
dǎ gǔ
  • beat a drum;feel uncertain;feel nervous;drum
打鼓 [dǎ gǔ]
  • (1) [beat a drum]∶击鼓

  • (2) [feel uncertain]∶感到没有把握

  • (3) [feel nervous]∶感到心神不定,忐忑不安

  • 还不知结果,她心里直打鼓

打鼓[dǎ gǔ]
  1. 玩儿著,玩儿著,刘翔趁我没留神,突然用他那胖胖的小手像打鼓一样地敲著我的那台“宝贝”电脑。

    Is playing , is playing , Liu Xiangchen I have not paid attention , uses he that fat small hand picture to beat a drum suddenly is knocking my that treasure computer equally .

  2. 他正在打鼓。

    He was beating a drum .

  3. 打鼓式驾驶(drumdriving)指开车时听着音乐,一边用手有节奏地敲打方向盘,就好像跟着音乐在打鼓一样。

    Drum driving describes the situation when a person is driving while listening to music , and rhythmically1 tapping on the steering2 wheel , as if playing the drums to the beat of the music .

  4. 杰克为学校乐队打鼓。

    Jack drums for the school band .

  5. 通常来说,这种打鼓式驾驶行为在等红灯的时候比较常见,有时还能看到开车的人嘴唇在动,似乎是在跟唱。

    This kind of driving is most often observed at red lights , also the person 's lips are normally viewed attempting to sing or mouth the words to the song .

  6. 他不仅拥有惊人的音乐天赋:写作,打鼓,跳舞,弹吉他,钢琴,小号一切OK,是非常得有才华。

    He not only has amazing musical talent : writing , drumming , dancing , playing guitar , piano , trumpet everything OK , but looks are sprouting very handsome .

  7. 但他们的一位邻居一点也不喜欢那种噪音,所以几天后的一个早上,她带着一把锋利的刀去Jimmy家,那时Jimmy正在打鼓。

    But one of the neighbours did not like the noise at all , so one morning a few days later , she took a sharp knife and went to Jimmy 's house while he was hitting his drum .

  8. 我宁可专注于打鼓也不要说太多废话

    I would rather concentrate on my drums than to speak nonsense

  9. 就在这时候,远远传来打鼓的声音。

    At that moment a far off drum beat was heard .

  10. 孩子睡觉时,不要练习打鼓。

    You mustn 't practise drums while the baby is sleeping .

  11. 我一路上没看见什么打鼓的呀。

    I didn 't see any drum all along the way .

  12. 卡洛斯:你难道没有听说过可以打鼓吗?

    Carlos : Have you ever heard of the drums ?

  13. 周末还经常在爵士乐队中打鼓。

    And used to play drums with the jazz band on weekends .

  14. 有人在远处打鼓。

    Someone was beating a drum in the distance .

  15. 他打鼓的时候,你听得见神的声音。

    When he plays the drums , you can hear God 's voice .

  16. 我听到他在冬冬地打鼓。

    I could hear him pounding on the drum .

  17. 和那些打鼓的人一样。

    It was the same with the drum people .

  18. 在2岁的时候,我学会了打鼓。

    I learned to play the drums at age2 .

  19. 那我们就赶紧学打鼓去吧。

    Then we should waste no time learning how to beat the drum .

  20. 他打鼓打了一个多小时。

    He beat the drum for over an hour .

  21. 是的,我能够打鼓。

    Yes , I can play the drums .

  22. 我会打鼓,可好久都没有练了。

    I can play drums , but I haven 't played for a while .

  23. 你不是喜欢看侠女打鼓吗?

    Didn 't you like watching her drumming ?

  24. 当没有打鼓或者教学任务时,你会干些什么?

    When not drumming or teaching , what else do you get up to ?

  25. 你不停止打鼓,我就要扭断你的脖子。

    I 'll break your neck if you don 't stop playing those drums .

  26. 他正在学习如何打鼓。

    He is learning how to play drums .

  27. 现在,西蒙站在马丁内斯先生的门廊前,心里直打鼓。

    Now Simon stood on Mr. Martinez 's stoop with a sense of dread .

  28. 他们不使用音乐或打鼓的方式激发人们的情绪

    They didn 't include drumming or music to get people 's blood going .

  29. 她说,她现在正在学习打鼓。

    Right now , she says , she is learning to play the drums .

  30. 布莱恩:我讨厌《铃儿响叮当》!我更喜欢那首《打鼓的小男孩》。

    Brian : I hate Jingle Bells ! I prefer The Little Drummer Boy song .