
  1. 本文对高平均功率高重复率TEACO2激光器应用于飞机蒙皮激光脱漆进行了较为系统的研究。

    Research is carried out for paint stripping of aircraft using high power high repetition rate TEA CO_2 laser in this paper .

  2. 兼顾冷却时间、材料所能承受的应力及晶体生长尺寸,以及实现100kW的平均功率输出等因素,Nd:GGG晶体是目前三者中比较适合于作为高平均功率、重复率热容方式工作的激光材料。

    Taken cooling time , fracture limit and obtainable size of the crystal into account , Nd : GGG should be the suitable active medium for high average power , repetitive frequency heat capacity laser .