
tǐ jī shōu suō
  • Volumetric contraction;shrinkage of volume
  1. XRD结果表明:合成产物具有尖晶石结构,随掺铬量的增加,样品的晶格常数变小,晶胞体积收缩。

    The XRD results showed that all the samples had a spinel structure and the lattice parameters decreased with the increasing amount of the chromium - doped .

  2. 结果表明,MTC固化体的体积收缩率远小于水泥石的体积收缩率。

    The results show that the volume shrinkage of MTC solidified body is far less than that of conventional cement .

  3. 子宫内安放的避孕环(缩写为IUD)心材的体积收缩率、边交界材的皱缩因子和皱缩深度变化最大。

    The greatest variation takes place in the volume contractive rate of the heartwood , collapse factor and collapse depth of the sapwood .

  4. 另外,β-Co→αCo相变导致的附加体积收缩伴随着相交点附近钻的延伸率的导常增高,从而有效地改善了胎体对金刚石的机械镶嵌强度。

    In addition , an extra contraction resulting from the transformation of 3-Co → - α - Co combined with an anomalous rise in elongation of cobalt at the temperature close to the phase transition will effectively improve the embedding strength .

  5. 针对普通油井水泥固井存在水泥浆高失水和水泥凝固过程中的体积收缩等问题,研究了G级油井水泥-矿渣-复合膨胀剂三元复合胶凝材料的膨胀与强度的协调性。

    Because slurry made of common cement has problems like high water-loss , and volumetric shrinkage during hardening , the balance between the expansion and the strength of compound gelling material of G-grade oil-well cement , slag , complex expansive agent was investigated .

  6. 为了提高不饱和聚酯树脂(UPR)的韧性,降低它的体积收缩率,采用聚氨酯(PU)对UPR进行了改性,并研究了PU/UPR共混物的固化性能。

    A compound of polyurethane / unsaturated polyester is prepared to modify the toughening and shrinking property of UPR , the curing behavior of the compound is also investigated .

  7. 考虑自由气、含气液体的体积收缩、漏失、油管和抽油杆的弹性伸缩等4个方面的影响,对C油田H区块抽油井的泵效进行了理论计算。

    A theoretical analysis for pump efficiency of pumping wells in the block H of the field C is made in consideration of 4 effects such as free gas , shrinkage and leakage of gaseous liquid , and elastic elongation and shrinkage of tubing and sucker rod .

  8. 试验结果表明,RPC不仅获得了高强度,又改善了传统高强混凝土收缩大的缺点,具有较小的体积收缩率,并具有优异的抗碳化、抗氯离子渗透、耐腐蚀性等耐久性。

    The results show that Reactive Power Concrete ( RPC ) has high strength and less volume shrinkage ratio than the conventional concrete . At the same time , the performances of RPC on carbonation-resistances , chloride-resistances , corrosion-resistances are excellent .

  9. 结果表明,加入FRP粉末后UPR的体积收缩率降低;其浇铸体的拉伸弹性模量升高,拉伸强度变化不大。

    The result showed the volume shrinkage rate of UPR reduced , the elasticity tensor of the casting resin of UPR increased and the axial tensile strength changed little when the UPR was mixed with the powder of FRP .

  10. 该预聚物体积收缩率低(3.16%),在60℃放置15d稳定性良好。

    The volume shrinkage of its curable system is lower ( 3.16 % ) and when storing 15 days at 60 ℃, the viscosity of the oligomer changes a little .

  11. 其次,运用Design-expert软件设计了Box-behnken试验,选取模具温度、熔体温度、保压压力、保压时间作为实验因素,以翘曲变形和体积收缩率作为目标变量。

    Then , a Box-Behnken design by using Design-expert software was conducted , we selected mold temperature , melt temperature , holding pressure and dwell time as experimental factors , selected warpage and shrinkage as target variable .

  12. 炭化温度越高,失重率和体积收缩率越大,体积电阻率越小,表观密度和开口气孔率则在973K出现转折点;

    With increasing of carbonization temperature , the weight loss and volume shrinkage are increasing , the volume electrical resistivity is decreasing , and there is a turning point at 973K for apparent density and open porosity .

  13. 体积收缩对高聚物等温结晶动力学过程的影响

    Influence of volume shrinkage on isothermal crystallization kinetics of polymer

  14. 嵌入铝片可以改善体积收缩并减少整体翘曲变形。

    Embedded aluminum can lighten the volume shrinkage and reduce the overall warpage .

  15. 抑制油水井水泥浆固化后体积收缩的添加剂的研制与应用

    Development and application of oil well cement additive inhibition

  16. 并通过实例,对柿子干制时的体积收缩率和表面积收缩率进行了计算。

    Introducing the example , volume and coverage shrinkage rate of persimmon were calculated .

  17. 高吸水性树脂对水泥砂浆体积收缩及力学性能的影响

    Influence of super absorbent polymer on dimension shrinkage and mechanical properties of cement mortar

  18. 介绍了三聚氰胺-甲醛凝胶老化过程的溶剂效应及其对体积收缩的影响。

    Solvent effect and volume shrinkage ratio in melamine-formaldehyde gel aging process were discussed .

  19. 低体积收缩率光固化树脂的研究

    Study on Ultraviolet-Curable Resin with Lower Volumetric Shrinkage

  20. UV-固化胶黏剂固化过程中发生的体积收缩,是影响胶黏剂粘接性能的重要因素。

    The shrinkage of UV-curing adhesives is a very important factor effecting the adhesion performance .

  21. 干旱处理过程中体积收缩程度也随基质中草炭含量的增加而增大。

    The degree of medium shrinkage was increased with the increase of peat in media .

  22. 油井水泥浆体固有的体积收缩和高滤失量是造成固井窜槽事故的根本原因。

    The intrinsic shrinkage of oilwell-cement slurry causes fluids-migration and poor bond quality in cementing .

  23. 光固化涂层相对内应力与体积收缩率的研究

    Study on Relative Internal Stress and Shrinkage of Cured Volume for UV - curing Coatings

  24. 普通油井水泥固井存在两个弊端:水泥石固有的脆性和水泥凝固过程中的体积收缩。

    Normal oil-well cement has two disadvantages such as brittleness and volume shrinkage at setting course .

  25. 结论:树脂固化时的体积收缩可在黏结层产生较大的应力,影响黏结强度。

    CONCLUSION : Polymerization shrinkage of composite resin has negative effect on bonding strength of adhesives .

  26. 计算结果表明,膜的渗透性和冷却速率是影响细胞体积收缩的主要因素。

    The results indicate membrane permeability and cooling rate are main factors that affect the cell shrinkage .

  27. 非球面透镜的体积收缩影响面型精度,从而影响其光学性能。

    Volumetric shrinkage affects the surface contour of the molded lens and leads to bad optical performance .

  28. 成型干燥前后坯体的体积收缩非常小,变化量不到总体积的5%。

    Drying shrinkage is very small and change is less than 5 % of the total volume .

  29. 研究了苯并口恶嗪二苯醚树脂固化时的体积收缩率、固化温度和固化焓变等。

    Curing shrinkage , temperature and curing enthalpy of benzoxazine based on diphenyl oxide resin were investigated .

  30. 注塑制品翘曲变形量和体积收缩率受工艺参数的的影响进行综合评价。

    Evaluation of multiple process parameters influence on injection molding warping deformation quantity and size of shrinkage ratio .