
  • 网络group teaching;group instruction;Teaching in Small Group;team teaching;small group education
  1. 护理教学建立小组教学干预模式的探索

    Research of building a group teaching intervention model in nursing education

  2. 普通高校体育课合作小组教学理论分析

    Analysis on Cooperative Group Teaching Theory of Sport Class in University

  3. 尊重个体、关注个体的小组教学。

    Respect and cooperation among peers are expanded through individual and small group interaction .

  4. 高职高专英语教学中小组教学与学生自主性学习的研究

    Research on Small-group Teaching of English and Students ' Autonomous Learning in High Vocation Colleges

  5. 根据他的发现,特里斯曼建议运用小组教学法授课。

    On the basis of his findings , Treisman suggested teaching group-study methods in the course .

  6. 开放教育的小组教学

    Group Teaching in Open Education

  7. 小组教学在高职理论课堂教学中的试验与探索

    An Application and Exploration of " Group Teaching " In Theoretical Classroom Teaching of Advanced Vocational Education

  8. 第二,实施写作小组教学策略有利于提高学生的主体意识;

    Fulfilling the Strategy of Literacy Community enhances helpfully to develop the self - consciousness of the students .

  9. 小组教学是人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点工作中教学模式改革的有益尝试。

    Group Teaching is a renovated teaching mode in Talent training mode renovation and open education pilot project .

  10. 小组教学适应开放教育学员的实际,能有效地提高教学质量和学习效率。

    It meets the student 's needs and can improve the teaching quality and insure a more efficient learning .

  11. 初步形成了思想政治参与式小组教学的实践策略。

    Moreover , it basically forms the practical strategy of the thought politics for way of participation for teaching by small groups .

  12. 随着对英语交际能力需求的与日俱增,在英语教学课堂上组织小组教学活动日益受到师生的欢迎。

    With the increasing demand for communicative competence in English , organizing small group activities has become increasingly popular in EFL classrooms .

  13. 个别辅导和小组教学因能为学生提供充分的指导和策略操练,其干预效应较高;

    Big effect size may be obtained by individual or group instruction because students are provided with sufficient guidance and strategy practice .

  14. 合作性学习是有指导性地使用小组教学,让学生们在一起学习,从而使所有学生的学习效果最大化。

    In cooperative learning , students study in groups with teacher 's direction , so that all the students have best study effects .

  15. 小组教学要突出开放教育网络条件下教师导学、导修,学生自主学习、个别化学习的特点。

    Group teaching should focus on the guidance of the teacher , the learning impulse of the students , and the characteristics of each individuals .

  16. 教师教学风格总体偏爱倾向从高到低分布依次为:触觉教学,小组教学,视觉教学,个人教学,动觉教学和听觉教学。

    The general features of teachers ' teaching styles were tactile teaching , group teaching , visual teaching , individual teaching , kinesthetic teaching and auditory teaching . 3 .

  17. 形成发展性档案袋促进学生全面参与&小组教学在学前教育专业《学前卫生学》教学中的应用探索(评价部分)

    Forming Developing Method-Portfolio Assessments Advancing the Participation of All the Students & An Applied Research of Group Teaching in Preschool Hygienics Classroom Teaching of High Vocational Education ( Evaluation Department )

  18. 协同教学主要在于教师教学形态的改变,有利于发挥每个教师专长,也有利于教学活动形式多样化,把大班教学、小组教学和个别教学组合起来。

    Team Teaching is the main form of change that will help every teacher expertise , but also conducive to the forms of teaching and learning activities , the large classes , individual and group teaching combined teaching .

  19. 本文以高职理论课教学改革试验为基础,试图探讨基础教育新课改实施背景下,小组教学在高职教学中的应用问题。

    This paper , based on the reform of theoretical teaching in advanced vocational education , is to explore the using of group teaching in advanced vocational education under the background of the reform of new courses of basic education .

  20. 参与式小组教学是一种有效的手段,可以激发学生潜能,塑造具有健全人格和适应未来发展需要的综合素质较高的创新型人才。

    The way of participation for teaching by small groups is an effective means . By doing so , it can stimulate potential of students and shape talented people with sound personality and higher comprehensive quality which adjusts to developing needs in the future .

  21. 吉莉最早产生这个念头,是在以小组协同教学方式进行的大学先修课程(AdvancedPlacement)世界史的课堂上。这堂课探讨的是领导力的作用。

    She got the idea in her team-taught Advanced Placement world history class , which explores the role of leadership .

  22. 临床技能学习中心的建立,使教学功能单位充分模拟实际医疗环境,为小组讨论教学、技能模拟实践,OSCE提供了手段和场所。

    The construction of clinical skills learning center makes teaching function units to simulate actual medical environments , offers means and locations for group discussing , simulating skills trainings and OSCE .

  23. 基于合作学习理论、建构主义理论、需求学说以及交互理论,本研究尝试一种高中英语课堂小组活动教学模式(PPRE)。

    Based on theories like the Cooperative Learning Theory , Constructivism , the Hierarchy of Needs Theory and the Interactive Theory , this study attempts to propose a model for group work instruction ( PPRE ) in the Chinese senior-high English classroom .

  24. 高师声乐小组课教学改革初探

    Reform in Group Teaching of Vocal Music in Teachers Colleges

  25. 小组自主教学法在《小组工作》教学中的应用

    Application of the Group Self-teaching Method in the " Group Work " Curriculum

  26. 高中生物学小组创新教学的理论与实践研究

    A study on theory and practice of group creative teaching in the teaching of senior biology

  27. 本论文主要探索在现行初中英语课堂教学中开展小组合作教学的可行性。

    This thesis aims at probing into the feasibility of applying cooperative learning in groups to the junior English class .

  28. 从教学实践出发探讨小组活动教学模式在英语课上的应用。

    From the angle of the teaching practice , the essay discusses the teaching mode of group work in English class .

  29. 第二部分主要谈小组合作教学在实践中的有效实施,分别从合作教学的准备、合作学习的内容、目标和分组、合作学习的策略进行阐述。

    The second part mainly explains effective practice of group consortium teaching with preparation , content and strategy of consortium teaching .

  30. 目的设计以问题为中心的病案小组讨论教学法,在临床核医学核素治疗见习的教学实践中进行验证和评价。

    Objective To design the teaching method of case-study team on problem-based learning , and verify and evaluate its teaching practice in clinical nuclear medicine .