
  • 网络flow assurance
  1. 基于流动保障的海底油气管道安全策略与技术

    The security strategy and technology of subsea oil and gas pipeline based on flow assurance

  2. 易导致井喷、水合物阻塞等流动保障安全性问题。

    Flow assurance and security problems such as blowout , plugging of hydrate are prone to be caused .

  3. 本文也将讨论油气生产系统的可操作性等问题以及流动保障和生产系统各部分的联系。

    The operability and system issues , as well asinterfacing with other components of the development , will be discussed .

  4. 水合物与能源开采、流动保障、运输、全球气候变迁以及安全问题密切相关,因而受到了广泛的关注。

    Hydrate has attracted worldwide attention because of its close association with energy recovery , flow assurance , transportation , climate change and safety issues .

  5. 金融深化为社会资源优化配置和产业结构调整提供了流动性保障,因而对新兴市场和转型经济具有特别重要的意义。

    The deepening of finance has ensured the liquidity for the optimized collocation of social resources and the adjustment of industry structure , so it palys a significant role in the new market and the transition of the economy .

  6. 城市流动人口社会保障体系的研究

    Research on the Social Security System of Floating Population in Cities

  7. 论人力资源流动与社会保障制度

    On the Human Resource flow and Social Security System

  8. 然而企业的正常运转必须要有一定的流动资产作为保障。

    But a enterprise needs some current assets to ensure its daily operation .

  9. 流动人口医疗保障是城市发展中遇到的重要问题。

    The medical security of floating population is an important issue in developing cities .

  10. 深圳市流动人口健康保障现状及政策分析

    The Situation and Policy Analyses for Health Insurance of Influent Population in Shenzhen City

  11. 农村金融服务能为生产要素流动提供有力保障。

    Financial services in rural areas can provide effective protection for the flow of production .

  12. 最后,根据回归结果及前文论述,有针对性的对人口流动条件下保障性住房建设提出政策改进和优化建议。

    At last , according to the regression result , proposed improved proposal from make policy and policy optimization .

  13. 人力资源流动和社会保障制度一样,都是市场经济的伴随物,它们与国民经济发展的关系越来越密切。

    The human resource flow and social security system are the things from market economy . They have a close relation with national economy development .

  14. 当前要着力做好以下四方面工作:改革用人制度,确立人才合理流动的社会保障机制;

    At present , four aspects of work must be done well : reforming the personnel system , establishing social secure mechanism of reasonable brain drain ;

  15. 改革与完善这一制度应坚持有利于人才流动、基本保障与政府补助相结合等原则,明确目标定位,采取统一国家立法,提高保障水平,建立代理机制和争议解决机制等措施。

    We should hold to the principle of combining talent mobility , basic security and government subsidy , make clear the target positioning and adopt unified national legislation to improve security level .

  16. 普查登记的主要内容包括:姓名、性别、年龄、民族、国籍、受教育程度、行业、职业、迁移流动、社会保障、婚姻、生育、死亡、住房情况等。

    The contents include name , gender , age , nation , nationality , education level , profession , work , migration , social security , marriage , birth , death and housing .

  17. 因此,建构流动人口权益保障机制,防止相对剥夺感加剧,对减少预防流动人口犯罪刻不容缓。

    Therefore , it 's extremely urgent to construct the rights and benefits guaranteeing mechanism of floating population to avoid the becoming fiercer of feeling of relative deprivation and decrease crimes committed by floating population .

  18. 本文分析了农村人口老龄化的成因及农村人口流动、社会保障、人口分布、农村收入水平引起的人口老龄化问题,最后提出解决相应问题的一些具体措施。

    This article analyses the causes of population aging advent in rural area and the problems caused by the population movement , the social security , population distribution and income . Finally , it gives some measures in detail .

  19. 当前应充分关注流动人口社会保障及其子女教育问题,并且以社区作为载体,在加强对流动人口管理的同时,应充分利用社区资源为他们服务。

    We must pay close attention to the social security of floating population and their children 's education , and regard the community as the carrier so as to strengthen the floating population administration and to fully take use of community resources for them .

  20. 在危机发生前两年,由AZ、BB(流动负债经营现金保障系数)、BC三项指标构成的模型误判率为14.52%。

    While in two year before the crisis , the model composed by AZ , BC and BB ( current liability coverage ratio by the operational cash ) shows an errordifferentiation ratio at14.52 % .

  21. 流动人口的社会保障:一个文献综述

    A Literature Review on the Conference of Floating Population Social Security

  22. 人才流动中的社会保障因素&以苏州工业园区为考察对象

    Social Security Factor in the Floating of Professionals & Regard Suzhou Industrial Park as the Target of Investigating

  23. 技术势差、技术廊道是全球技术空间体系形成的必要条件,而知识产权保护是保证技术流动长盛不衰的制度保障。

    With the acceleration of globalization and the advancement of the science and technology revolution , the global spatial system of technology has gradually come into being .

  24. 这种流动一方面加剧了城市的发展,另一方面则衍生出一个新的问题:流动人口如何保障其宪法权利的有效实施。

    This flow has intensified the development of the city , on the other hand , derived a new problem : How to guarantee the effective implementation of the constitutional rights of the floating population is a big challenge for us .