
  • 网络loughborough;Loughborough College
  1. 来自拉夫堡和伯明翰的研究团队预测,将这一信息显示在食品包装上,可减少人均每天200卡路里的摄入量,他们说这足以降低英国的肥胖水平。

    The team from Loughborough and Birmingham predict displaying this information on food packaging could cut around 200 calories from a person 's daily average intake3 , which they say would be enough to bring down obesity4 levels in the UK .

  2. 拉夫堡大学(Loughboroughuniversity)的科学家们编制了一份人体汗液图。

    Scientists at Loughborough University have compiled a sweat map of the human body .

  3. 她最近的一次骨折发生在去年11月,当时她赶往拉夫堡大学(Loughboroughuniversity,她在此攻读地理)上课的途中,不慎被街道的路边石滑了一下,造成脚踝骨折。

    Her last break was in November when she slipped off a kerb on her way to lectures at Loughborough University , where she is studying geography .

  4. 作为拉夫堡大学(loughboroughuniversity)商业与经济学院院长,他很高兴自己一名即将毕业的博士生收到了英国一所学校的聘函。

    As Dean of business and economics at Loughborough University , he was pleased that one of his graduating doctoral students was offered a lecturing position at a UK school .

  5. 拉夫堡大学的本科毕业生、21岁的戴西·琼斯意识到,在Facebook上消磨时间正威胁到她的成绩,这促使她注销了个人账户。

    Daisy Jones , 21 , an undergraduate in her final year at Loughborough University , realized the time she was spending on Facebook was threatening her grades - prompting her to deactivate her account .

  6. 拉夫堡大学(Loughboroughuniversity)的海伦德雷克(HelenDrake)指出,法国政府为了设定2025年国家目标而委托制定的皮萨尼-费里(Pisani-Ferry)报告,念念不忘地将法国与其他国家进行基准对比。

    The Pisani-Ferry report , commissioned by the government to set national targets for 2025 , obsessively benchmarks France against other countries , notes Helen Drake of Loughborough University .

  7. 他获得了布拉德福EMBA学位,是英格兰中部城市拉夫堡教区副主教,负责管理180所教堂的100名英国国教教士。但是,哈克伍德对自己学位的价值从不怀疑。

    He is Archdeacon of Loughborough , in central England , with responsibility for 100 Anglican clergy in 180 churches . But Mr Hackwood has no doubt of the value of his Bradford EMBA .

  8. 拉夫堡大学健身运动心理学专家StuartBiddle教授说道,英国现在很多人都进入了不运动和久坐行列。

    Prof Stuart Biddle , an expert in exercise psychology at Loughborough University , said a lot of people in the UK now fall into the category of inactive or sedentary .

  9. 英国拉夫堡大学体育科技研究小组担任了普天同庆的设计任务。

    The Sports Technology Research Group at Englands Loughborough University designed the ball .

  10. 1994年在英国拉夫堡大学获博士学位。

    Chen Changmin received a doctor degree from Loughborough University , the UK , in1994 .

  11. 亚军来自英国的拉夫堡大学,他们应用的是化学工程原理。

    The runner-up , from Loughborough University in Britain , brings chemical-engineering principles to bear .

  12. 拉夫堡大学教授汤姆·杰克逊说道,“寡廉鲜耻”的男性比女性更有可能采取这些不正当的诡计。

    Men who ' have no shame ' are far more likely to engage these underhand tactics than women , according to Professor Tom Jackson of Loughborough University .

  13. 拉夫堡大学进行了一项研究,14名男性骑了一个小时的自行车,另外还泡了一个小时的热水澡(40℃)。

    In a study carried out by Loughborough University , 14 men were sent out on a one-hour bicycle ride and also given a one-hour soak at 104F .

  14. 来自拉夫堡大学的生化学专家迈克格里森教授,基于其在该领域过去十年的研究得出:适度运动最有利于免疫系统发挥作用。

    Professor Mike Gleeson , an expert in biochemistry at Loughborough University , concluded from examining the last 10 years of research in this area that moderate exertion is best for the immune system .

  15. 来自拉夫堡大学体育运动与健康科学学院的里维斯詹姆斯博士说:我们的研究表明下午的混合浆果点心减少了晚餐能量的摄入。

    Dr Lewis James , from the School of Sport , Exercise and Health Sciences at Loughborough University , said : ' Our research shows an afternoon snack of mixed berries decreases energy intake at dinner .

  16. 英国拉夫堡大学运动心理学家司徒雷登-比德尔教授表示,久坐还是减慢人体的新陈代谢,从而最终导致肥胖,但若能每半小时就站起来活动一下,这将大大减轻长时间坐着所造成的不良影响。

    Sitting slows the metabolism , which can eventually cause obesity . But getting up every half an hour can dramatically reduce the bad effects , says Professor Stuart Biddle , an exercise psychologist at Loughborough University .

  17. “体温的适当降低有助于放松和睡眠。”拉夫堡大学睡眠研究中心吉姆•霍恩教授说。

    This time to watch TV to relax , to help sleep , but it should be noted that , as far as possible not to watch TV in bed , it will affect the quality of sleep .

  18. 海明威。拉夫堡大学心理生理学教授吉姆?霍恩说:“夜猫子通常是更外向、更具创造力的人,如诗人、艺术家和发明家,而早起的人则是善于推断的人,多见于公务员(微博)和会计师。”

    Jim Horne , professor of psychophysiology at Loughborough University , said : ' Evening types tend to be the more extrovert creative types , the poets , artists and inventors , while the morning types are the deducers , as often seen with civil servants and accountants . "

  19. 吉姆•霍恩,拉夫堡大学睡眠研究中心的心理生理学教授,说:在今天社会‘睡眠债’的潜在危险以及需要‘每晚八小时睡眠’往往被夸大,会导致过度忧虑。

    Jim Horne , professor of psychophysiology at Loughborough University 's Sleep Research Centre , said : The potential perils of ' sleep debt ' in today 's society and the need for ' eight hours of sleep a night ' are often overplayed and can cause undue worry .

  20. 并不是如此:拉夫堡大学一项研究表明,泡一个40度的热水澡能消耗140卡热量(一天热量摄入为2000卡,这几乎占了全天的7%了),而且泡一个小时能多消耗80%的能量,同时降低血糖。

    Not so : a Loughborough University study revealed that a steamy bath of 40c can melt away 140 calories ( that 's a significant 7 percent of a daily allowance of 2000 ) , and that sitting in one for an hour causes an 80 percent increase in energy expenditure , lowering blood glucose levels as a result .