
  1. 基督教义肯定是抗战精神的一部分。

    Christianity is definitely part of the spirit of resistance .

  2. 对南京国民政府抗战精神动员的历史考察(1928&1937)

    A Historical Inspection of the Anti-Japanese War Spirit Mobilization of Nanjing National Government ( 1928-1937 );

  3. 弘扬抗战精神凝聚民族力量

    Carrying Forward the Spirit of the War of Resistance against Japan and Strengthening Our National Power

  4. 本文对此分析如下:首先,苏联政府通过对沙皇及俄国历史上历次对外战争中著名将帅的赞颂,来唤起爱国主义精神,作为全民抗战的精神力量;

    This article will explain it as follows : first , the government of former USSR tried to evoke the patriotism of its people by high praising the famous generals in wars against foreign countries in the history of Russia .

  5. 是团结各党派共同抗战的伟大精神合力;

    The spirit united each party to against Japan aggression .

  6. 论文不仅分析了造成这种“精神失常”的外部原因,而且深入到沈从文的内心世界,认为这是一种“绝望的抗战”的精神的表现。

    The thesis not only analyzes external causes for this " lunacy ", but penetrates Shen Congwen 's inner world , and holds that this is the representation of the spirit of " revolt against despair " .

  7. 鲁迅与中国启蒙思潮的独特联结,决定了他特有的言说路向与生存方式,并形成了他在怀疑中寻求道德担当,在绝境中探索出路的“与绝望抗战”的精神品性。

    The unique connection between Lu Xun and Chinese enlightenment ideas determines his special utterance and way of existence and has molded his " fighting with despair " spiritual character in pursuing moral commitment with doubt and exploring the way out in despair .

  8. 抗战时期的四川精神

    The Sichuan Spirit during the Anti - Japanese War

  9. 从田汉看抗战文艺的伟大精神

    The Greatness of Anti-Japanese Art and Literature : A Case Study of Tian Han

  10. 浅论郭嵩焘归隐与湖湘文化忠义之气华侨抗战:中华民族精神的深刻诠释

    Overseas Chinese in ( China 's ) Resistance War Against Japanese Aggression : A Profound Interpretation of Chinese Patriotic Ethos

  11. 文章指出,开放的民族必然拥有不断发展不断前进的文化,桂林抗战美术的开放精神是中国文化精神在新的历史条件下的再现与升华。

    The article points out , open the nation must have been continuously advance the development of a culture of Guilin , the spirit of Sino-Japanese arts in the open spirit of Chinese culture in the new historical conditions of reproduction and sublimation .

  12. 他着眼于自己身处的抗战时期的时代特点,提出学术建国的主张,希望通过儒家思想的新开展,为抗战救国奠定精神基础。

    Focusing on the situation of the anti-Japanese war in his time , he proposed the idea of academic establishment of the country with the hope that the development of Neo-Confucianism could lay the spiritual foundation for saving the nation from the war .

  13. 因此,通过分析西部抗战诗歌产生的时代背景,我们可以更深入地了解抗日战争对西部诗歌发展所产生的影响,以及西部抗战诗歌作为精神动力对抗日战争所起的积极作用。

    So we can further know the effect about Anti-Japanese War to the poetry by analysing the background .