
  • 网络My life
  1. 一次,阿吉拉尔问我这一辈子打算干什么。

    Once , Aguilar asked me what I intended to do with my life .

  2. 哦,我这一辈子算是让你毁完了。

    Oh , you have torn my life all to pieces .

  3. 正如你所知道的,我这一辈子都是乘公交车上下班的。

    As you know , I have spent a lifetime commuting .

  4. 我这一辈子都在大街上工作。

    I 've only been working the streets my whole career .

  5. 你的意思是我这一辈子只能这一种发色了?

    So you mean I 'm stuck with this hair color ?

  6. 我这一辈子里,演过不少瞎子。

    All my life , I played at being blind .

  7. 而且我这一辈子都没有干什么错事。

    And we also have my entire life never doing anything wrong .

  8. 我这一辈子也没有受过如此的对待。

    In all my born days , I was never so treated .

  9. 我这一辈子还从没有见到过这样使人感伤的事情!

    I never saw such a melting thing in all my life !

  10. 我这一辈子还从没见人吆喝过我呢。

    Nobody has ever hollered at me before in my whole life .

  11. 我这一辈子都在当替代品。

    I 've been the substitute person my whole life .

  12. 莎拉:我这一辈子还没跳过任何东西。

    SARAH : But I 've never jumped off anything in my life .

  13. 那就是我这一辈子都在索取。

    That I 've spent my entire life taking .

  14. 我这一辈子还从来没见过他。

    Of all the days of my life , I never saw him .

  15. 我这一辈子都住在这个地方,

    I have lived around here my whole life .

  16. 我这一辈子都不会花一分钟祈祷。

    I am not wasting one more minute of my life on prayer .

  17. 然后,我这一辈子的工作就算完成了。

    Then I shall have completed my life work .

  18. 我这一辈子都在试图与其他人保持距离。

    I have spent all my life trying to get distance from other people .

  19. 我这一辈子,初升的太阳老是刺痛我的眼睛,他想。

    All my life the early sun has hurt my eyes , he thought .

  20. 我这一辈子什么都被记录了。

    My whole damn life is on record .

  21. 我这一辈子都生活得很好,我没有什么遗憾。

    I 've had a wonderful life . I don 't regret a thing .

  22. 我这一辈子都要一个人睡。

    I get to lay in a bed by myself all of my life .

  23. 我这一辈子都曲解了哈姆雷特。

    I misread Hamlet all my life !

  24. 那万马奔腾的场面我这一辈子也忘不了。

    The scene of thousands of steeds galloping I would never forget all my life .

  25. 我这一辈子从来没有和一个人有过这样的关系。

    I never experienced such a connection to another human being in my entire life .

  26. 我这一辈子都跟着�

    I will go with you forever .

  27. 它是那样美,但愿我这一辈子能听到一次真正好的音乐。

    It is so beautiful . I wish for once in my life to hear some really good music .

  28. 我这一辈子也忘不了他们的脸,因为他们就像是我的亲兄弟一样。

    I 'll remember their faces as long as I live , because they were like brothers to me .

  29. 在我这一辈子,我头一次懂得了解雇是多么地可怕。

    For the first time in my life , I learned how terrible it felt to be let go .

  30. 舞台上使用的语言比我这一辈子从报纸中听到的任何东西都要下流粗俗。

    The language on the stage was riper than anything I have heard in a lifetime of newspaper work .