
ɡōnɡ rén yùn dònɡ
  • workers' movement;labor movement
工人运动 [gōng rén yùn dòng]
  • [workers'movement] 工人方面通过工会的手段而采取联合的有组织的行动,以改善他们的经济和社会地位

  1. 国际工人运动研究中心协会

    International Association of Workers Movement Study Centres

  2. 德国社会保障法律制度的建立和发展有着其深刻的社会历史背景,首先是文化传统,其次是工人运动,再次是经济体制&社会市场经济。

    There exists profound social background behind German social security legal system , including cultural tradition , workers movement and economic system-social market economy .

  3. 我们是工人运动的支持者。

    We are friends of labour movement .

  4. 石棉作业工人运动心肺功能研究

    Study on Cardio Pulmonary Function in Asbestos Workers during Exercise Testing

  5. 他们的错误政策使工人运动分裂削弱。

    Their wrong policy kept the Labour Movement divided and weak .

  6. 他的新著探索了工人运动的起源。

    His new book traces the beginnings of the labor movement .

  7. 整个工人运动都为他们喝彩。把他们赞颂为英雄。

    They were hailed as heroes by the entire labour movement .

  8. 安源工人运动时期的早期图书馆

    The Early Library during the Period of Anyuan Workers ' Movement

  9. 淄博煤矿工人运动三个历史阶段的发展研究

    The Study of the Three History Stages about Zibo Miners Campaign

  10. 赵世炎对中国工人运动的杰出贡献

    Zhao Shiyan 's Brilliant Contribution to the Chinese Working Class Movement

  11. 工人运动的目标、成员等

    The aims , members , etc of the Labour Movement

  12. 他决心把自己最好的一切献给工人运动。

    He was determined to give his best to the working-class movement .

  13. 1919&1923年陈独秀对工人运动态度的两重性

    On Dual Attitudes of CHEN Du-xiu Toward the Workers ' Movement in 1919-1923

  14. 接触二恶暎工人运动神经传导速度的测定

    Motor conduction velocity measurements of workers exposed to dioxins

  15. 是她在工人运动中指导我的每一步行动。

    It was she who guided my every step in the working-class movement .

  16. 伊斯坦贝山之战是工人运动的重要组成部分。

    The Battle of Istambay Mountain was an important part of the labor movement .

  17. 她的政治背景是工人运动。

    Her political pedgree lay the labor movement .

  18. 工会让我们变强曾经是工人运动的口号。

    The union makes us strong was ever the slogan of workers ' movements .

  19. 南非黑人工人运动在民族解放斗争中的地位和作用

    The status and role of black labour movement , in black national liberation struggle

  20. 首先,本文结合资本主义的发展,系统地回顾了西欧主要国家的工人运动的历史。

    Firstly , the history of worker movement in the Europe was reviewed systematically .

  21. 邓培与唐山工人运动

    Deng Pei and the Labor Movement in Tangshan

  22. 工人运动的发展极大地促进了这一制度的建立,费边社会主义、集体主义和新自由主义为英国现代社会保障制度的建立提供了理论基础。

    Its theoretical basis was the Fabian Socialism , the Collectivism and the New Liberalism .

  23. 这些年来,美国的工人运动已取得巨大的进展。

    During these years the labour movement of the United States has made great progress .

  24. 党的创始人李大钊与工人运动

    Li Dazhao , the Founder of the Communist Party of China and the Working Class Movement

  25. 从这时起,它立即找到它在美国工人运动中走上统治地位的道路。

    From this point it soon fought its way to dominance in the American labor movement .

  26. 我们党是马克思列宁主义与中国工人运动相结合的产物。

    Our Party is a product of integration of Marxism-Leninism with the Chinese workers ' movement .

  27. 因此,工人运动必须有自己的指导思想、领导者、组织力量。

    Therefore , the workers ' movement must have their guiding ideology , organization , leader force .

  28. 论党在早期工人运动中解决帮会问题的策略

    The Chinese Communist Party 's Solutions to the Problem of Gang Groups during The Early Labor Movements

  29. 长辛店&北方工人运动的重要发源地

    Changxindian & An Important Place of Origin of the Working Class Movement in the North of China

  30. 美国工人运动和社会主义无关吗

    American labor movement and socialism