
  • 网络Open Music;turn up the music
  1. 接着我们打开音乐,一起跳起查尔斯顿舞来。

    Then we put the music on , and we all danced the Charleston

  2. 我打开音乐,然后半躺着洗浴。

    I put on some music and lay back in the bath .

  3. 当我们打扫房子的时候,我们有时会打开音乐。

    When we clean our house , we sometimes turn on music .

  4. 打开音乐跳舞。

    Crank up the music and dance .

  5. 放松,关闭电话,打开音乐,精心照料她。

    Relax , turn off the cells , turn on the music , and pamper her .

  6. 所以打开音乐,扭动身体,你马上就会变得轻松起来。

    So crank the tunes and shake your booty . You 'll be feeling stress-free in no time .

  7. 朋友,冲上一杯香茶,打开音乐,茶香里,默默感受那份音乐的气息吧。

    Friends , rushed a cup of tea , open music , tea , the share of the music feel the atmosphere of quiet bar .

  8. 丰富的想象和联想能力,丰富的生活经验和形象记忆,是打开音乐欣赏的金钥匙。

    Rich imagination and connection , rich life experiences and vividly memory , are the golden keys to open the door how to enjoy the music .

  9. 打开音乐之门暑期系列普及音乐会、北京国际音乐节、国家大剧院等优秀品牌正以其独特的优势占领着演出市场。

    Many outstanding brands including the ' the Gateway to Music '( a series concerts aiming to universalize music in summer ),' Beijing International Music Festival ' and National Theatre have occupied the performance market through their unique advantages .

  10. 如果你想学会开车,你就要钻进车里,开起来;如果你想学跳舞,你就要打开音乐,跳起来;如果你想游泳,你就要跳进水里,游起来。

    If you want to drive you have to get in the car and drive , if you want to dance you have to turn on the music and dance , if you want to swim you have to jump in the water and swim .

  11. 打开QQ音乐后就不知道干什么了,其实可以在后台程序里开一些冲浪赚钱这些什么的,点点广告这些都可以。

    After opening QQ do not know what the music , in fact , open in the background process in what some of these to make money surfing , little bit of advertising they can .

  12. 他把收音机打开听音乐。

    He turned on the radio and listened to the music .

  13. 现在即使上街,我也会把房间的灯打开,音乐放着,这样在我回家的时候就会有种错觉,觉得家里有人在等着我的归来。

    It is here even when I am not , for I go out now , leaving the light on and the music playing , so I can return home to the illusion of company .

  14. 我们一进门,我们的房子就会打开灯和音乐,甚至开始准备我们的晚餐!

    The minute we walk through the door , our house will respond by turning on the lights and music , and perhaps even starting to prepare our dinner !

  15. 与此同时,MySpace依然坚持俗艳的设计,只要点击打开主页,音乐便会自动播放。

    MySpace , meantime , insisted on sticking with a garish design and music that autostarted when a profile was opened .

  16. AaronColverson:“当孩子们面临音乐的时候,他们的思维似乎打开了。音乐使他们有机会通过歌声和写作歌曲来表达自己的感受。”

    AARON COLVERSON : " When you put music in front of kids , it seems that their minds . Music gives them a chance to express themselves through songs and writing the songs . "

  17. 打开安静的音乐,将光线调暗。

    Put on some quiet music ; dim the lights .

  18. 他正忙着摆弄开关,把暖气打开,把音乐关小。

    He fiddled with the controls , turning the heater up and the music down .

  19. 甩掉脚上的鞋子,调暗室内灯光,打开缓缓的音乐,或许是那种缠绵温柔的爵士轻音乐。

    You 've kicked off your shoes , turned the lights down low and put on some slow music , perhaps a little soft soul or gentle jazz .

  20. 接着坐在它的某个温馨角落,泡上一杯咖啡或茶,打开电脑听着音乐写或看一篇篇博客。

    Then on a corner warm bath , a cup of coffee or tea , and open a computer listening to the music written or see taken a blog .

  21. 拿起你的iPod或打开收音机,在音乐声中劳动吧。

    Grab your iPod or turn on the radio , and clean along to the music .

  22. 我打开收音机,听音乐。

    I turn on the radio , listen to the music .

  23. 只要打开收音机专心听音乐就行。

    Just turn on the radio , listen to the music and don 't woolgather .

  24. 打开背景音响和音乐功能;

    Enable background sound and music ;

  25. 当一个人从收音机中听交响音乐会时,只要打开收音机专心听音乐就行。

    Often when one listens to a symphonic concert on the radio , Just turn up the music on your radio and focus on that .

  26. 迈克尔的内心世界将被打开&他对音乐和舞蹈,童话小说,魔术和脆弱的大自然的热爱。

    The secrets of Michael 's inner world are unlocked & his love of music and dance , fairy tale and magic , and the fragile beauty of nature .

  27. 本论文的研究试图尝试打开对汤姆森专业音乐研究领域的缺口,以弥补目前国内在研究美国专业音乐上的这个空白。

    And this thesis tries to initialize the study of the professional music field of Thomson , to fill in the blank of domestic studies on American professional music .