
  • 网络Bearer Service;BEAR SERVICES
  1. 本建议规定ISDN用户部分支持基本的承载业务和补充业务要求的消息和参数的格式和编码。

    This Recommendation specifies the formats and codes of the ISDN user part messages and parameters required to support basic bearer services and supplementary services .

  2. 本文研究GPRS网络结构、传输和信令协议平台、承载业务;提出了GPRS网络的部分关键性能指标,并作为网络管理的重要依据;

    This paper researches the GPRS network architecture , transport and signaling protocols plane and bearer services , brings up some key performances index in GPRS network , which are used as the importance basis in GPRS network management ;

  3. 帧中继承载业务的ATM传输技术

    The Transporting Technology for the FRBS over ATM

  4. 实现ATM网中各种承载业务控制

    Implementation of Loaded Services Control in ATM Networks

  5. SLA反映的是网络承载业务的性能和水平。

    SLA reflects the performance and level of network carrying business .

  6. 文章简要介绍了3G系统的数据承载业务及多媒体应用两个方面的内容。

    This paper out-lines the data bearer service and its multimedia applications in a WCDMA system .

  7. 经过算法筛选确定了采用RSA作为公共密钥管理和采用AES承载业务加密的技术路线。

    The algorithm selection shows RSA suits public key encryption and AES is good for voice encryption .

  8. 近年来,随着以TCP/IP为核心协议的互联网的快速发展,IP技术作为一种承载业务和沟通传输的中间体得到了极大的发展,基于IP的业务应用发展迅速,网络的规模日趋庞大。

    With the great development of Internet , the IP network technology , as a carrier of service and communication , having got rapid growth in recent years .

  9. 分析了宽带无线系统中所承载业务的QoS需求,提出了一种用模拟业务来测试网络QoS的技术。

    The paper analyses QoS requirement of different services in broadband wireless system . The method of service-simulation is proposed to test QoS of a network .

  10. 随着IP网上承载业务的多样化,以及光传输网络带宽的飞速发展,IP骨干网络正在从G比特级速度向T比特级过渡。

    With development of service diversity of the IP network and rapid bandwidth growth of the optical transmission network , the backbone network has been evolving from the Gigabit level to the Terabit level .

  11. 在本系统开发中,考虑到承载业务的方式是胖服务器、瘦客户端的WAP体系,本文采用J2EE作为系统开发平台。

    The way of bearer service is based on WAP , With fat server and thin client . Therefore , this system adopts J2EE as development platform .

  12. 随着Internet规模的不断扩大及其承载业务的不断发展,传统网络无法提供服务质量保证的问题也逐渐的暴露出来,在这种情况下,IPQOS的概念应运而生。

    With the rapid expansion of the Internet scale and the growing number of services , the problem that traditional network lacks guaranteed QoS ( quality of service ) exposed gradually , IP QoS was born in that case .

  13. IDC是提供承载业务的服务器的机房,是提供上述服务的基础,IDC业务收入是未来通信运营商的重要利润增长点。

    IDC is a service server room , is the foundation to provide these services , IDC business income is an important profit growth point of future communication operators .

  14. APON网络属于分布式媒质共享拓扑结构,所承载业务的QoS要求各异,如何在保证系统传输效率的同时满足用户对服务质量的需求,是APONMAC算法的关键。

    APON is a distributed access network with medium shared by different services . How to meet various QoS demands of different services and guarantee the transport efficiency is the core of MAC research .

  15. 研究本地传输网目标网络规划思路、组网策略以及主要承载业务对传输网资源需求,服务于IPTV业务承载架构。

    Goal of network planning ideas of the local transmission network , the resource requirements of the network strategy , as well as the main bearer service transmission network , the IPTV service that hosts the schema .

  16. 建议I.210描述了规定各种电信业务的原则,这些电信业务是由包含承载业务、用户终端业务和补充业务概念的ISDN所支持的。

    Recommendation I.210 describes the principles for defining telecommunication services supported by an ISDN including the concept of bearer services , teleservices and supplementary services .

  17. 并对EPON和GPON性能参数进行了分析,比较了两者在基本技术要求、传输复用方式、帧结构、承载业务、管理能力和生存性等方面的不同,及其各自的特点和优劣。

    The performance parameters of EPON and GPON , such as basic technical request , transmission multiplex mode , frame structure , bearing capacity , management and survivability , are compared with illustration for their own characteristics , strengths and weakness respectively .

  18. GB/T16653-1996综合业务数字网帧模式承载业务数据链路层规范

    ISDN data link layer specification for frame mode bearer services

  19. 这种承载业务能够灵活地支持在一个虚信道连接上的任意比特率的面向连接的通信。

    This bearer service flexibly supports connection-oriented communications at any bit rate over a virtual channel connection .

  20. 提供者还可以共享应用服务器的实例,以承载业务服务的多个实例。

    The provider can also share an instance of an application server to host multiple instances of business services .

  21. 要开始构造应用程序,将需要一个项目来承载业务对象、组件和接口。

    To begin constructing the application , we need a project to hold the business objects , components , and interfaces .

  22. 随着网络接入技术的日趋多样化和网络承载业务的不断丰富,传统网络架构面临着诸多挑战。

    With the rapid progress of network access technology and the increasing number of service types , traditional network architecture is faced with more and more challenges .

  23. 在大规模用户接入的环境下,可管理、可控制是网络提供高速、稳定、安全、可靠的端到端承载业务的基础。

    Controllability is the foundational requirement for network carrying out high-speeding , steady , safe and reliable end to end services under the condition of large scale subscribers .

  24. 随着网络承载业务多元化的发展趋势,用户对接入级网络设备的功能与性能同时提出了更高的需求。

    With the diversification of the network business becoming a steady-going trend , the users present higher requirement on the function and performance of the access-level network device .

  25. 集装箱堆场作为进出口集装箱装卸过程的一个重要枢纽,是集装箱作业管理中承载业务较多的场所。

    As one of the important hinges of container loads and unloads process , Container yard is complex department in container operational management because the operation in it is various .

  26. 随着网络规模的日益扩展,网络体系结构模型越来越复杂,网络用户及承载业务种类也与日剧增。

    With the increasing expansion of network scale , network architecture model is more and more complex . Network users and bearing service types are also increasing day by day .

  27. 该平台包括数据采集、综合智能监控以及服务流程的设定;该IT服务支撑平台从基础平台、应用及承载业务三个层面得到自下而上的服务支持,形成全面监控。

    This platform includes data collection , integrated intelligent monitoring and service processes set ; the IT service support three levels services which are fundamental platform , application and business .

  28. 通过业务感知机制,网络可以实时了解所承载业务的特性,并根据自身的运行状况对不同业务提供不同的服务,从而提高网络运行效率。

    By the service awareness mechanism , network can know the service property in real-time , and provides different service according to network condition , to improve the network efficiency .

  29. 牵头推进周口移动OTN+PTN+GPON综合传送平台的建设,并对该工程承载业务的安全性进行了论证和评估。

    Take the lead in the integrated transport construction of OTN + PTN + GPON platform for Zhoukou mobile , and do the demonstration and evaluation to the safety of the project .

  30. 随着无线承载业务的多样化,频谱资源越来越稀缺,如何在有限的频率资源上,实现更高的频谱利用率,成为迫在眉睫的需求。

    With the diversity of radio bearer services , radio spectrum is becoming more and more scarce . How to achieve higher spectral efficiency with limited radio frequency resource , has been urgent currently .