
tái ɡànɡ
  • bicker;wrangle;argue for the sake of arguing;argy-bargy;carry a coffin on stout poles
抬杠 [tái gàng]
  • (1) [cowlstaff]∶通过拎环悬挂容器于其上,并由两人抬着的棒

  • (2) [bicker;wrangle;argue for the sake of arguing] 〈方〉∶无谓地争辩;顶牛

  • 你是专门找人抬杠

  • (3) 亦称抬杆子

  • (4) [carry a coffin on stout poles]∶用扛抬运棺材

抬杠[tái gàng]
  1. 政客们可能会被迫讨论真正的问题而不只是互相抬杠。

    The politicians might be forced to touch on the real issues rather than scoring points off each other .

  2. ::詹姆士:小安,别再跟洁丝抬杠了,帮我点一些新口味。

    Ann , stop bugging Jess and help me order something new .

  3. “我们做的还不够过么”别的队员接着抬杠。

    " Aren 't we done yet ?" another huffed .

  4. 他老和老师抬杠。

    He was always trying to score off his teachers .

  5. 它甚至还会时不时和你抬抬杠。

    It even talks back once in a while .

  6. 我不知道是跟他抬杠好,还是继续解释好。

    I did not know whether to resent this language or pursue my explanation ;

  7. 他爱和别人抬杠。

    He takes a pleasure in contradicting others .

  8. 雷得老兄也太爱抬杠了。

    What a contrary guy red was .

  9. 你总是喜欢和比人抬杠。

    You always like wrangling with others .

  10. 雷容:珍。你为什麽老是喜欢抬杠?

    Lenard : Jane . Why do you always like to have the last word ?

  11. 农业生产基本上是使用二牛抬杠的木犁耕地,牦牛踩场脱粒。

    Wooden ploughs were the basic tools for agricultural production and yaks were employed for threshing .

  12. 我们生气抬杠时,爱的双唇把它们吻得九霄云蒜,我的心也顿觉甜美。

    I feel happy at times we have had angry words but these have been kissed away .

  13. 昔日“二牛抬杠”种地,牦牛踩场打麦的传统生产方式,逐渐被轰鸣的拖拉机、收割机、脱粒机等现代农机所代替。

    Modern farm machines such as tractors , harvesters and threshers have replaced yaks that were used for cultivation and shelling in the past .

  14. 唉,这一来,这个魔法师就大发雷霆。因为我应当告诉你们,他是这个岛的主子,他不习惯人家跟他抬杠。

    Well , then , this same magician he fell into a great rage ; for I ought to tell you he owned the island and he wasn 't used to being crossed .