
  • 网络composite fabric;bonding;combined fabric
  1. 厚重复合面料生产中的难点及解决措施

    Difficulty and Resolving Measures in Producing Heavy Composite Fabric

  2. 通过四种不同的方法制备了生物防护复合面料,通过基本性能测试选取了最优方案。

    Four kinds of biological protective composite materials were prepared , and the best composite material was chose via basic property testing .

  3. 本文探讨了PTT纤维的性能,并详细介绍了PTT弹性纱线筒子纱、PTT复合纤维面料以及PTT地毯等特殊PTT纤维产品的染整加工工艺。

    This paper covers the properties of PTT fiber and in detail elucidates the dyeing and finishing process of PTT elastic yarn cheese , PTT composite fiber material and PTT carpet etc.

  4. 陶瓷纤维复合针织面料的研究

    A Study on the Compound Knitted Fabric Made from Ceramic Fibre

  5. 功能性羊毛复合针织面料研究

    Study on Production of Functional Wool Compound Knitted Fabric

  6. 纳米复合抗菌面料的研制及其抗菌性能

    Preparation of Nanocomposite Antibacterial Cloth and Its Antibacterial Property

  7. 高支苎麻/涤纶复合纱针织面料的开发

    Development of fabrics knitted by fine ramie / PET compound yarns

  8. 整理后的真丝复合丝牛仔面料的服用性能也作了试验和检测。

    The wearability of the treated silk covered yarn denim is also tested .

  9. 迄今为止还没有一种纤维能足以全面满足人们对面料的多层次、多功能的需求,故通过对各种纤维交织形成新型的多功能复合服用纺织面料已是当务之急。

    So far , no fiber can be separately used to meet the demands of multi-functional fabrics , it is an urgent task to develop new multi-functional fabrics which is made of different fibers .

  10. 棉盖涤/锦超细旦复合丝针织运动面料的开发

    Development of Double Knitting Sports Fabric of Micro Polyester / Polyamide Filament-Covered Cotton

  11. “这就让复合材料制成的面料具有极大的灵活性和多变的密度。”法拉希如是说。

    That ' allows the fabrication of composite materials with varying flexibilities [ and ] densities , ' Farahi said .