
  • 网络slope protection pile;retaining pile
  1. 该计算公式可用于基坑护坡桩、地下连续墙等支护系统的设计。

    The formula can be used for pit supporting system design such as retaining pile , diaphragm wall and et al .

  2. 护坡桩与箱基间填土侧向土压力计算

    The Calculation of Side Soil-Pressure between Retaining Pile and Box-Foundation

  3. 双排护坡桩试验与计算的研究

    A Study on the Test and Calculation of Double-Row Fender Piles

  4. 刚性悬臂护坡桩的设计计算方法探讨

    A Study on Calculation of Rigid Cantilevered Retaining RC Piles

  5. 具有一定间距护坡桩上土压力计算方法研究

    Study on computing method of earth pressure on slope pile with separation

  6. 柔索桩是一种新型的护坡桩。

    Soft rope pile is a new style of slope supporting piles .

  7. 粘性土中悬臂双排护坡桩的受力性能研究

    The Mechanical Behavior of Cantilever Double - Row Revetment Piles in Clay

  8. 嵌岩护坡桩设计计算方法探讨

    Discussion on Design and Calculation Method of Retaining Walls Socketed in Rock

  9. 长江大酒店护坡桩设计与施工

    Design and construction of piling for Changjiang great restaurant

  10. 护坡桩与窄槽土压力计算

    Calculation of the Earth Pressure for the Narrow Trough and the Slope Protection pile

  11. 深基础护坡桩的设计与施工中的几个问题

    Some suggestions and questions on the design and construction of deep base pile retaining

  12. 锚杆护坡桩是深基坑工程常用的一种支护结构。

    Anchor-retaining pile is a popular protective structure .

  13. 护坡桩与水平桁架组合基础

    Composite foundation of revetment pile and horizontal truss

  14. 护坡桩嵌固深度的影响因素分析及优化

    Analysis on the factors influencing the embedded depth of slope protection pile and its optimization

  15. 双排护坡桩的应用

    Application of double-row slope protection piles

  16. 五层地下书库深基坑护坡桩的设计与施工

    Design and construction of shoring pile for deep foundation pit of five stories underground Book storehouse

  17. 乌海大厦深基坑护坡桩倾覆事故原因及处理

    Cause of collapse and treatment for deep foundation pit shoring pile of the Wuhai Mansion Project

  18. 深基坑护坡桩土压力的工程测试及研究

    Study on the earth pressure of fender piles for excavations in real projects and model tests

  19. 特大型深基坑上部挡土墙下部护坡桩支护设计与施工

    Support design and construction of slope protection piles at the foot of upper retaining wall of very large deep foundation pit

  20. 护坡桩的存在,改善了箱基侧墙填土土压力的分布状态,有效地减少了箱基侧墙土压力。

    The retaining pile improves the distribution curve of side soil-pressure between retaining pile and box-foundation , and also effectively reduces the side soil-pressure .

  21. 本文主要介绍作为工程结构中挡土壤或护坡桩、墙,受土压力作用下支承锚杆设计与施工中的一些经验体会。

    This paper mainly discusses the design and construction of the supporting soilbolts used in structure for bulkhead walls or slope-supporting bolts and walls under pressure .

  22. 本文结合工程实例,对本工程护坡桩、锚杆施工中多种工艺和技术的应用进行了介绍和探讨,对超深基坑的支护提供了一定的宝贵经验。

    In this paper , the author introduces in detail the application of several construction technologies including anchoring and soil nailing in a super deep foundation supporting project .

  23. 通过模型试验和工程实测对双排护坡桩进行机理分析,并作出计算假定和工程实例;

    Secondly , through model tests and engineering practices , a mechanism analysis is made into the double-row-pile and its calculation hypothesis and practical engineering examples have been demonstrated .

  24. 本文试验分析得出,在同样桩数条件下,按双排布置的护坡桩比单排桩水平位移明显减小,桩的内力也减小,且内力分布更为合理。

    The tests showed that the displacements and the stresses of the piles in double rows were less than those in one row with the same number of piles .

  25. 刚性钢筋混凝土悬臂护坡桩及刚性悬臂挡土墙的设计计算方法是高层建筑下深挖基坑的各种支护结构设计计算问题的最基本形式。

    The calculation of rigid cantilevered retaining RC piles and walls is the most basic problem for the calculation of various retaining structures in the deep excavation of highrise buildings .

  26. 重点研究两种截然不同的支护结构,上部采用预应力锚杆复合土钉墙支护,下部为护坡桩结合多道锚杆支护的方案。

    The paper focuses on two remarkably different retaining structures , with the upper part adopting the pre-stressed anchor and soil-nailing wall and the lower part adopting the retaining pile with multiple anchors .

  27. 通过模型试验,探讨了悬臂双排护坡桩的受力性能,提出可将悬臂双排护坡桩看作刚架进行内力计算。

    The mechanical behavior of cantilever double-row revetment piles is studied through the model test . It is suggested that the internal force of cantilever double-row revetment piles should be calculated as rigid frame .

  28. 采用桩锚支护体系的预应力锚杆的腰梁,其安装形式一般采用外置式,即将型钢腰梁或钢筋混凝土腰梁安装在护坡桩的外侧。

    Generally , in pile-anchor supporting system , the middle beam of pre-stressed anchor is installed outside , that is a profile steel middle beam or a reinforced concrete middle beam is installed in the outside of guard piles .

  29. 通过分析基坑与护坡桩相互作用时土压力的特点,从力学角度出发,提出了悬臂式钻孔灌注护坡桩的计算、设计方法,并有工程实例。

    Based on the characteristics of earth pressure when foundation pit and protecting piles interact , the calculation and design method of cantilever retaining drilled hole cast-in pile is put forward in the view of mechanics , and the project examples are given .

  30. 对护坡灌注桩正截面受弯承截力计算的探讨

    An Analysis and Discussion on the Calculation Method of the Flexural Bearing Capacity of the Circular CrossSection for the Bored Pile of the Slope Protection