
  1. 他表示,控制成本的关键在于与工程商和建筑商保持长期关系。

    He says the key to cost lies in having long-term relationships with engineers and builders .

  2. 安防行业中并没有专门的服务企业,目前的服务其实是由生产商和工程商提供的,服务上存在严重的问题。

    The security industry , and no special service enterprises , the current service is in fact by the manufacturer and engineering provider , the service there are many serious problem .

  3. 本文就如何按照485总线的施工规范进行485网络布线施工,供弱电安装工程商参考以及与相关行业技术人员进行交流。

    This article emphasis to introduce what according to 485 bus construction standard to execute circuit installation , to provide for intelligent system engineering project to refer and technicist mutually to exchange .

  4. 介绍了建设工程外包商选择与管理的理论基础。

    Then it introduces the basic theories of the selection of outsourcing service providers of construction projects .

  5. 国际工程投标商(承包商)资质的编制工程造价、项目总投资、流动资金有关概念辨析

    Qualified Requirements for International Engineering Bidders ( Contractors ); Discrimination on Engineering Cost , Project Investment and Working Capital

  6. 同时,使我们的工程发包商认识不到遵守规则的重要性,造成巨大经济损失。

    At the same time , failing understanding of the works contract to comply with the rules of the importance will cause huge economic losses .

  7. 英国工程机械生产商是如何看待中国市场的?

    Q.how do British construction machinery manufacturers look at Chinese market ?

  8. 所以本文对如何选择工程物流服务商进行了研究。

    So this paper discusses how to choose the project logistics service providers .

  9. 夏商周断代工程与夏商考古学文化研究

    Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project and the Study of Archaeological Cultures in the Xia and Shang Periods

  10. 他们还被控从投标承建政府工程的建筑商那里收受回扣。

    They are also accused of accepting kick-backs from contractors bidding on government construction projects .

  11. 利用复合物元理论,通过计算欧式贴近度,建立了选择工程物流服务商的复合物元模型。

    Composite matter-element model was established to choose project logistics service providers by using matter element theory and calculating the Euclid approach degree .

  12. 这对国内隧道及地下工程界及保险商应有很积极的参考价值。

    This code of practice may be useful to the clients , designers and contractors as well as the insurers for tunnel projects in China .

  13. 承包商应保证每个分包商将自己执行其分包的工程,分包商无权将上述工程转包给其他第三方。

    The Contractor shall guarantee that each Subcontractor will execute works subcontracted to him by itself and will have no right to transfer execution of such works to other third parties .

  14. 运用价值工程原理,对商办楼的暧通空调系统进行了技术经济分析,计算出不同方案下系统的价值系数,得出了最优方案,可节约投资30%左右。

    Applies the theory of VE to the technical and economical analysis of HV & AC systems of business office buildings , calculates the VE coefficients of different schemes and gets the best one , which can save about 30 percent of investment .