
  • 网络Property rights;house property
  1. 个人二手房贷款是银行向借款人发放的用于购买售房人已取得房屋产权证、具有完全处置权利、在二级市场上合法交易的个人住房或商用房的贷款。

    Personal second-hand housing loan means a loan lent by bank to the borrower for it to purchase a personal housing or a commercial housing whose house property certificate the seller has acquired and which has a complete right of disposal and is legally traded in the secondary market .

  2. 房屋产权私有化是拯救旧城的灵丹妙药吗?

    Is privatizing house property right a catholicon to preserve inner city ?

  3. 基于GIS技术的房屋产权登记管理信息系统的研究和实践

    The Research and Practice on Housing Registration & Management Information System Based on GIS Technique

  4. 从建立系统的数据库入手,详细介绍了本系统设计的具体问题,系统地论述了在AutoCAD平台上构建楼宇房屋产权三维可视化管理系统的可行性以及具体的实现方法。

    It also discusses the systemic radical frame design , the data-base design , and the performance realization about the real estate management system of building which is based on AutoCAD 's 3D Visualization .

  5. 房屋产权转移登记案件的审判探讨

    Discussion on Judgment of Case of Transfer Registration of House Property Right

  6. 试析房屋产权登记中房屋租赁登记

    Analysis of House Tenancy Register in House Ownership Register

  7. 其次,论述了农村房屋产权登记的意义。

    Secondly , it elaborates the significance of rural tenement property right registration .

  8. 农村房屋产权流转研究

    Research on the Property Flow of Rural House

  9. 房屋产权证明或者使用证明;

    The certificate of house property right or the certificate of house use right ;

  10. 农村房屋产权登记工作探索

    Study on rural tenement property right register

  11. 乡一级政府无权颁发房屋产权证。

    Countryside one class government has no right to issue card of building property right .

  12. 首先,论述了农村房屋产权登记的含义和特点。

    First , this paper discusses the definition and features of rural building property right registration .

  13. 结构博弈:&个争夺房屋产权的案例

    Game in Social Structure : A Case of Scrabbling for the Property Right of a House

  14. 研究利用计算机技术进行楼宇的房产管理,对于推动房屋产权的科学化管理,具有十分重要的意义。

    Studying using computer technology in the real estate management is very important for promote it 's scientific management .

  15. 于是一个基于房屋产权的新兴社区自组织&业主委员会成为研究和关注的焦点。

    So a new self-organization , homeowner self-organization which based on property rights of housing is noticed and discussed .

  16. 商品房买卖登记包括两种类型,即商品房预售登记和房屋产权(所有权)登记;商品房预售登记使债权具有物权性,房屋产权登记旨在发生物权变动的公示与公信力。

    The registration of deal of marketable housing includes two types : presell registration and registration of property right .

  17. 购买二手房,最重要的就是认真审查房屋产权的完整性、可靠性。

    Buy secondhand room , examine the integrality of building property right , dependability the most importantly seriously namely .

  18. 根据房产条例第1972条,房屋产权指单房所有权或者(按照)多房(开发的)不动产所有权。

    A unit title , under the Unit Titles Act1972 , provides individual ownership or freehold title in multi unit developments .

  19. 围绕房屋产权的纠纷与诉讼,在产权界定、维护经济交易安全和社会秩序方面具有重要的意义。

    The house property dispute and litigation were critical in the definition of property right , maintaining of the economic trade security and social order .

  20. 因此研究村镇房屋产权改革问题对农村经济的发展及和谐社会的建设都有十分重要的意义。

    Therefore , the study on the reform of the property rights has an impressive importance for the development of Ural economic and the building of a harmonious society .

  21. 而农村房屋产权改革是当前新农村和城乡一体化建设进程中备受关注的主要问题。

    The property rights reform of the rural house became the main issues of concern in the process of building the new countryside and the integration of urban and rural areas .

  22. 随着我国住房体制改革,物业管理行业的发展,我国的房屋产权、邻里关系和小区治理发生了根本性的变化。

    Along with the reform of dwelling house and the development of the property management industry in China , fundamental changes occur to the real estate property , neighborhood and property management .

  23. 房屋产权与土地使用权两证合一登记探讨本规定所称的房产权,系指房屋(上盖)所有权和该房屋所占用的土地使用权。

    The building property rights referred to in these Provisions shall mean the ownership of buildings ( above the foundation ) and the right to use the land that the buildings occupy .

  24. 对于普通家庭来说,一套房产往往凝聚着一辈子的心血,而房屋产权关系的不仅仅是财产所有权的问题,还关系到人类最基本的居住权。

    To a common family , A set of house is the result of lifetime hardworking . And housing property is not only related to property of ownership , but basic residency right .

  25. 根据我国房屋产权档案的特点,从专业性、动态性、真实性、完整性、价值性、法律性、安全性几大方面谈了一些看法。

    Basis the characteristics of house ownership file in our country , the paper gives some viewpoint from profession , dynamic state , reliability , integrity , value , law and safety aspects .

  26. 互换房屋产权的差额价款应当在签订房屋拆迁补偿安置协议时一次付清。

    The price difference shall be paid in one lump sum at the time when the two parties sign an agreement for compensation and resettlement for the demolition and re [ ] of houses .

  27. 其次,建立农村居民房屋产权登记法律制度;再次,设定农村居民房屋抵押权、建立宅基地法定租赁权制度实现农村居民房屋的抵押。

    Secondly , set up registration legal system of property rights of rural residents . Thirdly , set up rural residents housing mortgage right . Fourth , set up the system of statutory tenancy rights in rural land .

  28. 近期的住房市场数据显示,建设活动与住房增值均急剧放缓,从而使人担心,消费者可能因此出现经济困难,因为美国消费者习惯于将房屋产权抵押,以获取贷款来支持消费。

    Recent data on the residential housing market have indicated a sharp slowdown in both activity and price appreciation , fuelling concern that consumers , accustomed to cashing out home equity to support spending , could be squeezed .

  29. 随着农村的快速发展,农村集体土地房屋产权管理所引发的问题,引起越来越多的关注,对农房产权管理部门的工作效率和质量都提出了更高的要求。

    With the rapid development in rural areas , the rural collective land housing property management problems , causing more and more attention , have put forward higher requirements on the efficiency and quality of housing property management department .

  30. 成都在成为全国统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区后,着手改革农村土地和房屋产权制度,建立了权责明确、归属清晰、保护严格的农村产权制度,以此来推动农村资产的资本化。

    After becoming reform pilot area , Chengdu started the reform and establishment of clear responsibilities and attribution , and the strict protection of rural property rights system , in order to promote the capitalization of the rural assets .