
kànɡ yuán kànɡ tǐ fù hé wù
  • antigen-antibody complex
  1. 在抗原抗体复合物或病原体的刺激下,通过级联反应,活化补体C3,随后在靶细胞表面上形成膜攻击复合体,最终达到裂解靶细胞的目的。

    With stimulation of the antigen-antibody complex and the pathogens , cascade reaction , which lead to activate complement C3 . Then , membrane attack complex ( MAC ) is formed on the surface of the target cells , eventually crack the target cells .

  2. 肝癌自发性破裂与抗原抗体复合物的血管沉积

    Spontaneous rupture of hepatocellular carcinoma and deposition of antigen-antibody complex in vascular wall

  3. 用抗补体法定量测定人血循环抗原抗体复合物(CIC)&附32例疟疾患者CIC检测结果

    Quantitative measurement of human circulating soluble immune complexes using simplified anti-complement assay and its result in 32 malaria patients

  4. 结果研究发现,肿瘤破裂的患者巨噬细胞吞噬功能受损,导致体内抗原抗体复合物(IC)积聚并沉积在血管壁上;

    Results In this study , the poor function of macrophage phagocytosis was found in patients with ruptured HCC , which could results in the cumulating of IC and deposition on vascular wall .

  5. 介绍了SECM在生物分析方面的应用,包括SECM对酶,抗原抗体复合物,DNA以及细胞的研究。本章共引用文献121篇。

    Finally , the applications of SECM in the investigation for enzyme , antigen / antibody complex , DNA and cells were reviewed .

  6. 但不能解离AChE与3F3构成的抗原抗体复合物.结论:电鳐AChE活性中心负矩部位构成其活性中心构象抗原决定簇的一部分。

    CONCLUSION : Anionic subsite of the active center of Torpedo AChE constructs a part of its conformational epitope .

  7. 运用PEG6000沉淀法清除血清标本中的抗原抗体复合物;

    X Clearance of antigen-antibody complex in serum samples by PEG-6000 precipitation .

  8. 提示除了HBV抗原抗体复合物所致体液免疫损伤机制外,亦应考虑肾组织感染HBV导致的细胞免疫机制参与了IgA肾病的发病。

    The results suggested that in addition to the humoral immune injury mediated by HBAg - HBAb immune complex , the cellular mechanism mediated by HBV originating from renal cells in situ may also involved in the pathogenesis of IgAN .

  9. 免疫组化显示agrin基因转染后,术后1周到5周,有大量棕黄色抗原抗体复合物沉积在终板及其邻近区域,但到第10周时表达明显减少,接近对照组水平。

    The immunohistochemical staining showed an increasing deposition of the agrin protein near the endplate at 1 and 5 weeks after the operation , but decreasing remarkably to the level of control groups at 10 weeks postoperatively .

  10. 提示SPIM-Ab能够以抗原抗体复合物形式激活补体,其对精子凝集、制动、杀伤和穿透力的影响,可能是干扰生育的重要原因之一。

    The results suggest that complement can be fixed by the complex of SPIM and its antibodies , and on the effects of SPIM-Ab upon sperm agglutination , immobility , penetration and kill sperm , these may be one of the important causes that influence fertility .

  11. 13/15例血清中有抗原抗体复合物;

    The immune complex was present in 13 / 15 cases ;

  12. 抗原抗体复合物的证明;

    Confirming of antigen - antibody complexes ;

  13. 鸡新城疫抗原抗体复合物疫苗的研究

    Studies on newcastle disease antigen-antibody complex vaccine

  14. 方法肝癌破裂及非破裂病人的标本各30例,采用免疫荧光的方法,检查其血管壁上有无抗原抗体复合物的沉积。

    Methods Specimens were collected from 30 patients with ruptured HCC and 30 with non-ruptured HCC .

  15. 目的:探讨抗原抗体复合物在突出髓核中的分布及临床意义。

    AbstractAIM : To assess the distribution of antigen-antibody comexes and its clinical significance in the herniated nucleus pulposus .

  16. 发病机理与肺泡基底膜、肾小球基底膜共同形成抗原抗体复合物有关。

    The pathological changes were characterized by formation of antigen-antibody complexes both in the alveoli basement-membrane and the glomerular basement-membrane .

  17. 细胞间的沉积物可能为抗原抗体复合物,肥大细胞在银屑病发病中起重要作用。

    Deposites of intercellular space indicate that there are antigen antibody immunocomplex . Mast cells are of an important role in pathogenesis of psoriasis .

  18. 对接受手术治疗的1例2髋的股骨头坏死灶标本进行组织病理和免疫组化检查,未发现抗原抗体复合物沉积在股骨头内动脉血管壁并引起血管炎的证据。

    No deposits of antigen-antibody complex to lead to the vasculitis were found in the arterial walls around the femoral bone by histopathological and immunological examinations .

  19. ELISA法在检测宫内膜抗原-抗体复合物中的应用

    Application of ELISA to Detecting Endometrial Antigen - antibody Complexes

  20. 结论结果提示某些肾炎可能与肾组织感染HBV有关,肾组织中沉积的HBV抗原抗体免疫复合物除来自血循环外,有原位形成的可能。

    Conclusion The results suggest that HBV may also be implicated in the pathogenesis of certain cases of glomerulonephritis and the deposit of HBV antigen antibody immunocomplex in renal tissue , aside from originating in the circulation , there is the possibility of it originating from renal cells in situ .

  21. 禽流感病毒抗原-抗体复合物的制备及其免疫原性

    Preparation and Immunogenicity of Antigen-Antibody Complex of Avian Influenza Virus

  22. 乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原-抗体复合物对抗原的加工递呈与诱生细胞因子的作用

    Effects of HBsAg-Anti-HBs complex on antigen processing , presentation and induction of cytokines

  23. 新城疫疫苗(抗原)抗体复合物诱导鸡免疫应答

    Immune response induced by Nd vaccine ( antigen ) - antibody complex in chicken

  24. 结核病患者血液中抗原-抗体复合物的测定及临床意义

    Detection of the antigen antibody complexes in blood of the patients with tuberculosis and its clinic significance

  25. 沉淀抗原&抗体复合物的饱和硫酸铵最终饱和度为37.5%。

    The antigen-antibody complex here was precipitated with saturated ammonium sulfate solution in a final saturation 37.5 % .

  26. 通过分析这些模型,认为其中的模型5更有可能与真实的抗原-抗体复合物结构相符。

    By analyzing these models , model 5 were more likely to mimic the real structure of antibody-antigen complex .

  27. 如抗原&抗体复合物的阻抗过大,结合前后的阻抗变化又很小。

    For example , antibody-antigen complex displays the gigantic impendance and the small variation in the antibody-antigen binding procedure .

  28. 应用固定化葡萄球菌A蛋白吸附~(125)Ⅰ标记的抗原-抗体复合物及放射自显影鉴定,其中分子量为39000和27000的膜蛋白具有免疫活性。

    Among these membrane proteins two components can be recognized by specific antibodies , based upon the isolation of 125I labelled immune complexes with Staphylococcus Protein A , SDS-PAGE electrophoresis and autoradiography .

  29. 在两种成像方法中,分别对空白金片、抗体单分子层以及抗原/抗体复合物分子层进行成像。

    As for the TM-AFM imaging , both the topographies and phase image of the bare gold , antibody monolayer and the antigen / antibody complexes were recorded by TM-AFM , respectively .

  30. 笔者根据抗原&抗体复合物在聚乙二醇介质中形成浊度,在一定条件下产生的浊度的强弱与抗原一抗体复合物的含量呈比例的原理,建立了脑脊液免疫球蛋白比浊测定法。

    The turbidimetric assay for immunoglobulin of cerebrospinal fluid is carried out according to the turbidity of antigen-antibody complex formed in PEG mediator ; in given conditions the strong or weak turbidity produced is proportional to the content of antigen-antibody complex .