
  • 网络Sagging;sag;runs;RUNNING
  1. MC是干拌砂浆的高效保水剂,它使砂浆泌水率、分层度降低,粘聚性、抗流挂性提高。

    MC is the high-efficiency water - retentive agents which will decrease the bleeding ratio and delamination degree of mortar , and improve its cohesion and sagging resistant significantly .

  2. 当触变剂BYK-410的用量为0.3%时,清漆一次涂装干膜60μm不流挂,当DBE慢干剂用量为2%时,涂料具有好的施工性能。

    And that 60 μ m dry film thickness in one coat is no sagging when the dosage of thixotropic agent BYK-410 is 0.3 % and the application performance of coatings is good when the dosage of drying retarder DBE is 2 % .

  3. 烧蚀后的硅橡胶表面为蜂窝状结构,侧面有熔融SiO2流挂现象。

    The surface of ablated silicone rubber was cell structure , and there was melt out sag SiO 2 on its side .

  4. 实验结果表明,随着加热温度的上升,浆液料的不流挂时间tA和干燥时间tB都下降。不流挂时间tA控制着干燥时间tB的长短。

    Experimental results show that the non-flowing time t A and the drying time t B of the slurry decrease with the rise of the heating temperature and that the variation of the non-flowing time t A controls that of the drying time t B .

  5. 介绍了通过优化高转速自动静电旋杯喷涂机(ESTA)的喷涂轨迹、采用引流法、安装静电吸附架以及粘贴铁片等方法可有效解决车身边缘油漆流挂及桔皮问题。

    By optimizing the spraying profile of ESTA , using flow - inducing method , installing the electrostatic absorption device and pasting iron sheet , the paint sagging and the orange peel are improved .

  6. 流挂控制剂改性树脂在汽车涂料中的应用

    Application of sagging control agent modified resin in automotive coatings

  7. 汽车静电喷涂过程中边缘油漆流挂的控制及桔皮的优化

    Sagging Control and the Orange Peel Optimization of the Edge During ESTA Painting of Automobile

  8. 这个就是安全膜厚,这个产品在这种膜厚下能够被施工而不会产生流挂。

    This is the safe thickness at which the product can be applied before sagging occurs .

  9. 上述方法可以避免流挂等异常现象以保证实现指定的标准膜厚。

    The above suggested method will avoid any sagging to secure the specified paint film thickness .

  10. 任何流挂均应迅速刷去,否则应清除涂层重新进行涂装。

    All runs and sags should be brushed out immediately or the coating should be removed and the surface repainted .

  11. 温度过高会导致漆膜开裂、起泡;温度过低使漆膜不易固化,出现流挂现象。

    Higher temperature can make paint 's surface crazing and bubbling ; while lower can cause it difficult to solidify and appear flowing phenomenon .

  12. 利用低粘度氯化橡胶树脂,从增塑性、抗流挂性、防腐效果等方面综合试验,研制了厚浆型氯化橡胶防腐漆。

    The rubber chloride anticorrosive paint is manufactured with the low viscosity rubber chloride resin and considering about the plasticizer , the thick paste and the anticorrosive effect .

  13. 并做到喷涂均匀,无明显起皱、流挂、附着良好。油漆的种类、遍数、保层的厚度应符合设计要求。

    Painting should be even without evident crinkle or painting flow , and description , times and thickness of painting layer should be in conformance with design requirements .

  14. 暴露表面的油漆,如外壳板,上层建筑,甲板室,烟囱和居住区等应该无流挂及油漆道。

    The painting of the exposed surfaces such as outside shell , superstructure , deck house , funnel and living space shall be free from sag and run .

  15. 涂膜外观:漆膜干燥后得到的外观状态,好的外观应该平整,无气泡、流挂、严重涂刷痕迹等现象。

    Tumo appearance : Qimo be after the appearance of dry , good design should be formed without bubble , the flow pegged , serious traces populations such phenomena .

  16. 结果表明:新配方解决了胶流挂问题,并在粘接强度、耐老化性等方面均满足产品要求。

    The experiment results shows that the new epoxy adhesive has low fluidity , and the adhesive strength and degradation resistance property can meet the demand of electrical porcelain products .

  17. 研究了可厚涂高固体分涂料的固化和流挂的控制途径,及其在汽车涂装中的应用,以达到保护环境、节能的目的。

    Aiming at environmental protection and energy saving , the curing process and sagging control , and application in automobiles of a high build and high solid coatings have been studied .

  18. 漆膜光滑、整,没有针孔,花脸,不起泡,粒度不能过大;无漏涂部位,无流挂现象。

    The final finish is smooth with no pinholes , no uneven painting and no bubbles . The granularity can not be too big , no leak painting , no sag painting etc.

  19. 从高固体分涂料与常规溶剂型涂料的差异入手,分析了高固体分涂料涂膜流挂、橘皮、抽缩、缩孔等表面缺陷的成因。

    Basing on the difference between high-solid coatings and traditional solvent-borne coatings , it analyzes the reasons of film surface defect forming such as sagging , orange skin , casing and cratering and etc.

  20. 研制的汽车中涂漆由聚酯树脂、封闭聚氨酯树脂、防流挂树脂、氨基树脂、颜料、填料、助剂、混合溶剂组成,施工性、防石击性好。

    An automotive primer surfacer has been developed based on polyester resin , blocked polyurethane , antisagging resin , amino resin , pigment , fillers , additives and solvent blend , which shows good application and chip-resistance properties .

  21. 她们被我的嗓音迷住了,立即开始呀呀叫唤,拍着胖嘟嘟的手,口水长长地流出来,挂在下巴上。

    They were enchanted by the sound of my voice and began at once to coo and clap their chubby hands while long strings of drool ran down their chins .

  22. 上向流好气滤池冬季挂膜启动及运行参数探讨

    Probe into start-up methods and optimum running parameters of upflow aerobic filters in winter

  23. 结果表明:当插层改性累托石用量为颜填料质量的2%时,可以显著改善涂料的流平性、抗流挂性和颜填料的分散性。

    The results showed that when the additive mass of modified rectorite is 2 % of the fillers , the characters of leveling , anti-sagging , and dispersibility of the coatings can be improved obviously .

  24. 与其它材料搅合很容易,分散均匀,流平性好,不流挂、抗飞溅。

    Stir together with other materials very easily , distributed evenly , leveling is good , do not flow linked , anti-spatter .