
xì mí
  • playgoer;theatre fan;theatre goer;addict of opera
戏迷 [xì mí]
  • [addict of opera;theatre fan;playgoer] 对看戏或唱戏非常入迷的人

戏迷[xì mí]
  1. 爷爷是戏迷,受爷爷影响小明也从小就爱上了皮黄。

    The grandpa is a theatre fan . Under his influence , Xiao Ming fell in love with Beijing opera when he was a child .

  2. 我是个戏迷。

    I 'm a keen theatre-goer .

  3. 我试着说服自己我是个戏迷,满怀好奇地走进了表演场馆,发现那里既没有座位,甚至连舞台都没有&只有一间配有闪灯和DJ台的空荡荡的大屋子。

    With a lot of curiosity and a little self-persuasion that I was a theater fan , I entered the venue , where there were no seats , not even a stage & just a large , empty room with flashing lights and a DJ booth .

  4. 我们是你的戏迷,真不知道该说什么。

    We 're such fans , I can 't tell you .

  5. 清朝的慈禧太后就是一个超级戏迷,她常请戏班子进宫演出。

    She often had opera troupes perform for her in the Court .

  6. 这位女演员对戏迷已不再具有吸引力了。

    The actress has lost her hold on the playgoers .

  7. 呃,你的戏迷呢?你的女士们呢?

    Well , where are your fans ? Where are your ladies ?

  8. 我听说这里有一个戏迷俱乐部。

    I heard there was an opera fans club .

  9. 内尔是伦敦最狂热的戏迷。

    Nell is the most ardent theatregoer in london .

  10. 他的戏迷毁掉的是我的戏。

    It 's my scene his fans ruin .

  11. 我是个戏迷②,我和妻子的缘分也是从戏开始的。

    I love opera , and my love for my wife also started with opera .

  12. 以弘扬和发展中国各地优秀戏曲艺术,满足戏迷审美要求为宗旨的专业频道。

    A professional channel that promotes excellent traditional Chinese opera arts and is aesthetically satisfying .

  13. 那天,我们一起参加一个戏迷的演出活动。

    The other day she and I took part in a performance given by opera lovers .

  14. 戏迷们被拉出座位而与画面交相呼应(纽约时报)这幅画表现了牛在溪边饮水的迷人的田园风光。

    Theatergoers were lured out of their seats and interfaced with the scenery ( New York Times ) The picture showed a charming pastoral scene of cows drinking from a stream .