
dǎ dòu
  • fight;struggle;brawl;beating;have a fight;clash;dust-up
打斗 [dǎ dòu]
  • [fight] 〈方〉∶动手争斗

  • 阵前两员大将正在打斗

打斗[dǎ dòu]
  1. 这场打斗是一伙少年挑起来的。

    The fight was started by a gang of youths .

  2. 有人设法阻止打斗,但我不想牵涉进去。

    Some people tried to stop the fight but I didn 't want to get involved .

  3. 双方球迷发生了打斗。

    Fighting had broken out between rival groups of fans .

  4. 他们因在街上打斗而遭到拘捕。

    They were arrested for brawling in the street .

  5. 这个房间留有激烈打斗的痕迹。

    The room bore all the signs of a violent struggle .

  6. 警察认为这场打斗是由两个敌对的青少年帮派之间的纠纷引起的。

    The police believe the fight was due to a dispute between rival teenage gangs .

  7. 这场街头打斗是由一伙少年挑起来的。

    The street fight was started by a gang of youths .

  8. 这一对冤家怒目而视,准备打斗。

    The rivals are glaring at each other , ready to fight .

  9. 她身上的抓痕表明她曾与人打斗过。

    The scratch marks on her body indicated that she had fought with someone .

  10. 两名男演员在万丈悬崖上打斗的场面给我留下了深刻印象。

    The scene in which two actors fought on an abysmal cliff gave me a deep impression .

  11. 茶馆里又发生了一场打斗。

    Another dust-up took place in the teahouse .

  12. 他在打斗中被打得鼻子流血。

    He got a bloody nose in the fight .

  13. 交配和打斗过后,雄性螃蟹再蘸一蘸潮湿的海水,回到内陆。

    As mating , and fighting abates , males dip again and begin returning inland .

  14. 那个混混打斗无数。

    That punk got into umpteen fights .

  15. 他也为彼得•杰克逊(PeterJackson)执导的《指环王》三部曲设计了打斗场面。

    Mr. Wolf designed fighting styles for battle scenes in Peter Jackson 's ' Lord of the Rings ' trilogy .

  16. 为苹果公司生产iPhone的富士康公司在中国北部的一家工厂停产,原因是之前发生了多达两千工人卷入的打斗,并且有大约40人受伤。

    Foxconn , the company that makes Apple 's iPhones , has suspended production at a factory in northern China after a brawl that involved as many as 2,000 workers and left about 40 people injured .

  17. 虽然猴子巫师没有台词,但他会突然出现在几场打斗戏中,帮助主角辛巴(Simba)。

    While Monkey Master doesn 't speak , he bursts in to help fight for Simba , the lion protagonist , in several action scenes .

  18. 这部电影,以及两年后发行的续集《大侦探福尔摩斯:诡影游戏》(SherlockHolmes:AGameofShadows)中的打斗场面,一部分就来源于沃尔夫的巴顿术协会(BartitsuSociety)收集到的巴顿-怀特的初始资料。

    The film -- and a sequel two years later , ' Sherlock Holmes : A Game of Shadows ' -- included fight scenes based in part on Mr. Barton-Wright 's original texts collected by Mr. Wolf 's Bartitsu Society . '

  19. 罗素特恩布尔(russellturnbull)是八名接受干细胞治疗的病人之一,他在调停一起公共汽车上的打斗事件时,右眼被氨灼伤。

    Russell Turnbull , whose right eye was burned in an ammonia attack after he intervened in the fight on a bus , is one of eight patients who have undergone the stem cell treatment .

  20. 醒来之后,恩佐会跟Jamison看一小会儿电视,之后这俩伙计就开始嬉戏打斗。不过这对南非夫妇也承认,嬉戏时恩佐会失去控制。

    On waking Enzo might watch a spot of TV with Mr Jamison before the pair have a bit of rough and tumble , which the South African admits can get out of hand .

  21. 颇为浪漫而又忧郁柔情的梁朝伟有打斗戏份,但其缺乏类似于查尔顿•赫斯顿(CharltonHeston)或三船敏郎(ToshirMifune)等武术英雄的体格或威严。

    More of a romantic , melancholy heartthrob , Leung has the acting chops but not the physique or the commanding presence of a martial hero that would be the equivalent of Charlton Heston or Toshio Mifune .

  22. 因为他的打斗风格就反映出了这一事实

    Because you could see that reflected in his fighting style .

  23. 那个卑鄙小人在玩扑克牌时作弊,因此引起一场打斗。

    A fight break out because that scumbag cheated at poker .

  24. 原始构思是绝地用剑打斗。

    The original concept was that thejedi would fight with swords .

  25. 他加入了打斗,一只眼睛被打青了。

    He got into a fight and has a black eye .

  26. 狗的狂叫声扰乱了夜的宁静;他们凶猛地打斗。

    Silence broken by dogs barking ferociously ; they fought fiercely .

  27. 那场打斗一定把她吓坏了,所以她跑掉了。

    The fighting must have scared her and she ran away .

  28. 从野营地那边传来的醉汉打斗声。

    The sounds of drunken battle wafting over from the camp .

  29. 海盗们跳到我们的船上和我们打斗了起来。

    The pirates jumped onto our ship and the battle began .

  30. 近距离地以一种混乱的方式进行打斗。

    Fight or struggle in a confused way at close quarters .