
dǎ kāi
  • open;turn on;switch on;open up;break;unfold;unpack;spread;undo;widen;unfasten;untie;break out;unwind
打开 [dǎ kāi]
  • (1) [open]

  • (2) 改变关闭状态(如一扇门或一只盖子)

  • 打开门

  • (3) 开口子

  • 打开古代一些帝王的陵墓

  • (4) [open up]∶揭开;开拓

  • 打开局面

  • (5) [break]

  • (6) 拆散某些火器的机械装置

  • 打开猎枪,把两个枪管都装上子弹

  • (7) 松开,解开

  • 打开他的枷锁

  • (8) [break out]∶使处于一种展开的或伸展的状态

  • 把中桅帆打开

  • (9) [turn on;swith on]∶使流动;使运行

  • 打开收音机

  • 打开龙头

  • 打开阀门

  • (10) [widen]∶扩大的范围

  • 打开眼界

打开[dǎ kāi]
  1. 向左转动手柄把门打开。

    Twist the knob to the left to open the door .

  2. 劳驾,请您把窗户打开好吗?

    Could I trouble you to open the window , please ?

  3. 窗子打开了,冷不防一只狗探出头来。

    The window opened and a dog 's head popped out .

  4. 一名过于尽职的保安打开了婴儿的奶瓶来查看。

    An overzealous security guard checked inside the baby 's bottle .

  5. 你得先把瓶盖子打开!

    You need to take the top off the bottle first !

  6. 她打开抽屉,翻找她的钥匙。

    She opened the drawer and ferreted around for her keys .

  7. 他打开门和窃贼打了个照面。

    He opened the door and came face-to-face with a burglar .

  8. 这定时锁要用特定密码才能打开。

    A special code is needed to override the time lock .

  9. 他一屁股坐下来,打开了电视。

    He just plonked himself down and turned on the TV .

  10. 她用拇指打开了手枪的保险栓。

    She thumbed off the safety catch of her pistol .

  11. 她一拧钥匙,盖子啪地打开了。

    She turned the key and the lid sprang open .

  12. 我可以打开窗户吗?这里面都快把人闷死了!

    Can I open a window ? It 's suffocating in here !

  13. 他打开盒子,从里面跳出一只青蛙来。

    He opened the box and out jumped a frog .

  14. 她打开手提包,取出梳子。

    She opened her bag and took out her comb .

  15. 打开窗户。这儿热得像火炉!

    Open a window , it 's like an oven in here !

  16. 不久,门又打开了,走出来三个人。

    Presently , the door opened again and three men stepped out .

  17. 老师,请允许我打开一扇窗户好吗?

    Please , sir , can I open a window ?

  18. 我打开包裹取出书来。

    I undid the package and took out the books .

  19. 我一到达就打开行李,整理衣物。

    I unpacked my bags as soon as I arrived .

  20. 陈先生为妻子打开车门。

    Mr Chen opened the car door for his wife .

  21. 波莉吓得直发抖,慢慢地打开了门。

    Quaking with fear , Polly slowly opened the door .

  22. 一瓶酒下肚,哈里的话匣子便打开了。

    A bottle of wine had loosened Harry 's tongue .

  23. 不要打开任何标有“机密”的邮件。

    Do not open any mail marked ' Confidential ' .

  24. 房门打开,一间温暖舒适的小屋展现在眼前。

    The door opened to reveal a cosy little room .

  25. 打开瓶子前,先使劲摇一摇。

    Give the bottle a good shake before opening .

  26. 生日礼物要等到你生日那天才可打开。

    Don 't unwrap your present until your birthday .

  27. 她转动把手,打开了门。

    She turned the handle and opened the door .

  28. 请打开窗子好吗?

    Do you think you could open the window ?

  29. 他小心翼翼地打开盒子朝里看。

    He opened the box gingerly and looked inside .

  30. 这扇门很难打开。

    This door 's a bugger to open .