
chōu yàng
  • sample;specimen;samples draw
抽样 [chōu yàng]
  • [sample] 从统计总体中,任意抽出一部分单位作为样本,并以其结果推算总体的相应指标

抽样[chōu yàng]
  1. 该调查在英格兰和威尔士随机抽样了2,000人。

    The survey used a random sample of two thousand people across England and Wales

  2. 这是一份抽样工作,报酬很多。

    It was a sample job and the reward was so large .

  3. 在被抽样调查的孩子中,12%说他们喜欢猫胜过喜欢狗。

    12 % of the children sampled said they prefer cats to dogs .

  4. 你们一定收到了质量低劣产品的到货抽样。

    No doubt you 've received the outturn samples of the inferior quality goods .

  5. 加强进口冷链食品新冠病毒风险监测截至2021年1月13日24时,全国海关共抽样检测样本近130万个,检出核酸阳性结果47个。

    By Wednesday , approximately 1.3 million cold-chain products had been sampled for nucleic acid testing , with 47 tested positive .

  6. N(0,1)随机变量的一个快速抽样方法

    Fast density & resolving sample method for n ( 0,1 ) random variate

  7. 利用人口GIS,可以拓宽抽样调查和专项调查应用领域;

    Broaden the applications of sampling investigation and special investigation ;

  8. LED显示屏检测的抽样方法探讨

    Research on Sampling method of Testing LED Display

  9. 抽样率转换的分数阶Fourier域分析

    Analysis of Sampling - Rate Conversion in the Fractional Fourier Domain

  10. 开关电流(SI)技术是一种新的模拟抽样数据处理技术。

    Switched current circuit ( SI ) is a new technique for analog sampled data processing .

  11. 基于抽样和BloomFilters的长流检测

    Elephant Flow Detection Based on Sample and Bloom Filters

  12. 遗传算法在FIR滤波器设计&频率抽样法中的应用

    An Application of Genetic Algorithms in FIR Filter Design with Frequency Sampling Method

  13. 报文抽样技术是高速网络流量测量和网络QoS管理中使用的一项关键技术。

    Packet sampling measurement is a key technique in high-speed network traffic measurement and QoS monitoring .

  14. 用Excel制作统计随机抽样教学课件

    Making Statistic Random Sampling Teaching Courseware with Excel

  15. 利用线性抽样方法重建Dirichlet边界条件声波散射区域

    Linear Sampling Method for Reconstructing the Acoustic Scattering Region with Dirichlet Boundary

  16. 经典的Shannon抽样定理有许多应用和推广。

    The classical Shannon sampling theorem has resulted in many applications and generalizations .

  17. 神经型烟碱性胆碱能受体α4亚单位基因多态位点1860(C→T)与吸烟的相关性以流行病学和病例调查为基础的抽样调查

    Correlation of polymorphisms in the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha 4 subunit gene 1860 ( C → T ) with cigarette smoking : Sampling survey based on epidemiology and case investigation

  18. 其抽样方案有E-mail地址抽样、固定样本抽样、弹出窗口式抽样、预先电话抽样、完全分开式抽样等等。

    The sampling plan includes E-mail address samples , fixed samples , pop-up windows , telephone samples in advance and complete open samples .

  19. 由于可靠度无法获得实测值,本文用MonteCarlo抽样分析方法来作为校核,验证改进JC法的计算精度。

    Because reliability can 't be determined in practice , the paper uses Monte Carlo Method as the revision .

  20. 关于二次抽样方案的ASN的极值

    On the extreme values of asn 's of double sampling plans

  21. 文献[2]中给出了抽样分布为二项分布、先验分布为Beta分布的Bayes决策准则。

    The Bayes decision criterion of sample distridution as binomial distridution and prior distribution as Beta distribution is given in document ( 2 ) .

  22. PPS系统抽样设计是国际上比较流行的设计,它在实践中有着广泛的应用。

    Systematic PPS sampling design is a kind of popular design in the world that is widely applied in practice .

  23. 方法:按国际牙齿美学指数(DAI)调查项目及标准,采用随机抽样方法,对330名12~18岁学生进行测量计算。

    Methods : Three hundred and thirty students were investigated according to the standards of the Dental Aesthetic Index ( DAI ) survey .

  24. T&P-Ⅲ分布的累积概率值p是由数表给出,具体做法是由给定的Cs值和抽样数据x的标准化变量φ值在数表中查得p值。

    T - the numerical table giving P-values , cumulative probabilities of the P - ⅲ distribution according to given Cs and φ - values , standardized variables of the sample data , x 's.

  25. 在Fourier关系下,通过抽样一个给定的阵列图,就能使用FFT(快速Fourier变换)得到其近似连续的阵列分布。

    Under the Fourier relation , we can use the FFT ( Fast Fourier Transform ) to obtain the nearly continuous array distribution by sampling a given array factor .

  26. 方法:整群抽样选取黑龙江省9个市(地)为样本地,利用SPSS统计分析1993~2002年病残儿医学鉴定情况。

    Methods : The data from medical expertise of disable infants were selected in nine cities of Heilongjiang from 1993 to 2002 and were studied by SPSS .

  27. 目的探讨西安市老年人日常生活活动能力(ADL)受损情况及其主要影响因素,方法通过分层整群抽样。

    To explore the damage of the activity of daily living ( ADL ) of the elderly in Xi'an and its influencing factors .

  28. 系统页级抽样优于全表扫描或贝努里(Bernoulli)抽样的地方是它节省了I/O。

    The benefit of system page-level sampling over a full table scan or Bernoulli sampling is the savings in I / O.

  29. 文中介绍了基于lagrange算子的成形滤波器的设计方法,并与窗函数和频率抽样设计进行了比较。

    This paper introduces the design of the pluse-shaping filter based on the Lagrange multiplier and compares it with the methods of the windows and the frequency sampling .

  30. 用基于曲率抽样的拓扑矩形阵列进行NURBS曲面拟合并用多点成形方法成形工件;

    Non-uniform rational b-spline ( NURBS ) surface fitting based on an extracted topology array was made and the method of multi-point forming was used to form parts .