
  • 网络technical level;skill level
  1. 土木建筑工人技术等级标准建筑及土木工程承建商

    Standard for technical level of constructors building and civil engineering construction contractor

  2. 环卫工人技术等级标准西欧内河航道分级标准

    Technical level standard for workers of environmental sanitation West-European inland waterway classification scale

  3. 运用BP神经网络的军用装备技术等级评定

    Evaluation of Military Equipment Technology Level Using BP Neural Network

  4. 在薪酬体系设计过程中,综合运用了工作分析、技术等级划分、层次分析法(AHP)等。

    Salary System in the design process , the integrated use of job analysis , job evaluation , Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) and so on .

  5. 多因素Logistic回归分析显示,个性维度中的N分较高(情绪稳定性差)、年龄小、文化程度及技术等级低、采用计件/计时方式计算工资等因素,可使职业伤害发生的危险性升高。

    It was showed by the unconditional logistic regression analysis that the higher N score in personality scale , the younger age , the lower education level , the lower skill grade and the earnings calculated by piece or by time were the risk factors of occupational injuries incidence .

  6. 一个信息技术等级考试系统的设计研究

    A study on design of the software for information technology test

  7. 少数民族传统体育运动员技术等级制度建设研究

    Research on the Establishment of Technical Hierarchy for National Traditional Minority Athletes

  8. 探讨了模糊数学中的隶属函数在桥梁技术等级状态评估中的应用。

    The applications of fuzzy mathematics in condition assessment of bridges were discussed .

  9. 社会体育指导员技术等级制度研究概述

    Brief state of the study of technical grades system for social sport instructors

  10. 环卫工人技术等级标准

    Technical level standard for workers of environmental sanitation

  11. 试论交通运输业的特点科技兴运服务市场扎扎实实搞好营运车辆技术等级评定

    Thriving on Scientific Transportation Service for Markets Carefully Evaluate Technical Grade of Business Vehicles

  12. 市政工程施工养护及污水处理工人技术等级标准

    Technical level standard for workers of construction maintenance and sewerage treatment of municipal engineering

  13. 合适的人员配备、激励体系、技术等级制度和企业文化氛围是该体系有效运作的保证。

    Suitable staffing , incentive system , technology hierarchy and cultural environment are support systems .

  14. 中小城市的道路网普遍存在着公路网技术等级低、服务水平差等问题。

    Furthermore , highway network mostly is the trouble of technical grade and service low .

  15. 大学生网络学习平台的技术等级与实现方式

    The Levels and Realization of E-learning Platform

  16. 目前,营运车辆检测、技术等级评定过程中存在许多问题。

    At present , commercial vehicle examination , in the technical classification process has many problems .

  17. 不同技术等级铅球运动员最佳投掷角度的理论分析

    The Theoretical Discussion on the Best Throwing Angle of the Shot-putting Athletes of Different Technical Levels

  18. 近十几年来,通车里程迅速增加,技术等级大幅度提高,公路桥梁和隧道建设取得显著成果。

    In the past ten odd years , a great progress has been made in highway construction .

  19. 机械施工工人技术等级标准机械设备安装工程施工及验收规范

    Standard for technical level of mechanical constructors Code for construction and acceptance of mechanical equipment installation engineering

  20. 这种描述既可以反映出路网密度指标的特征以及路网分布的均匀程度,又能直接反映路网技术等级的层次性。

    This type of description could show the density of road network , its distribution and technical grading .

  21. 天然橡胶化合物技术等级分类根据等级或种类或者大小分组。

    Standard specification for natural rubber ( nr ) technical grades grouping by class or kind or size .

  22. 国家实行社会体育指导员技术等级制度。社会体育指导员社会体育活动进行指导。

    The State practices a skill-grading system for social sports instructors , who shall guide social sports activities .

  23. 该法还规定:通过了规定的考试的罪犯将取得相应的学校证书和技术等级证书。

    It also says that inmates who have passed the required examinations will receive corresponding academic diplomas and technical grade certificates .

  24. 分类::把生物按照一定的等级规类,分组。天然橡胶化合物技术等级分类

    Classification The grouping and arrangement of organisms into a hierarchical order . standard specification for natural rubber ( nr ) technical grades

  25. 以动态视觉特性为基础,根据道路的性质和技术等级界定不同景观等级公路的景观设计内容;

    The aesthetic design contents of different kinds of roads are studied on the basis of dynamic visual characteristics of road users ;

  26. 而且,通过学习新的职业技能提高技术等级的下岗职工也更容易获得新的工作。

    Moreover , by learning new job skills to improve the technical level of laid-off workers are also easier to obtain new jobs .

  27. 通过定量计算得出,广东省游泳运动员的训练态度与运动技术等级呈显著正相关。

    The conclusions through ratio-nal calculation were suggested : the swim athlete 's training attitude was significantly positive related to sport technical range .

  28. 三峡库区支流航道技术等级定级及其应用西欧内河航道分级标准

    Preliminary Study and Its Application of Navigation Grading Standard Planning of the Tributary Channel in TGP Reservoir Area West-European inland waterway classification scale

  29. 以下公式决定了舰船化为残彤的百分比:2舰船所有者的装甲技术等级。

    The percentage of debris left when a ship is destroyed is determined by the following formula : 2 x owner 's Armour technology .

  30. 为适应现代化建设发展的需要,我国政府推行了事业单位工人技术等级考试与聘任制度。

    To answer the need of modernization drive , the Chinese government has introduced technical rank examination and appointment systems for workers of institutions .