
  • 网络Bin Laden
  1. 凯雷投资集团要过多少时间,才会考虑重新接纳本•拉登家族?

    How much time would have to pass before Carlyle would consider letting the bin Laden family back into its fold ?

  2. 他父亲的名声意味着他是富裕和强大的本。拉登家族的放逐者,并处在沙特阿拉伯保安部门的密切监视中。

    His father 's reputation means that he has been ostracised by the wealthy and powerful bin Laden family and is under surveillance by the security services in Saudi Arabia .

  3. 到了2001年10月底,本•拉登家族和凯雷共同切断了财务联系。

    By the end of October 2001 , the bin Ladens and Carlyle mutually severed their financial ties .

  4. 本•拉登家族沙特建筑业巨头,很早以前就与现已死亡的奥萨马•本•拉登断绝了关系曾投资至少一支凯雷基金,并在凯雷的几个私募股权业务中也有投资。

    The bin Ladens Saudi construction magnates who long ago disowned the now-deceased Osama once were investors in at least one Carlyle fund , alongside its investments in several other private equity vehicles .

  5. 事实上,本拉登的家族。

    In fact , the bin Laden family was invested .

  6. 美国政府对这种双边紧张关系的回应是,根据巴基斯坦对美国在该地区打击本拉登及其家族上的合作程度,来提供安全援助。

    The White House has responded to the bilateral chill by making security aid contingent on Pakistani co-operation with American efforts in the region against al-Qaeda and its ilk .