

  13. 市场的竞争带来机遇和挑战,利润的驱动促使房地产企业进行投资控制。

    The competition of the market brings the opportunity and challenge , and the profits make real estate enterprise think much of investment control .

  14. 并进行了实证分析,结果证明该方法具有一定的可操作性和可靠性,对房地产企业的投资决策具有一定的辅助作用。

    The paper carried out analyses over practical projects . The results proved that the method is strongly operative and reliable and it can pay a certain auxiliary role on investment decision-making of the real estate enterprise .

  15. 本文建立的房地产企业的投资优化组合模型,从理论角度解决房地产企业投资组合问题,以期实现风险和收益的最佳投资组合,进而达到提高总体投资的抗风险能力和盈利能力的目标。

    Using the model of the real estate investment portfolio , the problem of the investment portfolio can be solved theoretically to get the optimal investment portfolio between income and profit . Accordingly , the anti-risk capability and profitability of total investment can be enhanced .

  16. 房地产企业的项目投资决策分析流程再造

    Real Estate Project Investment Analysis-decision Process Reengineering

  17. 房地产企业要提高投资回报率,实现企业价值最大化只能通过降低成本来实现。

    The only way to improve ROI and realize the maximization of enterprise value is to lower its costs .

  18. 除非政府再多多投资,不然造船业就会垮台。房地产企业的项目投资决策分析流程再造

    Unless the government pumps more money in , the whole shipbuilding industry will fail . Real Estate Project Investment Analysis-decision Process Reengineering

  19. 基于核心能力的项目投资评价模型是实际操作的一条有效途径,旨在为房地产开发企业的投资决策应用提供参考依据。

    Project investment evaluation model based on core competition is a useful method for practice and provides the reference of investment decision of real-estate company .

  20. 面板协整检验结果显示,城市化率,房地产开发企业完成投资额和商品房屋平均销售价格三者之间存在协整关系。

    Panel co-integration test results illustrate that urbanization rate , real estate development companies and investment in housing amount and average selling price of goods with a co-integration relationship between them .

  21. 房地产企业只有做好投资项目的可行性研究,才能使企业立于不败之地,从而使企业获取更大的经济利益。

    A good feasibility study can make the enterprise remain invincible , so that to obtain more economic benefits . Nowadays , the real estate was experiencing the twist up and down .

  22. 文章利用现代组合投资理论建立了针对房地产企业的组合投资决策模型,力求为房地产企业的科学投资决策指出一条出路。

    This paper creates the portfolio investment decision model based on modern portfolio investment theory , and it tries to find a way for the scientific decision in the real estate corporation .

  23. 本研究结论可为政府调控房地产市场、企业投资开发和居民住房消费提供决策依据。

    The conclusions of this study provide advices for the governments ' monitoring the real estate market , enterprises ' investments and developing , as well as residents ' housing purchasing and renting .

  24. 本文从纳税筹划基本理论出发,在对房地产企业筹资、投资和运营过程中涉及到的财务行为全面分析的基础上,为房地产企业勾画纳税筹划思路,设计纳税筹划整体方案。

    Based on comprehensive analysis of finance doing referred investments raise ( money ) and business of real estate , this article draw the outline of tax-planning project , design one whole tax-planning project .

  25. 不仅研究了具体项目的投资决策,而且从战略高度探讨研究房地产企业的战略投资决策。其次,研究范围宽。

    It not only researches the investment decision of concrete projects , but also inquires into the strategic investment decision of real estate enterprises from the strategic altitude . Secondly , its scope is wide .

  26. 结果发现,企业的自由现金确实是导致过度投资的重要因素,自由现金流越充裕,房地产企业发生过度投资行为的概率就越大。

    The results found that the free cash flow is really important factors that lead to over-investment , free cash flow is more abundant , the greater probability of occurrence of real estate enterprises over-investment behavior .

  27. 加之房地产企业自身具有投资额度大、投资周期长、易受宏观政策影响等特点,财务风险问题已经成为了房地产公司考虑的重要问题。

    The real estate industry has some characteristics , such as large investment , long investment cycle and influenced by macroeconomic policy . The financial risk has become a major problem which needs to consider the real estate company .

  28. 房地产开发企业持续经营投资决策研究

    The Study on Investment Decision-making in Sustained Operating Developers

  29. 针对房地产企业的跨地区投资行为所可能引发的房地产市场区域风险的扩散问题,构建了双市场模型进行分析。

    A dual-market model is developed to analyze the expansion of regional risks which are due to trans-region investment to the enterprises in the real estate markets .

  30. 它可以为房地产企业在多项目投资中选取最佳的投资项目与各分项目的投资比例提供理论依据。

    It may select the best investment project for the property enterprise in the multi - projects investment to provide the theory basis with various sub-items goal investment ratio .