
tái jià
  • force up commodity price;raise the commodity prices;at high prices at exorbitant pricesl price hikes;price hikes
抬价 [tái jià]
  • [price hikes] 抬高货价

抬价[tái jià]
  1. 在法国买房不会出现抬价毁约的情况。

    In France you cannot be gazumped

  2. 周三,中国监管机构指控12家日本汽车配件制造商合谋对丰田和福特(Ford)等汽车厂商抬价。

    On Wednesday Chinese regulators accused 12 Japanese car parts manufacturers of colluding to overcharge carmakers including Toyota and Ford .

  3. 抬级抬价、压级压价的;

    Forcing grades or prices up or down ;

  4. 那时也没有别人再抬价,书就归了我。

    No other bids were forthcoming , and the book was knocked down to me .

  5. 我们原希望买下这所房子,但另一对夫妇不断抬价与我们竞买。

    We have hope to get the house but another couple is bidding against us .

  6. 他们会改变主意、犹豫不决或者变卦抬价。

    They change their minds .

  7. 漫天抬价以获取巨额利润即使商品质量好,也不能漫天要价。

    Bid prices up sky - high to reap fabulous profits Even quality goods must have a price ceiling .

  8. 随着更多资金涉足这个由风投支持的高增长“资产类别”(它真的已经超出了某一类资产的范畴),竞相抬价的动力有增无减。

    As more capital has entered the high growth , venture-backed " asset class " ( it 's really more of an asset niche ) , the dynamics have only intensified .

  9. 我们一时之间未能联系到上述所有出版商请其置评,但它们早先曾否认串通抬价,并辩称代理制模式挑战了亚马逊的垄断地位,促进了竞争。

    Not all of the publishers were immediately available for comment , but have previously denied conspiring to raise prices and argue the agency model promoted competition by challenging Amazon dominance .

  10. 另一个、同时也是更可信的说法是,这种自我抬价是为了打消所有人,包括创始人和早期投资者(他们可能也能收回一部分现金),出售公司的念头。

    An alternate – and more likely – theory is that this raise is to eliminate any temptation to sell the company , both for the founders and early investors ( who may also get some cash back ) .