
suǒ yǒu quán bǎo liú
  • title retention
  1. 第四章,所有权保留的效力。

    Chapter Four is about the effects of Title Retention .

  2. 第三章,所有权保留的法律性质分析。

    Chapter Three is about analysis of the legal nature of Title Retention .

  3. 论所有权保留刍议股票回购

    On the Reservation of Ownership A Discussion of the Stock Buy-back

  4. 三是所有权保留与相关权利的关系;

    The relationship between the ownership reservation and its related rights ;

  5. 论物权法背景下的所有权保留买卖制度

    The Trade System of Ownership Reservation on Background of Property Law

  6. 论我国民法确立所有权保留制度的可行性

    On Feasibility of Establishment of Ownership retention System in Civil Law

  7. 所有权保留的设定方式不应包括推定方式。

    The establishing mode of the ownership reservation should exclude presumption ;

  8. 论所有权保留的法律性质及其制度价值

    The Legal Character and Institutional Value of the Reservation of Property

  9. 论环境权益浅谈所有权保留

    On the Environmental Rights and Interests Discussion on Ownership Reservation

  10. 所有权保留的性质问题涉及三个方面:一是所有权保留制度的实质问题。

    The nature of the ownership reservation involves three aspects .

  11. 第二部分:所有权保留制度的基础理论。

    Part II The foundation and the nature of the ownership reservation .

  12. 论所有权保留买卖中保留买主之期待权

    On Expectant Right of the Buyer in the Deal of Retained Ownership

  13. 论标的物所有权保留制度的法律性质

    The Legal Nature of the Object 's Ownership Retention System

  14. 第一部分:所有权保留制度概述。

    Part I The outline of the retention of ownership .

  15. 海峡两岸所有权保留制度立法之比较研究&兼评我国《合同法》第134条之改进

    A Comparative Study on the Legislation of Retention of Ownership

  16. 动产抵押与所有权保留的对垒

    Chattel mortgage Is Ready to Fight Reservation of Ownership

  17. 所有权保留有简单的所有权保留、延长的所有权保留、扩大的所有权保留与复合型的所有权保留几种类型。

    There are several kinds of retention of ownership .

  18. 所有权保留制度之比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Proprietary Rights Retention System

  19. 论文第一部分是对所有权保留制度的概述。

    The first section gives a brief account of the ownership reservation institution .

  20. 信贷消费与消费者权益法律保护所有权保留的分期付款消费信贷法律问题探讨

    Credit Consumption and the Legal Protection for the Consumers ' Rights and Interests

  21. 国内所有权保留买卖合同中标的物风险移转新论

    New Theory on Object Risk Transition in Domestic Transaction Contract of Ownership Reservation

  22. 主要阐述了所有权保留制度的概念与特征,其三个特征为:第一,所有权保留买卖是附条件的买卖。

    Expounds the conception and characteristics of this institution .

  23. 论所有权保留式分期付款

    On the installment dealing contracts with ownership reservation

  24. 买卖合同中所有权保留问题研究

    On the Ownership Reservation In Contracts of Sales

  25. 所有权保留中的权利冲突及其衡平

    Rights Conflict and its Balance in Ownership Reservation

  26. 二是所有权保留中的权利结构;

    The ownership reservation system 's right structure ;

  27. 浅谈所有权保留论非真意的婚姻

    Discussion on Ownership Reservation On Unintentional Marriage

  28. 政府储蓄论浅谈所有权保留

    On Government Saving Discussion on Ownership Reservation

  29. 本文以所有权保留制度为题,对所有权保留制度中的买卖双方的法律地位进行了论述。

    The thesis discusses legal status of the buyer and seller in ownership retention system .

  30. 第二部分,所有权保留的客体。

    Part ⅱ, subject of ownership reservation .