
jì shù fú wù hé tonɡ
  • technical service contract;contract for technical services
  1. 技术服务合同是指供方利用其技术为受方提供服务或咨询以达到特定目标的合同。

    This technical service contract refers to a contract whereby the supplier uses certain technology to provide service or consultancy to the recipient in order to achieve a specific target .

  2. 目前国际上主要的合同模式有租让制合同,产品分成合同,技术服务合同和回购合同。

    Presently , there are mainly four contract models internationally , namely concession , PSC , service and buy back contracts .

  3. 在此基础上,提出通过签订交钥匙合同、签订监督和技术服务合同、采用货币掉期等方法对这些风险进行管理。

    On this basis , this paper proposes some methods to control these risks , including signing contract of " paying keying ", signing supervise and technological service contract , adopting currency extends bill .

  4. 谈谈技术服务进口合同的履约

    Fulfillment of technical service contract

  5. 通过本体技术构建了服务合同模板,为合同概念、参数和度量提供严格统一和富含语义的定义。

    By modelling the service agreement template in ontology , the concepts and parameters inside agreements can be defined in unified , rigorous and semantic-rich manner .

  6. 最初合同,根据企业信息技术解决方案-2服务合同签订,要求CACI支持陆军部的总弹药管理信息系统。

    The prime contract , awarded through the Information Technology Enterprise Solutions-2 Services contract , calls for CACI to support the Army Department 's Total Ammunition Management Information System .

  7. 上述技术服务费用为本合同履行所必要的技术服务的最高限价。

    The above-mentioned Technical Service fee is the ceiling price for all the service necessary for the performance of the contract .

  8. 除了预付款和技术服务费外,合同总价以不可撤销的信用证方式支付。

    The total contract price , except the advance payment and the technical service fee , shall be paid by irrevocable letter of credit .