
  1. 无产的工人阶级政党&G·B·肖。

    Party of the propertyless proletariat - G.B.Shaw .

  2. 保持先进性是工人阶级政党旺盛的生机与活力之所在。

    To keep advancing is where a political party for the working-class survives and develops .

  3. 第一章总结工人阶级政党在对待群众基础问题上的历史经验教训;

    The first section summarizes the historical experience and lessons of the working class 's party in dealing with the issue of the mass foundation .

  4. 近代社会的发展及各国国情的差别,决定了不同时代世界各国工人阶级政党类型的不同。

    The development of modern social and the difference of nations'conditions decided the difference of party types of working class in different times and different countries .

  5. 工人阶级政党的纲领是马克思主义经典作家对党的终极奋斗目标、不同社会历史阶段的任务和行动路线的科学而集中的概括。

    The working class Party 's guiding principles are Marxist classics ' highly scientific condensation on Party 's ultimate aims and tasks at different social historical period .

  6. 1949年中华人民共和国建立后,中国工人阶级政党政治进一步走向成熟并得到发展。

    After the building up of the people 's Republic of China in 1949 , the Party Politics of the Chinese working class further has ripened and developed .

  7. 正因为这样,工人阶级政党的领袖,必须是密切联系群众的模范,必须是服从党的组织、遵守党的纪律的模范。

    Precisely because of this , they must set an example in maintaining close contact with the masses , obeying Party organizations and observing rules of Party discipline .

  8. 新闻的党性原则是工人阶级政党的意志在新闻事业中的集中体现,它是新闻工作的灵魂。

    The Party 's principle in journalism is not only the focused expression of the will of the political Party of the working class but also the soul of journalism .

  9. 主要论述了列宁关于宗教产生的根源、本质和社会作用观点,关于工人阶级政党对待宗教的态度,关于社会主义的宗教政策,关于无神论的宣扬。

    The important points are these as follows : the root causes of religion , nature and social role ; the attitude to religion treated on the working class party ; the socialist policies on religion , on the spread of atheism .

  10. 摘要工农联盟是指工人阶级和农民群众在工人阶级政党的领导下,为实现一定的战略目标,在一定共同利益的基础上结成的政治联盟。

    The worker-peasant alliance refers to the political alliance formed between workers and peasants under the leadership of worker 's party based on certain common benefits and for certain strategic goals .