
  • 网络average length of stay;alos
  1. 冠心病病人住院日影响因素中,术前等待天数和不适当住院日这两个管理因素对平均住院日有较大影响。

    Among the influencing factors of coronary heart disease patient , waiting days before surgery and the unnecessary LOS have great influence on the ALOS .

  2. 每名病人平均住院日数

    Average length of stay per patient number of days ' sales in receivables

  3. 平均住院日A组比B组明显缩短(P<0.001);

    The average hospitalization days of group A was shorter than that of group B ( P < 0.01 );

  4. 研究结果:1.平均住院日:CP组与非CP组比较均有统计学意义。

    An average length of stay : CP group and CP group were statistically significant .

  5. 结论:早期康复明显改善急性心肌梗塞病人预后并缩短住院时间。结果1.研究组感染率下降,平均住院日13.1±4.1天,与对照组15.6±3.1天比较差异有显著性(P<0.05)。

    Conclusions : Early rehabilitation improves the prognosis in patients with AMI markedly and shorten hospitalization . Results 1 . Infective ratio of Gln group descend and average hospitalization time shorten .

  6. 两组平均住院日有显著差异(P<0.05),早期康复护理使无并发症AMI患者平均住院日数由传统治疗护理时的48天下降至20天。

    The difference of average days of hospital stay between 2 groups was significant ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. 基于DRGs制定平均住院日指标的方法

    Methods of designing average length of stay indictors based on DRGs

  8. 加强合理用药、合理检查以及合理治疗的规范,缩短平均住院日,坚持三级预防的卫生策略,从而降低COPD的发病率和病残率,提高患者生活质量,是减轻疾病经济负担的有效方式。

    Rational examination , medication and treatment , shortening hospital-stay length and tertiary prevention are effective ways to reduce the economic burden of COPD .

  9. 平均住院日为16天,出院随访1~27个月未发现有并发症,其中10例随访3个月以上,其CT检查示脾脏损伤均已愈合。

    The patients were followed up for one to 27 months and complications were noted . In 10 cases , at three months postinjury the following-up CT scan showed complete resolution of the splenic injury .

  10. 与常规治疗效量相比,其平均住院日明显缩短,治疗1个月后激素平均剂量明显减少(P<0.001),而且副作用较轻。

    The results showed that the average hospitalized days and the mean dose of corticosteroids at the end of one month treatment were significantly lower than those of routine treatment ( P < 0.001 ), and with less side effects .

  11. 方法:用病例分型管理软件进行病例分型,用CD型率和病例四型分布对科室平均住院日进行校正。

    Methods : The cases are classified by the case classification software , and then , use four type case distribution and CD case rate separately correct the average jength of stay .

  12. 术后平均住院日由18.5d降至12d。

    The mean hospitalized time dropped from 18.5 to 12 days .

  13. 结果实验组患者的平均住院日和平均住院费用明显低于对照组(P0.01);

    Results The average days of hospitalization and the average costs of hospitalization of the experimental group were obviously shorter and less than those in the control group ( P0.01 );

  14. 住院期间心脏事件,总死亡率及平均住院日数明显高于非CIN组(P<0.05)。

    Length of hospital stay , adverse cardiac events and total in-hospital deaths were more in the CIN group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  15. 结果两组术后2周肝功能指标及胆漏发生率无显著性差异(P0.05),B组较A组有更短的平均住院日(P0.05)。

    Results There was no significant difference in the liver functional index between the 2 groups in 2 weeks postoperatively ( P0.05 ) . The average hospital stay was markedly shorter in group B than in group A ( P0.05 ) .

  16. 对患者的总胆红素(TBil)峰值、平均住院日、重肝发生率和死亡率进行统计学分析。

    The peak value of serum total bilirubin ( TBil ), average days of hospitalization , morbidity of fulminant hepatitis and mortality of patients were analyzed .

  17. 结果:颈髓损伤患者的护理并发症降至13%,病死率降至1.19%,平均住院日缩短了16d。

    Result : Complication incidence lowered to 13 % , mortality to 1.19 % hospitalized duration reduced by 16 days .

  18. 呼吸道及皮肤粘膜是本组SLE患者最常见感染部位;感染组较非感染组,平均住院日、SLEDAI、白细胞/淋巴细胞减少、尿蛋白水平、补体C3水平和1年死亡率差异显著;

    There was significant difference in mean hospital time , SLEDAI , leukopenia / lymphopenia , 24h urine protein level , complement C3 level and one year death rate between infected SLE patients and control ones .

  19. [结果]研究组家长的依从性评分高于对照组(P0.01),且研究组患儿平均住院日缩短,治疗有效率高,并发症较少。

    Result : The scores of parents ' compliance in test group were higher than that in control group ( P0.01 ) . Average hospitalization time of test group patients was shortened . They had better curative effect and less complications compared to those control group patients .

  20. 同时,呼吸管理团队能有效缩短中重度COPD患者的平均住院日,再次入院率及平均医疗费,降低疾病经济负担,节约医疗卫生资源。

    At the same time , Respiratory Team can shorten the average days in hospital , reduce the hospital readmission rate , cut down the average medical treatment cost and reduce the disease burden of economy , further save medical and health resources for patients with COPD .

  21. 结果总有效率为96.2%,无效3.8%,平均住院日为10.5d。

    Results The total effective rate was 96.2 % , ineffective rate was 3.8 % . Average resident date was 10.5 days .

  22. 实施1a来,产科质量明显提高,平均住院日缩短1.2d,院内感染率下降1%,病人满意率由原来的85%提高到98%。

    The one year experience has indicated that the obstetric work quality was enhanced markedly and the mean length of stay of the puerpera was shortened , the nosocomial infection rate decreased about 1 % and patient'satisfactory degree enhanced from 85 % to 98 % .

  23. 在一所专科医院选择病区进行了旨在缩短平均住院日(ALOS)的干预实验和效益分析,取得了比较明显的效果,为医院有效缩短ALOS及降低费用提供了依据。

    Significant results were obtained form the ALOS intervention experiment and benefit analysis conducted in selective floors of a special hospital , providing clues for how to shorten ALOS effectively and how to reduce expenses of the hospital .

  24. 方法按照国际疾病分类ICD-10,统计分析了住院病人的治愈、好转、未愈、死亡、平均住院日、疾病构成及死因顺位。

    Method According to international disease classification ICD-10 , the statistical analysis inpatient cured , the change for the better , not , the death , the average is hospitalized Japan , the disease constitution and the cause of death cis position .

  25. 结果腹腔镜组的并发症发生率、肠功能恢复时间及平均住院日分别为0,0.5d,2.3d,对照组分别为15%,2.5d,6.8d,两组比较有显著差异。

    Results The incidence of complications , recovery time of gastrointestinal function and average hospital stay was 0,0.5 days and 2.3 days in the laparoscopy group , 15 % , 2.5 days and 6.8 days in the control group respectively . There were significant difference between these two groups .

  26. 结果26例NO-PNT均未出现出血等并发症,平均住院日4~5d,术后住院天数1~2d。

    Results ALL the 26 cases of NO-PNT had not found severe bleeding and other complications . The average hospitalization time was 4 ~ 5 days and the average hospitalization after operation was 1 to 2 days .

  27. 强化医疗质量管理有效缩短平均住院日

    Strengthening medical quality management to effectively reduce average length of stay

  28. 医院管理中平均住院日影响因素的研究

    Research on factors about the length of stay in hospital management

  29. 三级甲等综合性医院平均住院日影响因素研究

    Determinants of average length of stay of upper first-class general hospitals

  30. 平均住院日20.5天。死亡率4.8%。

    The average days were 20.5 . Mortality was 4.8 % .