- 网络Average bitrate

The experimental results on an MPEG-2 codec show that the algorithm efficiently reduces the ringing effect and improves video subjective quality while keeping the video average bitrate and video objective quality almost unchanged .
Enhanced Variable Rate Codec ( EVRC ) is one of the most applied variable rate speech coding technologies .
The experimental results show that , compared with the conventional average rate allocation algorithm , the proposed algorithm can significantly eliminate the quality fluctuation of ROI .
The Adaptive Algorithm Based on Minimum Average BER Criterion in OFDM System
The multi-hop and multi-route diversity systems . Their expressions of average BER for BPSK of non-regenerative relaying and regenerative relaying are derived in flat Rayleigh fading channel respectively .
Average BER Analysis of Cooperative Network Coding Scheme
Explicit expressions are obtained for average probability of errors in information transfer intervals for the radio communication systems and the adaptive radio communication systems with representative arithmetic .
Expressions for outage probability and average bit error rate ( BER ) of decoded relaying and amplified relaying systems were derived over Rayleigh fading channel , respectively .
Based on moment space theory and Gaussian approximation method , expressions of average error probability for system with multiple-access interference and white Gaussian noise environment are derived .
The method that can estimate the reconstructed video quanlity at the receiver recursively from one frame to another according to average bit error rates of channel and bitstream information extracted during coding process .
In normal voice communication , 60 % or more of the time there is only background noise , introducing silence compression coding to background noise can reduce the average transmission bit rate and save channel resources .
The diversity receiver is applied in the system to analyze the parameter relationship among the phase error , the number of user , the number of FH and phase error which resulted from the Gaussian noise . And the theoretical average BER is presented .
Experimental results show that with similar distortion performance , the algorithm that adopt the above three strategy can efficiently reduce the computational complexity up to 76 % with 2.6 % increase of bits rate averagely .