
chénɡ yùn rén
  • carrier;contractor;haulier;freighter
  1. FOB术语下卖方在承运人无单放货时的诉权

    The Seller 's Right of Complaint under FOB about the Carrier 's Delivery without Bills of Lading

  2. 无船承运人(NVOCC)制度是规范和监管无船承运业务的制度。

    Non – Vessel Operating Common Carrier ( NVOCC ) system is the regulation and supervision of non-vessel operating system .

  3. 承运人识别的法律问题④慢迁肝和慢性HBV携带者的效果差;

    The bad effect showed in patients with chronic persisting hepatitis and HBsAg carrier ;

  4. 在卖方按照a4规定交货时受领货物,并在指定的目的港从承运人收受货物。

    Accept delivery of the goods when they have been delivered in accordance with a4.and receive them from the carrier at the named port of destination .

  5. (指定地点)承运人交货价(FRC):在指定地点向承运人交货的价格。

    Free carrier ( named point ) - FRC : Applies to goods delivered into the custody of the carrier at the named point .

  6. 承运人和积分纸箱袖子在设计标准的N97的包装盒,以加强感觉的启示。

    The carrier and integral carton sleeve where designed to wrap the standard N97 box so as to intensify the feeling of revelation .

  7. 书面指示要求在规定的时间和地点汇报军事任务的正式书面指示(指定地点)承运人交货价(FRC):在指定地点向承运人交货的价格。

    Formal written instructions to report for military duty at a specified time and place . free carrier ( named point ) - FRC : Applies to goods delivered into the custody of the carrier at the named point .

  8. 本文拟对CMI起草的海上货物运输法建议稿中与承运人责任相关的制度,以比较研究的方法作一探讨,以探究其规定的内涵,把握当今海上货物运输法的国际统一趋势。

    This dissertation is planned to compare and discuss the systems relating to carrier 's liability in the CMI 's Draft Outline Instrument in order to research the intentions of the regulations and grasp the international unification trend of carriage of goods by sea .

  9. 论文指出,在我国现行法律未做明确规定或者合同未做明确约定的情况下,承运人向我国发货人或收货人收取装卸港THC不符合合同相对性原理。

    Moreover , the thesis points out that the collection of THC charged Chinese consignors or consignees by liners is not in accordance with the principle of the Privity of Contract if the laws of china do not provide or the contract of carriage does not stipulate .

  10. 在这种情况下,以促进海事法各领域的统一为宗旨的CMI决定起草一个新的国际公约,以期重新达到承运人责任制度的国际统一。

    In the circumstances , CMI whose object , as stated in its constitution , is the " unification of maritime law in all its aspects " decided that a new international convention should be drafted aim in the reunification of carrier 's liability system .

  11. 主要对承运人的定义和识别方法作了详细的讨论。

    It discusses the definition and identification methods of the carrier .

  12. 无船承运人双重责任制度探析

    Exploration of Dual Liability System of NVOCC Double Faces Dual Images

  13. 在国际贸易实践中,海运承运人是其中的重要参与人。

    In international trade , ocean carrier is an important participant .

  14. 我们仅使用声誉好的承运人。他损了学校的声誉。

    We use only reputable carriers . He shamed his school .

  15. 承运人迟延交付赔偿责任辨析

    Analysis of Carrier 's Right of Indemnification in Delay in Delivery

  16. 中国《海商法》下承运人对托运人的运费追偿权

    On the Carrier 's Right of Claiming Freight from the Shipper

  17. 第二部分论述了承运人的违约责任。

    Part two deals with carrier 's liability for breaching contract .

  18. 国际航空承运人责任演变基础之探究&以空运业发展史为视角

    Development of Principle of Civil Aviation Carrier Responsibility from Airlift History

  19. 论承运人对运输过程中旅客人身伤亡的赔偿责任

    On Liability for Compensation of Injury and Death in Passanger Transportation

  20. 第一部分是承运人管货义务的标准。

    The first is about the standard of the obligation .

  21. 实际承运人的识别及其责任的认定

    Identification of the Actual Carrier And Confirmability of His Liability

  22. 论我国《海商法》中承运人的义务与免责的关系

    On the Relationship between the Carrier 's Obligations and Immunities in CMC

  23. 火灾,但是由于承运人本人的过失所造成的除外;

    Fire , unless caused by the actual fault of the carrier ;

  24. 馈线自动化技术承运人识别的法律问题电力载波通信在叶轮给煤机监控系统中的应用

    Application of Power Line Carrier Communication to Blade Coal Feeder Monitoring System

  25. 第三部分承运人识别的依据。

    Part Three : The basis for identifying the carrier .

  26. 我国《海商法》下承运人及实际承运人若干问题研究

    On certain issues regarding carrier and actual carrier in Chinese Maritime Code

  27. 浅谈航空承运人航运延误之法律责任

    Legal Liability of Air Transport Carrier in Air Transport Delay

  28. 第三部分:《汉堡规则》在承运人识别问题上的改革。

    Part 3 : Reform of Hamburger Rules on identification of Carrier .

  29. 拖航运输中实际承运人的判定?

    How to judge the actual shipper involved in maritime towage operation ?

  30. 马杜夫桃子有限公司诉利比亚阿提卡海承运人有限公司拉可尼亚轮案

    Mardorf Peach & Co. Ltd. v. Attica Sea Carriers Corporation of Liberia