
  1. 平整场地上土岩组合地基的稳定性问题

    Stability of Flat Ground Composed of Soil and Weathered Rock

  2. 他们昨天平整场地了。

    They leveled a field yesterday .

  3. 那些拥有乏味、平整场地的阳光充足的国家用荒唐的创新(例如控球、战术策略及过人技术)毁了这项运动。

    Those sun-baked nations with their dull , flat pitches ruined the sport with absurd innovations such as ball control , tactical finesse and the passing game .

  4. 利用该方法合成的空间地震动既考虑了地震动的空间相关性和非平稳特性,还考虑了局部场地效应的影响,可以应用于非平整场地上大跨度结构多点激励地震反应的研究。

    The generated spatial ground motions by this method considering ground motion spatial correlation , non-stationary property and local site effect , which can be used to analyze seismic response of large-span structures on an uneven site subjected to spatially varying ground motions .

  5. 平整这块场地,我们想在这里比赛。

    Level out this field ; we want to play games on it .

  6. 舞池是专为跳舞而准备的一块平整的场地,或是室内的或是室外的。

    A dance floor is a level area specially prepared for dancing either outdoors or indoors .

  7. 为了适当的表演型,一个稳固平整的场地是必须的。一般来说铺垫子的对打场地是合适的。

    For the proper performance of Kata a stable smooth surface is required . Usually the matted Kumite areas will be suitable .

  8. 在一片柔软、不平整的场地上推一个150磅的人可不是件容易的事,但是帕特里克的爸爸毫无怨言。

    It 's not easy pushing a150-pound man around on soft , uneven ground , but patrick 's dad wouldn 't have it any other way .

  9. 比赛场地应水平放置使其平整。场地可置于工作台或地板上。

    The playing field should be placed so that it is flat and level . The field may be placed on a table or on the floor .