
  1. 第3章房地产营销环境分析。

    Chapter Three , analysis on the environment of real estate marketing .

  2. 以期使翠堤湾项目在复杂多变的房地产营销环境中能够绽放出其特有的光芒。

    With a view to Green Bay seawall project in the midst of the real estate marketing environment to bloom out of its unique light .

  3. 本文分析苏州房地产市场的营销环境,根据苏州房地产市场的主流营销策略,找出苏州房地产市场营销策略实施过程中存在的问题,并提出完善措施。

    This paper analyzes the real estate market , marketing environment of Suzhou , Suzhou , the real estate market according to the mainstream of marketing strategy , marketing strategy to find Real Estate in the process of implementation problems , and proposed measures are sound .

  4. 第三部分主要介绍了青岛东方温泉城项目的基本情况,包括房地产市场现状、营销环境分析及竞争对手分析等。

    The third part introduces the basic situation of Qingdao Dongfang spring project , including the status of the real estate market , marketing environment analysis and competitor analysis and so on .