
liú bí tì
  • runny nose;snivel;rhinorrhea;run at the nose
流鼻涕[liú bí tì]
  1. 你流鼻涕了。

    Your nose is running .

  2. 感冒开始时通常会流鼻涕、嗓子发干。

    A cold usually starts with a streaming nose and dry throat .

  3. 症状包括流泪、流鼻涕、头痛和咳嗽。

    Symptoms are streaming eyes , a runny nose , headache and a cough .

  4. 他又是流鼻涕,又是流眼泪,还有点咳嗽。

    He suffered from a snotty nose , runny eyes and a slight cough .

  5. 阿莫西林胶囊可以治流鼻涕打喷嚏的热感冒吗?

    Can capsule a Mo Xilin treat the hot cold of snorty sneeze ?

  6. 他流鼻涕,打喷嚏,喉咙沙哑。

    He has a runny nose , sneezing and a scratchy throat .

  7. 成年人每年有几次流鼻涕感冒的经历都是预料之中的事情。

    Adults can expect a couple of bouts1 of streaming noses every year .

  8. 你只是流鼻涕罢了。

    You only have the sniffles .

  9. 我认识的一个川菜爱好者说,麻辣的感觉就像“舌尖上的高潮”,能让你脉搏加快,瞳孔扩大,往往还会让你流鼻涕,让你的大脑在一个充满幸福的空间里飘荡。

    One Sichuan devotee I know describes the ma la sensation as a “ tonguegasm . ” The pulse increases and the pupils dilate2 , often accompanied by a postnasal drip . The brain floats in a euphoric ether .

  10. 鸡感染MG后临床上主要表现为咳嗽、流鼻涕、呼吸时发出啰音,严重时张口呼吸。

    The clinical infection is characterized by coughing , nasal discharge , rattling and forced - breathing .

  11. 在没有药物的帮助下你不可能区分季节性流感和A(H1N1)型流感之间的区别。典型的症状与季节性流感类似,包括:发烧,咳嗽,头痛,身体疼痛,嗓子发炎和流鼻涕。

    Typical symptoms to watch for include fever , cough , headache , body aches , sore throat and runny nose .

  12. 上个月,我觉得不太舒服(undertheweather),我想我可能感冒了(caughtacold),流鼻涕(runnynose),眼睛发痒,喉咙痛,咳嗽。

    Last month , I was not feeling well . I was under the weather . I thought I had caught a cold . I had a runny nose , itchy eyes , a sore throat and a cough .

  13. 我流鼻涕并且不停地咳嗽。

    I have a running nose and can 't stop coughing .

  14. 你流鼻涕了――快用手帕擦一擦。

    Eg3 : Your nose is running & use your hanky .

  15. 流鼻涕,全身痛。环球雅思-中国第一雅思品牌名师阵容。

    I have a runny nose and I ache all over .

  16. 比如瑜珈课上那个流鼻涕的女生。

    That 's right , snotty girl in my yoga class .

  17. 我有点低烧,还有点流鼻涕。

    I have a slight fever and a runny nose .

  18. 枯草热使我的鼻子流鼻涕,眼睛布满血丝。

    Hayfever gives me a runny nose and bloodshot eyes .

  19. 也许吧。并且我咳嗽,流鼻涕。

    Maybe . And I have a cough and a runny nose .

  20. 治疗流鼻涕的海牛油随处都可以买到。

    Manatee fat is widely available to aid runny noses .

  21. 首先是咳嗽、打喷嚏、发烧,流鼻涕,

    First up , coughing , sneezing , fever , running nose ,

  22. 马克:否则你会流鼻涕和咳嗽!

    Mark : Or you will have a runny nose and cough !

  23. 感冒症状包括喉咙发痒,流鼻涕,打喷嚏。

    These include a scratchy throat , runny nose , and sneezing .

  24. 他的咳嗽减弱了,但还在流鼻涕。

    His cough had slackened , but his nose was still running .

  25. 我得了重感冒,总流鼻涕。

    I have a bad cold and I am full of catarrh .

  26. 他不喜欢跟流鼻涕的孩子一起玩。

    He doesn 't enjoy the company of snotty-nosed children .

  27. 你会打喷嚏,喘息,用鼻子吸气或流鼻涕吗?

    Are You a Sneezer , Wheezer , Sniffer , or Dripper ?

  28. 流鼻涕的孩子又如何呢?

    And how about the one with the drippy nose ?

  29. 现在,给我那些流鼻涕小鬼的玩具儿。

    Now , give me some of them snot suckers .

  30. 开始我老流鼻涕,还老打喷嚏。

    At first I had a running nose and I sneezed a lot .