
  • 网络Discount Promotion;SALE
  1. 其中,特价促销比折扣促销对品牌权益的负向影响大。

    Special price promotion can cause more influence to brand equity than discounts .

  2. 低端商铺为了促进顾客消费,会提供越来越多的折扣促销和资金筹措方案。

    And there are plenty of discounts , promotions and financing programs as lower-end stores try to get people to spend .

  3. 据路透社报道,丰田汽车在继全球大范围召回问题汽车后,近期开始着手实施一系列的汽车折扣促销活动。

    Reuters reported that Toyota Motor in the following issue of the global recall of a wide range of car , recently embarked on a series of car discount promotions .

  4. 选用最为常用的折扣促销及买赠促销二种价格促销类型,选用具有便利性、视觉化、品牌忠诚度不高的特点的快速消费品作为研究对象。

    This study adopted two kinds of price promotion as the research object , discount and present , which are used frequently by companies . And adopt the FMCG as the research object , because it is convenience to buy , visualized , not high brand-loyalty .

  5. 在加拿大,通用汽车(GM)和福特汽车(FordMotor)均推出了慷慨的7-8月份员工折扣价促销活动。

    In Canada , both General Motors and Ford Motor have launched generous employee pricing promotions for July and August .

  6. 他说,折扣和促销活动吸引了更多消费者。

    He said discounts and promotional activities are drawing in more consumers .

  7. 这意味著你问他们是否有任何折扣或促销品项。

    It means you are asking if they have any discount item or promotional items .

  8. 因此,店铺与半了折扣,促销和一些特别活动,以期保持销售。

    " In this way , outlets have started up discounts , promotions and special events to try and maintain sales " .

  9. 当然,根据付款付款方式和定单数量的多少,我们会有一些折扣作为促销手段。

    Anyway , based on different payment terms and order quantity , we 'll give you a little discount as a way of promotion .

  10. 这场新的口水战突显出两家公司在中国的激烈竞争,为了夺取市场份额,它们都在折扣和促销方面大举支出。

    This new war of words underscores the fierce battle between the two companies in China , where they are both spending heavily on discounts and promotions in pursuit of market share .

  11. 本文主要致力于分散控制供应链中的数量折扣和商业促销对渠道协调问题的研究。

    This paper focus on the problem of analyzing the impact of quantity discounts and promotions on channel coordination in a decentralizing control supply chain system .

  12. 当顾客走进一家商店,电脑会读取微小芯片上的数据,根据其个人购物历史向这些顾客提供折扣和其他促销信息。

    When customers walk into a store , kiosks would read the tiny chips , offering them discounts or other promotions based upon their individual purchase history .

  13. 他还称赞了现代汽车加大折扣力度及其它促销举措。

    He also gave the carmaker credit for stepping up discounts and other incentives .

  14. 丰田集团在美国已经损失了可观的市场份额,迫使其在过去一年里提高折扣并采取其它促销手段。

    The company has lost significant market share in the US , forcing it to raise discounts and other incentives over the past year .