
  1. imf建议,所有金融机构根据自身债务规模(减去一级资本和担保存款额)支付税款。

    The IMF recommends making all financial institutions pay the levy based on the size of their liabilities , minus tier one capital and insured deposits .

  2. 一种更激进的建议是允许无担保存款银行的存在。

    A more radical proposal would be to allow non-insured deposit banks .

  3. 他想阻止银行使用政府担保存款来做风险性投资。

    He wants to prevent banks from using government-insured deposits to make risky investments .

  4. 诚然,今年3月底时,其结余只剩下130亿美元,仅占被担保存款的0.27%,远远低于法定最低限度。

    True , its balance fell to $ 13bn at the end of March , or just 0.27 per cent of insured deposits well below the statutory minimum .

  5. 主导世界经济论坛讨论的问题之一就是自营交易,以及奥巴马政府可能限制吸纳有担保存款的银行进行此类交易。

    One issue that dominated discussion at the WEF was proprietary trading and a putative move by the Obama administration to ban the activity at banks that take insured deposits .

  6. 达到13万美元的合法担保存款将转入运营良好的银行,而剩下大部分存款人的资金将用来偿还不良投资。

    Legally guaranteed deposits of up to $ 130000 would be spun off into healthy banks , while much of the rest of depositors ' money would go towards paying off the toxic investments .

  7. 根据去年12月财长们达成的协议,成员国应在10年内建立清算基金,覆盖所有担保存款的约1%,即550亿欧元左右。

    Under the deal agreed in December , member states would build up a resolution fund over 10 years , covering about 1 per cent of all insured deposits , which amount to about € 55bn .

  8. 禁止零售银行从事自营交易,将防止国家担保的存款被用作金融赌场中的筹码。

    Banning prop trading by retail banks would prevent state-insured deposits being used as chips in the financial casino .

  9. 他的妙策是,得到担保的存款应由真正安全的流动资产即100%准备金体系作为支持。

    The big idea is that insured deposits should be backed by genuinely safe liquid assets known as 100 per cent reserve banking .

  10. 多德弗兰克法案本意是要将华尔街的高风险业务从大银行转移到对冲基金;大银行有联邦政府担保的存款以及政府暗里的支持。

    Dodd-Frank was supposed to move the risky business of Wall Street out of the really large banks that have federally insured deposits , and , oh yeah , an implied backing from the government , and into hedge funds .

  11. 说这话的比尔艾萨克(BillIsaac)曾担任为美国各银行提供存款担保的联邦存款保险公司(FederalDePositInsuranceCorporation)董事长。

    Said Bill Isaac , former chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , which guarantees deposits at US banks .

  12. 第三,TDI的变更,将适用于来自银行、其它金融机构或资本市场的融资,但不适用于来自得到担保的零售存款的融资。

    Third , the change to TDI would apply to funding from banks and other financial entities or capital market sources but not to funding through insured retail deposits .

  13. 货币供应大部分由政府提供担保的银行存款构成。居民和企业持有这些存款,是因为担忧其它形式投资的流动性和安全性。

    The money supply consists largely of government-insured bank deposits that households and businesses are holding because of a concern about the liquidity and safety of other forms of investment .

  14. 其它国家已采取措施,以避免民众挤兑银行。冰岛、德国和英国提高由政府担保的银行存款限额。

    Other countries have taken steps to keep people from withdrawing money from banks . Ireland , Germany and Britain increased the limit of bank deposits guaranteed by their governments .

  15. 但混业的主要理由是财务上的:由纳税人担保的无息存款基础使交叉补贴成为可能。

    But the main logic was financial : the cross subsidy made possible by a passive deposit base guaranteed by the taxpayer .