
  • 网络Cold hands and feet;ice-cold
  1. 夜晚躺在床上会冷得哆嗦起来且手脚冰凉。

    The evenings give you shivers and cold feet in bed .

  2. 可是我的双眼朦胧,我的手脚冰凉,我的思绪混乱。

    But my eyes dim , my hands and feet cold , my thoughts confused .

  3. 当应激激素发挥作用时你是能够感觉到的,因为它还会引发血管收缩以至于白天会有手脚冰凉的现象。

    You can tell when stress hormones are acting since one also develops cold hands and cold feet during the day from the vasoconstriction of the blood vessels to the hands and feet .

  4. 最近天变得好冷手脚都很冰凉。

    Haoleng recent days has become very cold hands and feet .

  5. 他们的血压会升高,手脚可能会变得冰凉。

    Their blood pressure rises and hands and feet may grow cold .