
xiǎo pú tao
  • Small grape;grapelet
小葡萄[xiǎo pú tao]
  1. 勃艮第以很少易手的小葡萄园而闻名。

    Burgundy is known for small vineyards that rarely change hands .

  2. 主要在加里佛尼亚种植的黑色小葡萄;从欧洲移植而来。

    Small black grape grown chiefly in California ; transplanted from Europe .

  3. 当凯特怀孕时,称他是“我们的小葡萄。”

    When she was pregnant Kate referred to him as ' our little grape ' .

  4. 有阳光,也有雨水。对于纤弱的小葡萄是非常适宜的。

    There was sun , and there was rain . Perfect for the tender little grapes .

  5. 把全麦面粉倒入搅拌的容器内在把盐、肉豆蔻、无核小葡萄乾和橘皮蜜饯。

    Put the flour into a mixing bowl and add the salt , nutmeg , currants and candied peel .

  6. 记者对意大利的小葡萄园来说,接下来的两个星期至关重要,园主们正在观测天气,看2003年能否成为一个酿造佳酿的年份。

    CORRESPONDENT For the small vineyards of Italy the next two weeks are crucial , a weather watch to see if the year 2003 will become a vintage year to remember .

  7. 但是,我敢打赌,如果你有这样一个,像小葡萄一样的女儿,那么你肯定会是天底下最幸福的父母,所以,你要知道,此生没有女儿,该是多么的遗憾的事啊!

    But , I bet if you have such a , like small as a vine daughter , then you will be the happiest bereaved parents , so , you know , life has no daughter , how much regret things !

  8. 剂量过小,葡萄容易干梗、褐变、霉烂;

    If dosage is too small , grapes are easy to get sear , go moldy and get brown .

  9. 膨大剂处理以花后15天10ppm的使用效果为最好,能使京亚和京秀葡萄的座果率、单果重、穗重显著增加,而且使果形指数变小,提高葡萄果实的外观品质。

    The best treatments of swelling agent is 10 ppm 15 days after anthesis , fruit-setting rate . single cherry weight and cluster weight were increased significantly , shape index was deceased , the exterior quality of fruit was improved .

  10. 山地小气候对葡萄与葡萄酒的影响

    The effect of microclimate of hilly vineyard on grape and wine quality

  11. 袋内小气候对葡萄质量和产量形成的影响

    Effects of Micro - climate in Bags on Quality and Yield of Grapes

  12. 葡萄:如果深夜你想要寻找些小点心,葡萄不失为一个健康和保湿的选择。

    Grapes : If you 're looking for a finger food to snack on late at night , grapes are a healthy and hydrating option .

  13. 它符合烟台地区经济比较发达,有荒山坡地、海边荒滩可以开发小规模的葡萄园实际情况,能够发挥酿酒葡萄的规模效益,有利于新技术的推广,生产出高质量的酿酒葡萄。

    It corresponds actual situation in Yantai which holds developed economy and possesses uncultivated hillside and seashore to develop small scale vineyard . It takes advantage of benefit from large scale wine grape production , and be beneficial to popularize new techniques and to produce high quality wine grape .

  14. 然而,新闻报道中经常提到的出口至中国内地和香港的波尔多(Bordeaux)葡萄酒中,有四分之一来自几乎不可能被视为小作坊的大型葡萄庄园。

    Yet the one-quarter of exported Bordeaux that headlines its wine sales to China and Hong Kong comes from big-production vineyards that can hardly be deemed artisanal .

  15. 我要一些茄子,小黄瓜,红葡萄和豌豆。

    I want some eggplant , cucumbers , carrots and peas .

  16. 山地小生态及其对葡萄生长发育影响的研究

    Local Ecology of Hilly Country and Its Effect on Vine Growth and Development

  17. 犹大把小驴拴在葡萄树上,把驴驹拴在美好的葡萄树上。他在葡萄酒中洗了衣服,在葡萄汁中洗了袍褂。

    He will tether his donkey to a vine , his colt to the choicest branch ; he will wash his garments in wine , his robes in the blood of grapes .