
fù tīng
  • diplacusis
复听 [fù tīng]
  • [diplacusis] 把一个单音听成好像是两个不同音高的音

复听[fù tīng]
  1. 我们听力教学的模式也是仅限于放音做题对答案复听。

    The traditional listening patterns are as follows : Listening Doing Exercises Checking the answer listening again .

  2. 方法:用OTICONMAICOERO·SCAN瞬态诱发耳声发射(TEOAE)在28d内初筛,在3个月内复筛,听性脑干反应(ABR)在6个月进行确诊。

    Methods : Initial screening within 28 days and the second screening within three months of hearing were done by transiently evoked otoacoustic emission ( TEOAE ), auditory brainstem response ( ABR ) was diagnosed within 6 months .