
  • 网络technical files;technical dossier;technical records;technology file
  1. 浅谈部分军队医院卫生干部技术档案的问题与对策

    Problems regarding the technical records of the health personnel in some army hospitals and their solutions

  2. 医院建立卫生干部技术档案是为了记录每个卫生干部的专业技术水平和实际工作能力,为组织培训、选拔使用干部及调职、晋级提供主要依据。

    The reason for hospitals to make technical records of the health personnel is to keep track of their technical level and their professional capability on the basis of which the organization of training , the appointment , transfer and promotion of the personnel are to be carried out .

  3. 本文详细介绍了VISUALFOXPRO环境下的技术档案管理系统的设计和系统功能的实现。

    The paper introduces the design and realization of systemic function of the system for technique archives under the circumstance of Visual Foxpro .

  4. 介绍了地铁内火灾自动报警系统(FAS)的管理与维护,对FAS系统的技术档案、人员培训、消防资质也作了简要介绍。

    This paper presents the management and maintenance of FAS in metro systems and also the technical files , training , and firing fight - ing qualification .

  5. 采用MSACCESS开发实现的焊工技术档案管理数据库系统包括资料的分类存储、维护、检索;各种技术资料信息的汇总和统计;

    The welder technical file control database system developed by MS Access include sort memory , maintenance , searches of data and collection and statistic of all technical data and information , printing of related report forms , etc.

  6. 系统收集和保存野生资源,建立野生活植物资源圃,并对其资源进行包括DNA分子标记研究手段在内的遗传多样性、遗传特性以及亲缘关系等系统、全面的研究,建立相关数据库和技术档案;

    Secondly , systematically collecting wild Iris resources , establishing a wild plant resources garden ; systematically studying these resources including DNA markers , gene diversity , genetic characteristic and the relatives between the species , establishing the related database and technique file .

  7. 本文探讨了其总体设计思想,研制了大部件图、明细表及技术档案的生成程序,并用TURBOPASCAL语言编制了一个图库管理程序CADLIB。

    Studies it 's general design idea , develops programs for generation of engineering drawing , specification and technique file , and develops a management program by Turbo Pascal language for drawing bose & CADLIB .

  8. 论建立煤矿技术档案管理信息系统

    Discussion on Establishing Coal Mine 's Technical Archives Management Information System

  9. 管理维修人员的个人技术档案。

    Manage the personal technical record for all technicians and engineers .

  10. 建筑机械安全管理的技术档案

    Technical dossiers on safety management of the construction machinery equipment

  11. PC&1500机的钻探管理与技术档案汉字软件包

    A Chinese Character Software Package for Drilling Management and Technical Archives Storage

  12. 有线电视技术档案的建立和日常管理是非常重要的,我们必须把这项工作做好。

    Establishment and Daily Administration of CATV Technical Archives is very important .

  13. 浅谈高速公路技术档案管理体制及对策

    Discuss technology archives manage system and countermeasure of highway

  14. 浅议技术档案信息的利用、共享与转移

    Brief Talk about Utilization , Share and Transfer of Information of Technical Files

  15. 水利技术档案资料收集管理与利用

    The Collection , Management and Utilization of the Filing Information of Irrigation Technology

  16. 论图书馆建立技术档案的必要性

    Necessity of Establishing the Technique File in the Library

  17. 搞好工程总承包交工技术档案管理的体会

    Experience on Technical Archive Management of Turn key Project

  18. 大中专院校专业技术档案管理的现状及对策

    The Current Situation and Countermeasure of Professional Technique File Management in High School

  19. 浅谈计量技术档案管理工作中的几点体会

    Several Experiences of Records Management Work in Measurement Technique

  20. 浅谈道路施工技术档案的建立

    Establishing the technological files of highway construction

  21. 科学技术档案管理学

    Study of scientific and technical archives management

  22. 浅谈我国城市给水管网及其技术档案的发展趋势

    Discussing the Problems and Development Tendency on City Water Supply Networks Technique and its Administration Files

  23. 加强技术档案管理搞好量值传递工作

    Do Well Work of Value of a Quantity 's Trans by Strengthen Manage of Technical File

  24. 建立计算机飞行人员技术档案管理系统成为时代发展的必然趋势。

    It 's a natural trend to build up a computer system of flight technique files .

  25. 结合实际,就如何加强港口建设工程施工阶段技术档案的管理进行探讨。

    This paper probes into the way of enhancing construction-stages technical archives management of port construction engineering .

  26. 医院个人专业技术档案的建立与管理

    On the Establishment and Management of the Personal Archives of Professional and Technical Personnel in the Hospital

  27. 我国知识产权保护与科技档案管理存在的问题与对策科学技术档案管理学

    The Protection of Intellectual Property Right and the Management of Technique Files ; study of scientific and technical archives management

  28. 该规则全部或部分适用于学位论文、学术论文、年报等科技文件,也适用于技术档案。

    They are fully or partly suitable for dissertations , scientific papers , annuals or other scientific and technical documents .

  29. 针对有线电视技术档案管理的现状及存在的问题,提出了解决问题的措施。

    Aiming at the present condition and existing problem of CATV technical files management , propose the ways to solve the scheme .

  30. 因此,同一个物质的所有技术档案将一起评估,任何有用的信息都将被考虑在内。

    Therefore , all registration dossiers submitted for a substance are examined together and any other available information is taken into account .