
  • 网络chirality;Chiral symmetry
  1. 带费米子2+1维SU(2)群格点规范理论中的真空和手征对称性自发破缺

    Vacuum of 2 + 1 dimensional su ( 2 ) LGT with fermions and spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking

  2. QCD的一个基本性质就是手征对称性及其自发破缺。

    One basic feature in QCD is chiral symmetry and its spontaneousbreaking .

  3. 3+1维格点QCD的手征对称性自发破缺

    Spontaneous Chiral Symmetry Breaking of 3 + 1 Dimensional Lattice QCD

  4. QCD手征对称性动力学破缺的有效势研究

    Effective-potential study of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in quantum chromodynamics

  5. 夸克介子等离子体在温度区间1≤T/Tc≤3是强耦合的,其中Tc是手征对称性恢复相变的临界温度。

    The quark-meson plasma is strongly coupled in the temperature region 1 ≤ T / Tc ≤ 3 with Tc being the critical temperature of chiral symmetry restoration .

  6. 在SU(2)手征对称性既有明显破缺又有动力学破缺时,得到了动力学所生成的费米子质量和束缚态的谱性质,并讨论了矢量流和轴矢流的性质。

    When SU ( 2 ) chiral symmetry is both explicitly and dynamically broken , fermion mass is dynamically generated and mass spectra of the bound states are obtained .

  7. 在计算过程中,我们考虑K1介子光锥分布振幅直到扭度3和SU(3)手征对称性破坏的效应。

    We have considered the K1 meson light cone distribution amplitudes up to twist 3 and the SU ( 3 ) chiral symmetry breaking effects .

  8. FST模型是近来提出的一个具有手征对称性的核模型.用它研究了零温及有限温核物质的不可压缩系数.并与其它模型得出的结果进行了比较。

    The recently proposed FST model with chiral symmetry is used to study the incompressibility of nuclear matter at both zero and finite temperature . The results are compared with those from other models and experiments .

  9. 从质量谱上没有看到手征对称性恢复的迹象。

    No evidence of chiral symmetry restoration happens in the mass spectrum .

  10. 序参量的自洽方程与手征对称性恢复的相变

    Self-consistency equations for the order parameter and the restoration of the chiral symmetry

  11. 手征对称性的部分恢复与核物质中的π凝聚

    Partial restoration of the chiral symmetry and the π condensation in nuclear matter

  12. 方程具有两组解,一组解保持手征对称性,另一组解使手征对称性自发破缺。

    There exist two sets of solution , the chiral-symmetry solution and chiral-breaking solution .

  13. 夸克&夸克等效相互作用与手征对称性

    Effective Quark-Quark Interaction and Chiral Symmetry

  14. 由此得到了序参量随温度的变化关系,证实了手征对称性恢复的相交的存在,求出了理论的相图。

    The order parameter as a function of the temperature and the phase diagram are obtained .

  15. 尤其瞬子液体模型是一个非常成熟的半经典唯象理论,而且它会引起一个非常有趣的机制&手征对称性自发破缺。

    The instanton solution was used as a basis for developing a rather successful semiclassically-motivated phenomenology , instanton liquid model .

  16. 这个结果和手征对称性随着核物质密度增加而逐渐恢复这一通常假设是符合的。

    The result is consistent with the usual assumption that the chiral symmetry is gradually restored as density of a nuclear matter increases .

  17. 在夸克胶子等离子体中会发生许多有趣的现象,比如夸克的退禁闭、手征对称性恢复、重强子的质量变小等。

    Many interesting phenomena happen in this kind of system , for example , deconfinement of quarks , chiral symmetry restoration and the mass decreasing of heavy hadrons .

  18. 同时高温下的量子色动力学存在如J/ψ沙压低,夸克的退禁闭,手征对称性恢复等一些典型特征。

    At the same time , QCD in high temperature manifests some characteristics , such as the suppression Лψ, the deconfinement of quarks and the restoration of chiral symmetry spontaneous breaking .

  19. 研究表明,当狄拉克费米子之间的相互作用足够强时,狄拉克费米子会通过真空凝聚而获得有限的质量,并同时破坏体系原来的手征对称性。

    Research shows that when the interaction between Dirac fermions is strong enough , the Dirac fermions will acquire finite dynamic mass by vacuum condensations and break the original chiral symmetry contemporarily .

  20. 我们介绍了前者在两味夸克模型中的应用并且阐明了夸克质量的动力学产生是手征对称性破缺的一个特征。

    The former is reviewed in its flavor SU ( 2 ) versions applied to quarks . The dynamical generation of quark masses is demonstrated as a feature of chiral symmetry breaking .

  21. 我们发现,在该模型下,尽管真空期待值随温度升高而接近于零,手征相变没有发生,即系统始终处于手征对称性破坏的情形下。

    We find that although the vacuum expectation approach zero with increasing temperature , the chiral phase transition does not happen , so the system remains the spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry .