
jì shù jīnɡ jì lùn zhènɡ
  • Technical and Economic Demonstration;techno-economic verification;technico-economical proofing
  1. LNG船舶技术经济论证模型及系统设计

    Technical and economical evaluation model and system design of LNG ship

  2. 出川超浅吃水江海直达运输船型&技术经济论证探讨

    Ship Type of River / sea of Ultra-Shallow Draught from Sichuan

  3. 运输船舶船型技术经济论证方法

    On the method of the technical and economic demonstration for merchant ships

  4. 沿海成品油船技术经济论证

    Technical and Economic Evaluation for the Coastal Oil Products Tanker

  5. 技术经济论证在旅游项目开发中的作用

    On the Function of Technical & Economic Feasibility Study in Tourism Projects

  6. 沿海中小型集装箱船技术经济论证

    A Techno-economic Study on Small or Medium-sized Sea-going Container Ships

  7. 100t/a肌醇项目的技术经济论证

    Techno economic appraisal of 100 t / a inositol project

  8. 从《757-1工程的技术经济论证》浅谈铀矿山的无轨开采

    Discussion on Trackless Mining of uranium deposits on the basis of 757-1 project

  9. 二甲基亚砜项目的技术经济论证

    Technical and Economic Appraisal of Dimethyl Sulfoxide Project

  10. 计算机辅助船舶技术经济论证

    Computer Aided Ship Technic and Economic EValuation

  11. 提出了技术经济论证的决策层次属性及专家行为属性。

    Put forwarding property of decision making arrangement and expert conduct of technique economy argumentation .

  12. 京福国道主干线福建省境内西段路线方案技术经济论证

    Cost-Benefit Analysis of the West Route Scheme of Jing-Fu National Trunk Road in Fujian Province

  13. 振动深松机技术经济论证

    The Technical Economy Argumentation on Vibratory Subsoiler

  14. 北仑-武钢江海直达驳矿石运输方式的技术经济论证

    The Research on Technology and Economic in Transportation Pattern of River / Sea Barge from Beilun Port to Wuhan Industrial Port

  15. 项目可行性研究是在投资前期对项目进行技术经济论证的一种科学方法。

    Project feasibility study is a scientific approach to technical and economic research toward a project in the primary stage of investment .

  16. 随着国际船舶航运市场的发展,为了适应船舶装载货物多样化和工作环境恶劣多变的情况,各种特殊船型应运而生,针对特殊船型所做的船型方案决策和技术经济论证等方面工作也逐渐增多。

    With the development of worldwide shipping market , all kinds of special ship types and corresponding ship form evaluate alternatives are emerging .

  17. 水电建设的技术经济论证是工程决策的基础。

    Technical economy in hydroelectric construction is a basis for ar - riving at the final decision of an engineering project , e.g.hydroelectric construction .

  18. 全文共分四个部分,即装卸工艺设计的任务分析、方案拟定、规模设计以及技术经济论证和推荐方案的确定。

    Namely task analyse of handling technology design > project study out > size design s technology and economy argumentation , commendable project confirm .

  19. 采用混合神经网络调度法对玻璃钢拖网渔船进行技术经济论证,结果表明,该方法能够提高优化结果的效率和鲁棒性。

    A practical case of technological and economical collaborative evaluation for FPR trawler vessels demonstrates that the proposed method is of better efficiency and robust .

  20. 论文第1章介绍了课题的背景和研究价值,讨论了技术经济论证的必要性,并简要介绍了本论文的主要工作;

    Chapter one introduced the topic background and research value , discussed the necessity of the technical and economic evaluation , explained the main work of this paper ;

  21. 搞好设备的投资期管理,做好技术经济论证,是设备全过程管理的重要组成部分。

    Doing wdll the management of equiPment in Period of investment and making good technical-economic proof are the important components of the management of equipment in its whole procedure .

  22. 最后,希望沿海成品油船技术经济论证的方法和结果,能够为积极筹划和参与我国沿海成品油运输的企业提供技术依据,并起到一定的指导作用。

    Finally , it hopes that the technical and economic evaluation for coastal oil products tanker can provide reference and guidance to the shipping companies engaged in transportation of oil products .

  23. 富氧冶炼烟气制酸用三转三吸工艺的优越性&高浓度二氧化硫气体三转三吸硫酸生产方法的技术经济论证

    Superiority of triple absorption process for sulphuric acid manufacture based on off gases from oxygen enriched smelter & Tech economical evaluation on triple absorption process for sulphuric acid manufacture from high SO_2 gases

  24. 在小试研究的基础上,经过技术经济论证,提出了吹脱法和A/O法相结合处理高浓度甲醛制药废水的工艺流程;

    Based on lab tests , through technical and economic argumentation , the technical process which deals with pharmaceutical wastewater treatment of formaldehyde with high concentration by combining blowing and doffing with A / O.

  25. 对寿命期相等、寿命期不等、考虑一定时期后扩大生产、风险性及大型成套设备选型的技术经济论证方法进行了系统地分析。

    Systematically analyse the methods of technical and economic assessments on the equipment options of the equal and unequal life cycles , the production expansion after a period of time , the risk and large-scale complete sets .

  26. 本文正是基于上述原因,在对中国沿海成品油货源、船队、船型及港口码头等进行广泛深入调查的基础上,研究沿海成品油船技术经济论证。

    In view of the above reasons , studied technical and economic evaluation for the coastal products oil tanker on this paper based on the deep and abroad investigation of the supply of coastal oil products 、 tanker type 、 port and quay .

  27. 建设项目论证是进行项目可行性研究的主要组成部分,可行性研究是运用多种科学成果,对一项工程在建设投资决策前进行技术经济论证的一门综合性学科。

    It is the major composition part that carries out project feasibility research to expound and prove for development construction project . Feasibility research is a comprehensive subject of technical economic demonstration that utilizes various scientific accomplishment for a project before building investment decision .

  28. 制梁场选址技术经济环保论证

    Techno-economic and environmental-protection demonstration of prefabricated beam plant siting

  29. 提出了超浅埋挖孔桩帷幕暗挖隧道施工的合理化方法,并进行了技术与经济论证。

    Providing a suitable construction method with a retaining pile applying into shallow-buried tunnel and make technical and economical evaluation .

  30. 对高炉采用大量喷煤技术的经济论证说明,结合炼铁系统的技术改造,以精料为基础,全面推进高炉喷煤技术,大幅度减少焦炭用量是今后炼铁系统工艺结构优化的突破口。

    Economical proofing of high coal injection rate shows that , to promote coal injection technique in an all-round way is now the most important task for optimizing the ironmaking technological constructure .