
  • 网络for fun;Have Fun;Having Fun
  1. 我想说如果你去学校是为了找乐子你可以去任何一所学校,包括OSU。

    I would say that if you 're going to college to have fun then you could probably do this anywhere , including OSU .

  2. 你可以保护好自己并找乐子的。

    You can afford to protect yourself and still have fun .

  3. 他们去酒馆不仅是为了喝酒,也是为了找乐子。

    They go to the pubs not for the drink alone , but for the crack .

  4. 今天你需要放松一下,给自已找乐子会很有快感的。

    Your need for relaxation and fun could be high today .

  5. 而我来这里是找乐子的。

    I 'm really just here to have a good time .

  6. 全家人找乐子时我在哪里?

    And where was I during all of this family fun ?

  7. 让杰克跟他的伙计们就这么找乐子。

    And let Jackie boy and his pals find their fun .

  8. 世界各地的观光客来这里找乐子。

    Tourists from around the world come here looking for pleasure .

  9. 可以为钱也可以为找乐子。

    You can do it for money or for fun .

  10. 你现在是在拿我找乐子吧。

    Now you 're just trying to have some fun with me .

  11. 起初蓝盒子只是用来找乐子或者搞恶作剧的。

    At first the Blue Box was used for fun and pranks .

  12. 法律辅导员总是很会找乐子。

    Guidance counselors get to find out all sorts of interesting things .

  13. 这是一单生意,不是找乐子和儿戏。

    This is a business , not fun and game .

  14. 你是来公干还是来找乐子的?

    Are you in town on , uh , business or pleasure ?

  15. 对不起,我会自已找乐子的。

    Excuse me while I go find a container for my joy .

  16. 这些家伙只想找乐子。

    All these guys wanted to do was party .

  17. 你想找乐子就要跟着我。

    You wanna have some fun , kid , you stick with me .

  18. 我不去约会,也不找乐子。

    I don 't go on dates . I don 't have fun .

  19. 我想他也在给自己找乐子放松呢

    I think he 's actually letting himself have some fun for once .

  20. 摆脱抑郁的最佳方式就是找乐子。

    The perfect way to shake off the blues is to find amusement .

  21. 你懂的我总能给自己找乐子

    You ? You know , I can always make my own fun .

  22. 在找乐子吗?我希望你们有保险措施。

    Having fun ? I hope you wore protection .

  23. 这对年轻人很快把他们对于通过电话黑客找乐子的兴趣

    the pair quickly moved on from phone-jacking for fun

  24. 那我们也可以自己出去找乐子!

    We can still go out and party ourselves !

  25. 这次为了另找乐子,他们给错了抗生素。

    This time , for extra fun , they gave us the wrong antibiotics .

  26. 那我们上哪找乐子?

    Then we can 't have any fun .

  27. 我们在找乐子呢。

    We are having fun . You are .

  28. 他们拿我当活宝,利用我给他们找乐子。

    They make a playful thing of me , use me for their amusement .

  29. 他自己可以找乐子。

    He 'll be making his own fun .

  30. 咱俩一向很会找乐子

    Well , you and I always knew how to have a fun time .